Women In Their 40's


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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I agree with the Op on this one! True All women have some issues, but the older they get the more issues they accrue. Also, there are many of these older women that in fact DO HAVE small children too.

Take a look at many online profiles of these creatures and you will see they are doing the last ditch effort by souping up their laundry list of qualities they desire. Many if not most of their profiles are laughable in what they are looking for. Guys need to STOP going all AFC with ANY woman and this sort of garbage will come to a halt. A lot of them must have been in a "puppy mill" as well as they have a bunch of kids. I like the ones that have several kids by several different fathers.

Don't fool yourself in believing older women are NOT worse.... In my experience they certainly are and I am starting to reconsider dating younger for that very reason.

Dating when I was younger was fun!! Dating older ones if you are looking for more than a hit it quit it thing is a freaking mess that would give aspirin a headache.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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ArcBound said:
Well a rich man who is a DJ will be able to get the women away from the rich man. So instead of hating on rich American men be a rich man who's a DJ. Or make it so your game is so good that you can steal the women away from the rich men and put the women in their place.

You see in America we have these people, who complain "spicks" "foreigners" are stealing their women. Then we have the nerds complaining the jocks and "muscleheads" are stealing their women. Then we have people complaining all the "thugs" are stealing their women. Then we have you complaining that "rich american men" are stealing "your" women. Don't wish the game were easier wish you were better as ROLLO would say it. I'm going to have to side with the RHCP fan here.
Listen it's not a moral problem or a preference,if a man come in my ground to get my girls cause his women are messed up,fat and unfeminine cause of his behaviour he is not welcome.

Those american i'm talking about never get the girls,their money and their "cool guy behaviour" don't have them getting laid,they just spoil the girls and push their ego beyond any reasonable limit with stupid and undeserved compliments.
I'm not complaining that they steal girls,they just spoil them,you get the difference?
Commonly she find an american sugar daddy,taxi driver and clown and than when he live(without getting any sex most of the time since being a slut it's no accepted as there),she expect us to do this same stuff.
Here you get why some foreigners get beated while looking for girls in some parts of europe not only because they harass engaged girls near their guys in a club.

Your game could be tight as much as you want,if you harass the wrong woman you get beated,not every country push down their men to let their girls to flirt with whoever they want cause "she is free".
Before someone talk me about "being the prize",well feel free to rationalize the way you want,but if someone hit on my girl in front of me he get stabbed,not a matter of self esteem it's territory.
So it's not the tv,try to imagine yourself in our place.

No hate from me anyway americans are 300 millions and i'm sure they have the same percentage of idiots as any other country no more no less, and also if my country was messed up as yours i would look for girls outside it too.
I think everybody should behave the way he want but just don't expect the others to be good guys only cause he is taught to be one.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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Dude La Hollywood Is Exempt

nicksavoy said:
We definitely would beg to differ on this one. You've just got to know what to look for. Cajun & Calabrese did a fantastic (& pretty entertaining) interview on MILFs. (Check it out here: http://www.lovesystems.com/audio/vol-49-milfs-cajun-calabrese)

You really shouldn't knock it til you try it :)
I aM not talking bangin 40 somethings........ am talking entering long term..........ANYONE other than HOLYWOOD douche Knows 40 somethings DO HAVE drama,quirks, pesonality disorders.........they just hide it better.....


U CAN HAVE THEM douche bag


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
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Strelok said:
Listen it's not a moral problem or a preference,if a man come in my ground to get my girls cause his women are messed up,fat and unfeminine cause of his behaviour he is not welcome.

Those american i'm talking about never get the girls,their money and their "cool guy behaviour" don't have them getting laid,they just spoil the girls and push their ego beyond any reasonable limit with stupid and undeserved compliments.
I'm not complaining that they steal girls,they just spoil them,you get the difference?
Commonly she find an american sugar daddy,taxi driver and clown and than when he live(without getting any sex most of the time since being a slut it's no accepted as there),she expect us to do this same stuff.
That's a complete fabrication. I also live in Europe and your post here is the first I have ever seen of this supposed state of things. Never, ever have I seen or heard of Americans trying to pick up European women, and I know people from many different countries. Where do you live anyway? Maybe in some dirt-poor Balkan country where men go for cheap women - I suppose then I wouldn't have heard of it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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Veridin said:
That's a complete fabrication. I also live in Europe and your post here is the first I have ever seen of this supposed state of things. Never, ever have I seen or heard of Americans trying to pick up European women, and I know people from many different countries. Where do you live anyway? Maybe in some dirt-poor Balkan country where men go for cheap women - I suppose then I wouldn't have heard of it.
Before you make fun of my country or any eastern european one,keep in mind that in your country it's you to be the woman.
While your momma is out looking for men and your dad is at home washing clothes,what do you talk about? how some parts of europe are sexist and men go for cheap women?
I'm sure he teach you how equality is the way,so no problem if some foreigner comes and **** and dump your gf,it's fine for you to marry a 100men slvts ;)
Btw do they still make you dress as women for a week at school while kids to kill sexual discrimination?

Before you make fun of other peoples place,just take a look at yours.

The ponytailed center-right finance minister calls himself a feminist, ads for cleaning products rarely feature women as homemakers,
We have a thread about "feminist men",you dumbasses even voted one.

In perhaps the most striking example of social engineering, a new definition of masculinity is emerging.

