This dating coach. Chase, slept with a lot of women, has an article that women love sex.
“Women love sex. They love it. If it makes you uncomfortable to read that, or you think it isn’t true – good. That’s why I’m telling you. When they have a chance at intimacy with an attractive man who knows what he’s doing, it can be four or five times more pleasurable for them than it can ever be for a man. And just like men, women get horny and go through dry spells and get desperate for the release of relations and have one-night stands with people they aren’t all that into sometimes and allow themselves to be swept off their feet and taken off into a whirlwind romance that “just happens.”
A lot of guys don’t believe this. A lot of guys think things like, “Women don’t really like sex,” or, “Women have to really like a guy to sleep with him,” or, “Women won’t sleep with a guy until they know they’re in a relationship.” Or, they hold an even more insidious belief: “Yeah, women hook up fast with some guys, but I’m just not the kind of guy they do that with.”
Take all these beliefs and throw them in the garbage because, well, that’s where they belong.
Women are not the chaste virginal saints society often portrays them as. Women aren’t perfect models of restraint and virtue. Rather, they’re regular people just like men.
Women love sex. That's not a bad thing, like some men think if they've gone a long time without sex only to find that in fact women are having more sex than they imagined (as are other many other men). All it means is that a little tweaking is in order to bring your mentality more in line with the way of the world, and your behavior and action patterns too.
Before you know it, you're one of those guys women love sex with - a lot - as well.

Book Excerpts: Women Love Sex
There are a few key differences between a man who's confident and experienced with women and one who's neither confident nor experienced with women. One of those differences is the confident, experienced man's approach and demeanor: he knows how to act in a way that will most attract women to...

“Women love sex. They love it. If it makes you uncomfortable to read that, or you think it isn’t true – good. That’s why I’m telling you. When they have a chance at intimacy with an attractive man who knows what he’s doing, it can be four or five times more pleasurable for them than it can ever be for a man. And just like men, women get horny and go through dry spells and get desperate for the release of relations and have one-night stands with people they aren’t all that into sometimes and allow themselves to be swept off their feet and taken off into a whirlwind romance that “just happens.”
A lot of guys don’t believe this. A lot of guys think things like, “Women don’t really like sex,” or, “Women have to really like a guy to sleep with him,” or, “Women won’t sleep with a guy until they know they’re in a relationship.” Or, they hold an even more insidious belief: “Yeah, women hook up fast with some guys, but I’m just not the kind of guy they do that with.”
Take all these beliefs and throw them in the garbage because, well, that’s where they belong.
Women are not the chaste virginal saints society often portrays them as. Women aren’t perfect models of restraint and virtue. Rather, they’re regular people just like men.
Women love sex. That's not a bad thing, like some men think if they've gone a long time without sex only to find that in fact women are having more sex than they imagined (as are other many other men). All it means is that a little tweaking is in order to bring your mentality more in line with the way of the world, and your behavior and action patterns too.
Before you know it, you're one of those guys women love sex with - a lot - as well.