Women & Feelings and Men & Logic.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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The theme of this article is from personal experience, not philosophy.

To gain a better understanding of women, we must establish a foundation. To begin with, sex remains unknown and undetermined UNTIL the introduction of hormones.

Some might say spirituall we are DECLARED to be 1 sex or the other at conception, but I want to throw this out there as purely REAL WORLD, and not theory or probability or philosophy. In a purely real sense, Testosterone or Estrogen makes a man or woman what they are.

As outlined by JVesti and books like "Heroes, Rogues, and Lovers," you can hormones carry the key to the future. It's almost like, genes have specific directives to carry out, and to bridge this gap between their sequencing and the results they desire, a chemical or action must be introduced to do so. Testosterone and Estrogen fit these actionary profiles.


Hormones, as illicit as they are, are very, very powerful. They are monitored substances, only legally obtainable through Dr's prescription.

Women, built as they are, have little, to no capacity for logic. My intent is to RESPECT the substance of what women are, because, more often we DISRESPECT them by ASSUMING they are LIKE us. They are not. They are in fact the COMPLETE opposite (or expected to be) from guys.

Would men like it much if women said, "You're just like us, you SHOULD understand?" Do we men even believe we are 1% like women?

Hell no.

We like them, but we are not LIKE them. We are in almost no way like them. And what society has done is attempted to blur those lines. The warped intentions now of feminism is to have people believing we are all the same people, and just because we are humans, we are EQUAL. No.

We are entitled to EQUAL rights and opportunities, this however does not assume we are meant for him or as capable as one another. And to me, this is where we DISRESPECT basic elements of life.


How often have you been in an argument with a girl, where no conclusion ever came of it? You were at each other's necks and you felt she wouldn't get you, and you wouldn't get her? That you weren't getting through and you were ready to just...pack it in?

We've all been there, and it's likely WHY most cames here, or continually COME here. I'm in fact guilty of poor communication and understanding many times. And though we enjoy the single life, or the PUA lifestyle, or whatever your fancy, STILL, when you find that one woman, it can't be "well fvck that, I'm done." When you committ, it's a constant give and take, the only thing you have to find is a girl who gives as equally as you.


My case study on this is varied. As recently as my own father, who blasted his mother (grandmother) for not understanding each other to my own girl, and many of you also have your experiences.

I said the following to a girl...

"I'm tired of being on separate pages. Today, while golfing, I thought alot about our disagreements, how being at each other's throats only creates anomisty, bitterness, and anger. What are we together for if this is how things are? You tell me I don't understand you, that you don't get me, that we can't see each other's point of views. This is true, and will always be true. Men and women are entirely different creates. You, you're a woman, with banging tits and an even more banging azz. Me, I'm a guy. We're hairy, we beat our bodies, usually to save women like you. I think my way, you think your way. Neither way is wrong or right, they are how they are. When you say your female friends agree with your side of the issue, that's because they are FEMALE. Of course a woman would agree. Likewise, my guy friends agree with my side of the stories, because we are MEN. We have the same vision on things, on life, and can see from our male perspective. Again, neither is wrong or right, but we both must know that this exists and will never change. I don't mean we can't understand each other, or not communicate, but when you frustrated or think I don't care, it's likely I just see things different. Too easily we assume in life, in society, that men and women should see things the same, or otherwise one of us is crazy. Nuts. Not so, take for instance how many relationships are failing. Mostly due to lack of communication, all built on the assumption men and women are so alike in the brain, that we should easily agree. We can either understand together you're woman who sought me as a man, or go our separate ways. None of what we are will change. None of it. It is foolish to assume you will see things as I do, through my eyes, when we are 180 degree apart from each other. I am saying this because I won't deal with the fighting.


I'd been up to my neck in sh!t with a girl I truly care for and found myself at a wall, until the answers smacked me right in the face. Fact is, society has us all so programmed to accept that men and women must see things alike, and if not, divorce, that we are careless with our communication. Too often we assume a woman's hyper emotional state must absorb our logic while women assume men should absorb their hyperemotional state into our logical self.