“Machos with dinosaur values don’t make the top-10 lists of attractive men in women’s magazines anymore.”
A man cleaning the toilet while she's at the phone is the real man now.

In this new world of the sexes, some women complain that Swedish men are too politically correct even to flirt in a bar
No problem there are immigrants who still have some balls to fvck and dump,cause they are not wussy enough to marry the town slvt.

“The only way to achieve equality in society is to achieve equality in the home.
Oranges and apples are equal now,enjoy your way.

Among the self-employed, and in rural and immigrant communities, men are far less likely to take leave, said Nalin Pekgul, chairwoman of the Social Democratic Party’s women’s federation. In her Stockholm suburb, with a large immigrant population, traditional gender roles remain conspicuously intact.
Those are the same men that are fvucking your women,you are too polite to flirt mr nice guy.

Im done here,even if it's funny to put a girl at her place you are not worth the effort,btw feel free to go for any shame tactics,im sure your boss(she) made sure you learned how to.

Ps. short anwer,you never heard any american man pick up girls in your place because they are not stupid enough to waste times on feminazi girls from wester europe.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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Veridin said:
That's a complete fabrication. I also live in Europe and your post here is the first I have ever seen of this supposed state of things. Never, ever have I seen or heard of Americans trying to pick up European women, and I know people from many different countries. Where do you live anyway? Maybe in some dirt-poor Balkan country where men go for cheap women - I suppose then I wouldn't have heard of it.
Nobody wants Swedish females. Yuck. Mostly immigrants and ugly women who dress and act like they want to be men. As an American I see plenty of Swedish men in Riga, Tallinn, and Prague. They visit for the same reason I do - GIRLS. Much better girls in those places. As a straight American male I have no intentions of visiting your country.

As far as American men go...Visit Prague or Kyiv/Kiev. Tons of American men in those places. Look at the girls they date. Much better than any of us could dream of in the West.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
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Strelok said:
Before you make fun of my country or any eastern european one,keep in mind that in your country it's you to be the woman.
While your momma is out looking for men and your dad is at home washing clothes,what do you talk about? how some parts of europe are sexist and men go for cheap women?
I'm sure he teach you how equality is the way,so no problem if some foreigner comes and **** and dump your gf,it's fine for you to marry a 100men slvts
Btw do they still make you dress as women for a week at school while kids to kill sexual discrimination?

Before you make fun of other peoples place,just take a look at yours.
LOL Typical. You are still too much of a coward to say what country you are from. Instead you attack Sweden, making any demonization you can find on your precious friend the internet. I don't even read through it, I stopped reading when you came to the prime minister being a feminist or whatever. OHH, hitting where it hurts, the prime minister! ROTFLOL That shows you know jack sh1t about Sweden.

So what country do you come from honey, where Americans come to take all your women as you say? Come on, don't be a coward, admit where you are.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
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BigJimbo said:
Nobody wants Swedish females. Yuck. Mostly immigrants and ugly women who dress and act like they want to be men. As an American I see plenty of Swedish men in Riga, Tallinn, and Prague. They visit for the same reason I do - GIRLS. Much better girls in those places. As a straight American male I have no intentions of visiting your country.

As far as American men go...Visit Prague or Kyiv/Kiev. Tons of American men in those places. Look at the girls they date. Much better than any of us could dream of in the West.
What a bullsh1t comment that is. "Nobody wants Swedish females." How would you know, you have no knowledge whatsoever about Sweden. And when was the thread about Sweden? Did I hurt your precious feelings by asking the OP what country he came from? Aww, are you protective when it comes to the Balkans? It is funny how it is always Slavic posters on the internet who spew hate over Nordic countries they know nothing about - when all Slavs try to come to Nordic countries.

"As a straight American male I have no intentions of visiting your country." As a loser you wouldn't get any women here anyway, so don't worry. Keep going to Tallinn and Riga where you can get cheap hookers. Really pathetic. Just look at your user name: "Big Jimbo" Yeah, really big I'm sure. Why don't write out your penis size too? LOL Here's a note for you: the cheap prostitutes you get in Tallinn and Riga only praise it because you are paying them. I know, it sucks for you to hear, but that's the truth.

Strange also what a poor grasp you have of logic. You say Swedish men go to the Baltic countries because Swedish women would be ugly and undesirable? LOL Yeah, right. Then you say YOU go to the Baltic countries to buy prostitutes. So wouldn't that mean that by your logic AMERICA also is full of ugly and undesirable women?

Uh-oh. How are you getting out of that one?

Never mind, I don't expect that you have much contact with American women. By your own admission, you have to go to a country with low prices to buy yourself a lay. Pathetic.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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Veridin said:
blabla bla personal attacks here and there from veridin
Are you idiot or what? the minister is nominated in the article it wasn't me to create anything.
Btw I see your point are directed personally,nothing to counter what I said,you only insult me or what you think is my country.
Typical having women bossing all your life made you learn their way,nothing else to add.
Btw feel free to give me some more negative reputation,b*itches solve the problem that way.

Same thing with the reply to Jimbo,only b*itching,shaming and personal attacks,the feminist women are proud of you.
I heard that same bullsh*t about men going with eastern women cause they are prostitutes usually from old women and feminazis,but now I'll add you to the list too.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Single women in their 40's = low hanging fruit.