Actually what's really funny is that comment. You are saying that women don't chase you? Because THAT'S WHAT'S IN the text you quoted.
This is just too funny.
First, pay attention.
Second Western Europe is not the best place to get a non-westernized woman. Better than here, but then the worst place is rumored to be Sweden. Go figure.
Finally the things a non-western woman lacks are things like:
- 20 years of people convincing her she deserves things she doesn't eserve.
- Constant bombarding with media messages from infancy that convince her to believe adult males are evil dolts.
- Peers who will mock her mercilessly if she does not behave like an entitled *****-princess.
Instead she gets:
- A youth spent helping her mother and sisters in doing traditional female tasks like cooking, washing and house keeping
- An example ingrained into her from youth of gracious lovable female behavior.
- A family and peer group that will envy her success if she marries well and then takes care of that household.
Obviously not exhaustive lists but the point should be made. If you doubt it go to rural China and chat up a few girls, or Vietnam or The Philippines or Cuba or Costa Rica. If you haven't been outside the USA for at least 4 weeks at a single stretch, feel free to STFU now.