We say women are crazy for being emotional, for being sensitive, but isn't that why we like them to begin with? Many of the butch women we have, that cuss, and smoke, and booze til they drop come from this blurring of the lines and the fact we want women to be like men, and vice versa. We want us to SEE things alike. How boring is that?? A world of all sameness. BLAH.

It isn't that way. Women must be accepted AS IS. There's no changing a creature as emotional as a woman. None. See...

A woman only knows feelings. That's it. Everything she perceives in life is through that filter. "How she feels. How it makes her feel." When she's hurt, she wants to feel better. But she also doesn't want her feelings to be belittled, because that's all she is. Just as men are mostly viewed as logic, women are just feelings with a smattering of logic. When they're hurt, they won't seek to speak about WHY, they want their feelings validated. And this is where men go wrong...

Even I've done it.

The ISSUE you 2 are upset about might be wrong, BUT her feelings are never wrong to her, and telling her she's wrong only wrecks her world more, in which she views you as hero or a villain. Many times 2 people argue, and men go all logical on a woman, telling her his thoughts on WHY. Doesn't work, never will. We can't curse the essence of a woman anymore than we can curse our own essence, or that of nature itself. Water is what it is. Air is what it is. So is fire. And so are women. It's foolish to hate that which we inevitably love, just because we haven't paid much attention to learning about it.

To me, this is more an issue of RESPECT for the essence, being and nature of a woman than it is disrespect. The division of sexes was set about for unknown reasons. One of the known ones is survival. It was dangerous for the whole existence of 1 species to be built on only 1 sex.

We can't for the life of us know, truly know, what women think, feel, do, know or want, BUT, we can seek to understand communicate and level with them.


This isn't an absolute, it's only 99.99% sure. A world is not perfect, nor are humans. However, the greater tendency is there to be LIKE THIS. Women cannot be condemned for their feelings, anymore than men can. It's not that it is right they do, anymore than what men do according to their own b.s. logic is right. However, we must grasp what the essence of each sex is to know how to deal with them.



Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
I think this post could be very useful to some of the members here...if they read it. This belongs in tips, though.

Most men and women really struggle to be able to communicate with each other effectively. Just like you have noticed that "butchy" women are behaving like men...I also notice a lot of men who are very emotionally driven...but they still don't really understand how to communicate with women. Those women who act like men AND the men who act like women aren't any closer to being able to relate to the opposite sex in a productive way.

I feel very fortunate that I can retain my femininity while being able to think like a man and a woman at the same time. I wasn't always able to do that...it was something I learned over time. I wish I could pinpoint exactly what it was that enabled me to do that...because I would let others know where to find it for themselves. That ability makes life and relationships so much simpler. Perhaps just having an open mind and willingness to try to understand opposing views is the key.

Anyway...good post.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Why do you argue with her?

You said yourself that logic will not win an argument with a woman, so why bother? (Won’t work with many men, either.) If she tries to start an argument, most men will either wuss-out and supplicate to her (really bad move) or fight back (bad move). There is a third choice. Don’t let her drag you into a fight and don’t agree with her if she is wrong. This is what a man in control of himself will do. Simply remain calm and say what you think calmly. Such as “I don’t agree with that, but you are free to think what you like.” Or if she has insulted you directly, say something like, “I will not tolerate being talked to like that.” Say it very calmly. If she continues to insult you let her know that you are fully prepared to move on with your life without her. If you are not, you need to reevalute yourself. You will be amazed at the look on her face when she realized that she can’t argue by herself. It’s like one hand clapping. You’ll also be amazed at how flexible she can be when she realizes that she is forcing a deal breaker on you and she will suddenly find herself alone.

If you are starting the argument, what is wrong with you? Why start arguments? Have you not learned the futility of it yet? What will be the end result? If you are mad at her for doing or saying things that you have told her you will not tolerate, it’s time to bail. Don’t bend to her will, but don’t engage in stupid arguments, either.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by A-Unit
The theme of this article is from personal experience, not philosophy.

