But the next part of your answer lies in modern day.
Modern society sucks in a way
It has escewed much of what nature has programmed into us, made us confused.
That is what that theory of all things devles into a bit as well.
So why would anyone visit a site like this? Is it because you are pathetic?
No you just need some answers to what modern day living has confused you about.
My story. Before i came here i had perhaps 70% of the answers to women in a broad range of categories. However, the other 30% lay in some pretty major - and minor - areas that governed my sucess.
I am a man. But god forbid that i can be one to my full potential in this society. If there is not a problem with me, it will be a problem with the girl. Read the dj bible, its pretty acurate, within it are a lot of things....but they are just topping....what those things do on an internal level to a women is what you should be doing naturally to a women, just by being born. The multiplier or probability factor should only come into it depending on how strong an individual you are, your character, strength and genes.
Modern society has made it hard. Blame that french guy who wrote that book that started the french revolution, and the very same book that changed western civilization forever since we based our modern standard of living on the beginings of capitalization...which has only served to dilute us men even further be indirect means. I mean, advertising, etc. Making us want what we normally wouldn't want, putting pressures on people, the whole shebang.
Anyway....point is, you are here because you either havnt got a clue, are just interested, or would like to know more of how to do what you were meant to do under the laws of the universe.
So what attracts a women? A real man does. Whats a real man? Don't ask me. No one ever told me, not my father not my older brothers, not my friends. It was meant to be shown to me through example....except their manliness has been diluted through one way or another - by society or themselves over the course of their lives. In the last few generations things have only gotten worse with feminists and the whole lot. I can rant on here because this is the place for it...out in the real world i just deal with it.
But the funny thing is, since i was never told or shown, and now i know just a little bit more, it doesnt matter how i know it, it just matters that i do.
And in my head its more of a state of being than anything.
Now i will answer your question, but the background is good for it....Those doctors....are they REAL men? Average looking women with them....
am i the manliest man i can be? what is a real man.
There is no exact answer but the best general thing is this. A real man is a born barbarian in modern day clothing who is civilised and cultured (which includes intelligence)
Too often we leave out the barbarian part. Hot sex is best suited to the barbarian in us all, and funnily enough, sex is what drives the world. Yet even modern day living has confused that part in us.
When i was younger, a few years ago, i thought preferencial sex was when i was being nice and easy to the girl....hahahahahahahahaha...yeh, over time i worked out it wasn't.
Thing with evolution is that a doctor may be on a higher level of education than the rest of us, but does it mean he is genetically great apart from his ability to retain information and his ability to have practiced the culmination of medical arts built up and passed down over thousands of years by OTHER men to himself?
Never forget that spin on the world. It exists.
Point is, women are not attracted to the culmination of men's efforts in culture from then to the modern day....thats all relitively new, they are attracted to what was already in place millions of years ago....and the closest thing i can refer to by is barbaric or primitive behavior. It just so happens that we have a primitive part of our brain left over from those times that hasn't changed much at all in its contents.
It all comes back to the hunter. Its in the dj bible too. great read that, in the boot camp, good read.
You go grab a big muscled, intelligent, man, who does what he wants, who can hold a conversation, who will not be swayed on what he wants to do in the moment by anyone, who is courageous and brave and confident, who doesnt treat people bad, and is fit, and any women will want to fvck him.
Therfore, he can marry any women he wants.
Those base qualities can be simultated by other means, giving much like the same results.
Maybe the doctors you saw were not trying hard enough, or maybe their idea of attraction is different to yours for whatever reasons.
Dont forget that genes are one thing, but environment also has at least a 30-40% sway on how a human grows.
Women are just looking for what they were always looking for - the strongest and toughest bad ass male available. Back in the hunter gatherer days, that lasted for millions of years compared to our modern 200 or 7000 depending on how you look at it, thats what it is. And it all is linked with sex in the centre of it all.
No wonder we are confused. They are even using sex to sell stuff that isnt about sex. what type of message does that send.
There was an interesting story about stone henge and how it was possibly a monument to transport the world back to the days of the hunter-gather....because everything back then was in balance...rather than in an emerging-from neolithic time where people were forced to go onto the farms.
Long story, too long, and its a documentary and the new way of living on famrs and having crops and herds was not as chemically-producing of such things like adrenaline and thrill that hunting did for humans, thus men were unhappy. Mainly due to the role change from hunter to farmer. and over time, women grew less happy because their roles were changed and the men were not pleasing them as much, and vice-versa, so stone henge was the answer, a monument to capture the sun....cos they were religeous as you can imagine and it all had to do with the gods...and all this crap, main point is above.
What makes you happy most? hunting. there is no better thrill than a hunt. Or in modern day terms to a lesser degree a competitive sport.
Be the cultured barbarian.
And just because someone is a doctor doesnt mean they are genetically brilliant. Good on the memory genes and lets thank dad or someone for leading them into that feild.
Its all diverse. The heart of the matter remains the same. If your the best man around and luck favours you in single women, you get the pick.
Obviously those doctors are lacking somewhere, in luck, or in themselves.
But thats life, and whats written by me here is pretty rigid and general and unpolished.
But dems the facts