To gain a better understanding of women, we must establish a foundation. To begin with, sex remains unknown and undetermined UNTIL the introduction of hormones.

Some might say spirituall we are DECLARED to be 1 sex or the other at conception, but I want to throw this out there as purely REAL WORLD, and not theory or probability or philosophy. In a purely real sense, Testosterone or Estrogen makes a man or woman what they are.
actually theres these Xand Y chromosomes, and albeit a small penis, a guy with only estrogen from birth will still have a penis, and a girl with testosterone from birth still wont have a penis.

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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great post A-unit. but as you said nature is what nature intended it to be.

At the same time, nature is all around us. Which includes environmental factors, society, upbringing, social conditioning and the rest of it which our lives have been built around.

IMO women are women cause they are socially conditioned that way, they realize their purpose in nature and therefore become a certain way in order to attain what they need from their surroundings. As you said women seek validation for their emotions/feelings, they dont want to speak about why (which is logical), which is not part of their characteristic. women bear the offspring, raise the offspring. They need men/mates often moreso than a man would want a woman...ex: women prefer to settle down sooner than men, to seek a security force (man) a provider and protector. We are their sexual and natural opposites. They are Y and we are X.

For environmental factors and conditioning, all the end results come to play. Which is why some women may become more effeminate or emasculate on varying levels, and vice versa for men. And in the end natural opposites attract opposite forces. Emasculate women attract effeminate men. Masculine men attract effeminate women. emasculate women speak their minds, dont get emotional. effeminate men get emotional and dont speak their mind. but all levels variate


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2005
Reaction score
New Zealand
Originally posted by RaWBLooD
no we are y and they are x
Actually evrybody's really x or x to begin with at least. Girls can get by with just 1 x if need be because the 2nd x is just a repeat of the info contained on the first. Its the difference of info on a y thats intervenes int the process and creates a boy. This also doesn't happen straight after conception. Everybody kind of begins as a girl and we r closely the same really except for some minor changes. Well from a genitic point of veiw anyway


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Why do you argue with her?

Originally posted by coder
You said yourself that logic will not win an argument with a woman, so why bother? (Won’t work with many men, either.) If she tries to start an argument, most men will either wuss-out and supplicate to her (really bad move) or fight back (bad move). There is a third choice. Don’t let her drag you into a fight and don’t agree with her if she is wrong. This is what a man in control of himself will do. Simply remain calm and say what you think calmly. Such as “I don’t agree with that, but you are free to think what you like.” Or if she has insulted you directly, say something like, “I will not tolerate being talked to like that.” Say it very calmly. If she continues to insult you let her know that you are fully prepared to move on with your life without her. If you are not, you need to reevalute yourself. You will be amazed at the look on her face when she realized that she can’t argue by herself. It’s like one hand clapping. You’ll also be amazed at how flexible she can be when she realizes that she is forcing a deal breaker on you and she will suddenly find herself alone.

If you are starting the argument, what is wrong with you? Why start arguments? Have you not learned the futility of it yet? What will be the end result? If you are mad at her for doing or saying things that you have told her you will not tolerate, it’s time to bail. Don’t bend to her will, but don’t engage in stupid arguments, either.

An argument from most women is a cry for attention and/or love. They drag you into to test you, this is why their arguments lack sound foundation and logic. Most men would agree, the times they're in the dog house are usually when they decided to (1) fight back or (2) really did something dumb; there shouldn't be other times.

So to counter your post, any girl who has a semblance of interest with you would push you, pull you, and cause tension. David D said much the same thing when he talked of "2 magnets in opposite polarity bound by an elastic." Essentially there should be space, and tension, but you should be together in the same area, closely.

For women, telling her "it's all or nothing," or that if "she keeps up her silly arguments or complaining" will be viewed as cold and careless. She'll think you're "not man enough" to deal with her wild and emotional ways and many times, this is exactly what women do, albeit subconsiously.

Ever see a girl who wants something from her dad? She whines, and cries, and sobs until she gets it or confirms his love even if she doesn't get it? Same thing. A girl doesn't necessarily want what she's asking for, she just wants to know that in some emotional way, she has you as her rock, that you can on some level understand better than she understands herself.


Don't take this the wrong way, but sometimes, most times when I woman says 'no' it is not 'no.' And I've joked with women about this, that they will cause trouble, and yet they know they do it. Many times a woman says 'no' and even in bed, this is included, it just means she wants a stronger man to penetrate and permiate her reality. If you bow down to her whims and wants, what kind of man are you???

This takes into account the P.C. aspect of society and how many women say "they want a real man." The men they're usually referring to are character types in movies...Bond, Wayne, Pierce Brosnan, Carrie Grant, name anyone, any role, and even look back to how men USED to run the household. Real men with direction. With action. They did everything legally they could; they cared not for social or moral laws, or P.C. assumptions about how to live.


Men have this faulty thinking that, the perfect woman they end up with, or settle down with, or marry will be perfect. She won't argue, or challenge you, or question. Wrong. Entirely. The perfect, all-encompassing woman WILL. She will be that exact woman, because, without her knowing it, she will challenge you to be a better man. She will challenge you emotionally, she will challenge your communications ability, and she will challenge you personally.

What you must consider is that when you set your foot down, is that the final answer??

A ship can only have 1 captain and a company 1 CEO. We can only go in 1 direction, so trying to have people with 2 visions of life will eventually rip the couple or family apart.


You can place this in any section you like. I wrote this article because how you communicate with a woman on any basis, day to day, wife, girlfriend, mistress, FWB, whatever, is a daily habit. It is not something you wear today and not tomorrow. It is a belief.

A belief sets about your reality. A belief on HOW man-woman interaction should be lives through you. It is sensed in all interaction. The belief creates your FRAME. So for instance, if you believe men-women are meant to uphold traditionals customs, where men take care of women who don't work, and women take care of the children and household, and you respect women for who they are, in and outside, this will be communicated through you immediately. BELIEF and FRAMING are immediate change operators. They aren't like positive affirmations.

Upon waking or any time you want to pysche yourself up, utter new beliefs. Set the frame. Envision what it is you believe and the reality you want to create. At night, or whenever, study your beliefs. Study the reality you seek to create and it will become a greater part of you.

You guys can regard or discard this post. I'm not a biologist or a geneticist by any means. I know enough to be dangerous, but not enough to cure someone.

Point is...


Women don't argue like men do. Men argue ABOUT something, to solve something, to fix something, because in our estimation, something is amiss. However, women argue to sense feeling and love. They sense, by their feelings, something is amiss from a feeling-standpoint. Perhaps you aren't caring enough, or touching her enough, or thoughtful enough. A woman fully engrossed in love is a passionate blaze set afire. She's sexual, vibrant, passionate, caring, thoughtful, and compassionate. When she's in love, full of feelings, she's able to lift you up. It might sounds like a hokey song....but...

I believe men can be full engrossed in ATTRACTING, KEEPING, and PLEASING the best women, and when you do, not only do you reward yourself, but her, and those around you. As well as those who can learn from you.


The last thing I will say on dismissing her feelings or withdrawing from arguments is this...setting your foot down without understanding is a good way to kill the whole relationship. She'll either feel you don't care or that you think she's crazy, OR, she'll withdraw her affections for you being so dismissive. Many times girls give up sex, affection, and other aspects they think men want, inexchange for finding that "rock" in their life to tie their emotional boat to.

This has been happening for generations. The only thing is, nowadays, guys are allowing her to dump baggage on you, without also dumping some sex on you.


The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
I think this post could be very useful to some of the members here...if they read it. This belongs in tips, though.

Most men and women really struggle to be able to communicate with each other effectively. Just like you have noticed that "butchy" women are behaving like men...I also notice a lot of men who are very emotionally driven...but they still don't really understand how to communicate with women. Those women who act like men AND the men who act like women aren't any closer to being able to relate to the opposite sex in a productive way.

I feel very fortunate that I can retain my femininity while being able to think like a man and a woman at the same time. I wasn't always able to do that...it was something I learned over time. I wish I could pinpoint exactly what it was that enabled me to do that...because I would let others know where to find it for themselves. That ability makes life and relationships so much simpler. Perhaps just having an open mind and willingness to try to understand opposing views is the key.

Anyway...good post.

Do you think that the reason that you've been able to think like both a man and woman might have something to do with you just growing older, i general? It isn't something you just came upon, but a natural part of growing up, and leaving that hyper-emotional state back to your younger years?

Anyways, this is a fantastic post, and i've been having this argument with people alot, lately. Most are unaware of the dynamic that is going on, and I wasn't really sure what it was either. This guy put it into words, beautifully.

Props, man

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Good post. I remember a couple of years back a friend of mine told me the exact same thing but I just laughed it off. But I kept it in mind and a few months later I knew EXACTLY what he meant. After that interacting with women became much much easier for me. Its like you can almost control a women if you understand and apply this. Hopefully guys who read this wont laugh it off like I did and take it to heart.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Bad Ass Canadian

Do you think that the reason that you've been able to think like both a man and woman might have something to do with you just growing older, i general? It isn't something you just came upon, but a natural part of growing up, and leaving that hyper-emotional state back to your younger years?

Anyways, this is a fantastic post, and i've been having this argument with people alot, lately. Most are unaware of the dynamic that is going on, and I wasn't really sure what it was either. This guy put it into words, beautifully.

Props, man
No, I don't think that's the case really, because not all women who grow older are able to think like I do. I'm pretty sure it's in part because I'm just open to seeing other sides.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, she will push you, pull you and cause tension. The question is how you handle it. It sounds like you are saying that arguing with her will make her like you more. I don’t think that is the case. The woman is testing you to see if you are a wuss or not. She wants a strong protector and if she can easily control and manipulate you, how good of a protector can you be? If you supplicate, you are weak and she will lose all attraction for you. If you get angry and argue, you are not in control of yourself. She is controlling your emotions and can use that to manipulate you. That is better than being a wuss, but not the best response. If you demonstrate that you are in control of yourself, you demonstrate maximum strength.

I don’t think that arguing is the tension that David D is talking about. The tension he is referring to is her not knowing what to expect. Anticipating and having to wait. Wondering if you’re going to call or make a move, not knowing that you will. Having to earn your attention, not being able to demand it like she can with most men. All of this demonstrates that you are in control of yourself, not her. On the flipside, you don’t need to control her, only you. That’s the difference between a real man and a jerk. Having to control her indicates lack of security in yourself. If you are secure in yourself, you can handle it if she bails on you. If you can’t, you are not in control of yourself.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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I think what A-Unit is trying to say coder is that you can't just end an arguement abruptly by saying, "I'm gonna leave if you don't stop." cus that will portray you as emotionally cut off and non-confrontational ie. passive....... She wants a man that will take her hits and not run away. She wants you to understand what SHE'S going through and she doesn't want you to just be focusing on yourself. So basically you must learn empathy tactics when doing this. It doesn't mean caving into what she wants, it just means standing there while she lets it out.

Another thing mentioned, which is a point often ignored here, is that women test us in these kinds of situations to develop our own manhood. Do you tend to act more masculine in your daily life when your single or when you have a girfriend? Probably with a girlfriend because you have to be on your game when you go to see her. Your well groomed, clean, talkative, decisive, confident. This basically helps you out in other areas of your daily life.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by A-Unit
A ship can only have 1 captain and a company 1 CEO. We can only go in 1
direction, so trying to have people with 2 visions of life will eventually
rip the couple or family apart.
Without a doubt.

Originally posted by A-Unit
Women don't argue like men do. Men argue ABOUT something, to solve something, to fix something, because in our estimation, something is amiss. However, women argue to sense feeling and love. They sense, by their feelings, something is amiss from a feeling-standpoint. Perhaps you aren't caring enough, or touching her enough, or thoughtful enough. A woman fully engrossed in love is a passionate blaze set afire. She's sexual, vibrant, passionate, caring, thoughtful, and compassionate. When she's in love, full of feelings, she's able to lift you up. It might sounds like a hokey song....but...
But you're right. It's the truth. Men and women were meant to complement
each other in the highest regards. One lifts up the other, and vice versa.

It reminds me of the movie Almost Famous. It's also one of my favorite movies. During one of the scenes, Penny Lane tells William that Russell is her last project. She explains that Russell is the best member of the band, an extremely talented musician, but he has the potential to be great. And she's going to make it happen. We don't get to see what goes on behind closed doors, but I'm sure everyone here can guess what happened between the two characters. They get to know one another on the intimate level only man and woman can achieve together, not alone. Russell no longer needs to concentrate on being a great guitar player, he simply becomes great because his focus is on himself and not other issues like banging the next groupie. At the end of the movie Russell pours out his passion for why he loves music so much where the movie ends, leaving the viewer wanting to know what he truly thinks.

A real woman knows her role in nature's course. She is companion, she is comfort, she is a counterpart, she is man's source of pleasure and relaxation. And deep down most women know this, but most of the time they are caught up by life's other pleasures notice it. The same goes for man. He is her strength, her guide, her provider, her lover, her equal in the relationship.

That's what it's all about. Glad A-Unit pointed it out.

Last edited:

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Oct 25, 2001
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bump for a good thread


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by A-Unit

When they're hurt, they won't seek to speak about WHY, they want their feelings validated. And this is where men go wrong...

That's pretty much what the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus says.

Being told and explained to why the way she feels is wrong just makes a woman feel like complete crap. You don't have to even have to agree that she has any reason to feel sad, mad, jealous or whatever... she just wants to hear "i understand" or "oh that sucks" or whatever else that emphathizes with her or shows that you listened.

She doesn't want a solution unless she asks for a solution. For whatever crazy reason, just *****ing and having others listen takes the stress off of her shoulders and makes her problems seem less like problems.

I don't argue with my gf mostly because there's no advantage to it. I'm never going to convince her to see things my way. What do i get out of trying to make her? Self satisfaction? I might hate how she thinks sometimes but i'm not gonna be able to change it so there's no point in trying.

Isn't there some socrates or aristotle quote something along the lines of "even if you win an argument, you both lose?"


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Re: Re: Women & Feelings and Men & Logic.

Originally posted by mrRuckus
For whatever crazy reason, just *****ing and having others listen takes the stress off of her shoulders and makes her problems seem less like problems.
That "crazy" reason is that she needed the guy's attention to fulfil her EMOTIONAL needs...just like I was saying on that other thread that you are arguing with. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Women & Feelings and Men & Logic.

Originally posted by Wyldfire
That "crazy" reason is that she needed the guy's attention to fulfil her EMOTIONAL needs...just like I was saying on that other thread that you are arguing with. :rolleyes:

That's circular because that emotional need is still crazy.

And i never argued with that part of what you said.

Oh, and what i said about talking with my girlfriend in that other thread: i put the conversation on hold until a time when she can keep her emotions in check when she does things to obviously show disgust and contempt such as eye rolling.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by sparky1981
Actually evrybody's really x or x to begin with at least. Girls can get by with just 1 x if need be because the 2nd x is just a repeat of the info contained on the first. Its the difference of info on a y thats intervenes int the process and creates a boy. This also doesn't happen straight after conception. Everybody kind of begins as a girl and we r closely the same really except for some minor changes. Well from a genitic point of veiw anyway
actually the male contributes either an x or a y and they are not all the same.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
