Women don't want guys who haven't "lived" very much?


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Your house!
Can anyone explain to me why? By not having "lived" very much I mean he has led a sheltered life, he hasn't had much life experience. Why is that such a turn-off for women? I'm 34 and never had a girlfriend and a virgin. I've told a lot of females in my life that I had romantic feelings for them, and they only liked me as a friend. So I started hearing all this stuff about nice guys vs bad boys. And one of the things I hear women don't find attractive about nice guys is, they haven't "lived" very much. The way I read it described on one website, a woman said she wanted a guy with some "sensuality" who has "been through some stuff".

So I ask in AOL chatrooms and stuff what difference it makes if a guy has lived a sheltered life and doesn't have much life experience, hasn't "been around the block" anywhere near as much as most guys his age. And one thing they say is, "well if you haven't lived what are you going to talk about". This is ridiculous to me because in a relationship you:

1. Go to work.

2. Come home, talk about how each other's day was at work.

3. Talk about what to have for dinner.

4. Talk about what's on TV.

5. Maybe have sex.

6. Go to sleep and do it again the next day.

And no, I've never had a relationship but I mean c'mon, what else could there possibly be? I mean, what else is there to talk about except what's going on right now? So in that case, it wouldn't matter if I'm a 34 yr old sheltered mama's boy who has barely been outside my home state, never tried alcohol, drugs or even cigarettes, and just basically a complete follower and have absolutely no interest in being a leader.

So what's with this where women want guys who have "lived"?


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
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You do that stuff if your married... thats boring as hell to... by the way. Watching TV with your partner isn't living... :-\


Master Don Juan
May 24, 2005
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i didnt read your entire post, but i would guess a big part of it stems from them thinking if you've actually lived you probably have a life. Meaning that if you are sheltered, you seem needy and you'll give off the expression that she's the only thing going in your life. Plus its also a HUGE PLUS to social status.

Also, if you havent done sh1t, you wont have anything to talk about. Seriously you need to just get out and go do skydiving or something. Imagine how big of a social status plus it is for me to tell girls about all kinds of crazy **** ive done, tell all kinds of stories, some involving celebrities(im not bragging here just being honest). At your point in life i wouldnt worry about the woman aspect, I'd just start making a life, and dont do it the creepy way, by asking for an activity partner over craigslist or something, go to a gym or something, start playing basketball, just get out and have fun. Stop being so SAFE.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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Those are just simple/ordinary things a couple would do. So fill in the blanks with things that arnt boring.


Master Don Juan
May 24, 2005
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I thought I'd add this one last thing you could try, and that would be going out to concerts, perhaps like heavy metal concerts or something, and just fvckin kick it son.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
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Women want guys who have a passion and drive in their life.

Your list shouts Resignation to me, not an attractive trait.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Dude, your total lack of male/female relationships, axctual understanding of what goes on between Men and Women, and actual survival outside of your parent's shelter leads to your oversimplifying and justification of your life.

I don't like being negative, or coming down hard on others...but Goddamn, man..get a grip.
Get a LIFE.

Women want Men who have lived, because these Men know how to MAKE A LIFE.
They know how to survive. They know how to run a household. They know how to go outside and get a job, get things done!
Men who have lived are tyopically men who have ambition, man.
A man with no ambiton is as good as dead.
In addition, a man who has "lived" is a man with interests, and passions, he has life within him , in that he has Vitality. A lust for life. That is very sexyy to women. You will have many interesting life stories. You have a very cosmopolitan view of peopl and life. You have experience with women!
Women want to know you can provide them with:


basically, all the stuff in romance novels, is what women are craving among other things like :don't fart in bed. Make sure you fix things aorund the house when they're broken. Do what you said you were going to do, don't be lazy or procrasinate. "Did you call the plumber?" etc etc...Yes, the more day to day, mundane stuff women want to know they can count on you for these things too.
Now tell ,e. how the fvck is a guy going to do that, have THAT much VALUE as an attractive, sexual and Masculine MAN without "having lived life"???!!
Bro, do you even know how to Date a girl? Do you even know where to take her? How to have fun?
Can you make a woman feel desireable genuinely? Can you excite her? Do you know just HOW to touch a woman? Can you make her orgasm? Repeatedly?

The idea of having a life is mainly two things:
You have a career, gainful employment, andare also on the path to soemthing else that is great and lucrative foryou.
two, you have experienmce socially! You're not a social dork who is a fraid of people! This means you understand women, and can satisfy women's emotional and physical needs. If you have lived life, this usually menas you are Sociallly WELL ADJUSTED.
You have conversation skills, people skills, you know how to make friends, and understand social dynamics. You don't act weird or dorky or inappropriate.
Good conversaion skills, good body language, good people skills, good communication skills (verbal, non verbal, body language, and INTIMACY) are huge turn ons to women.
In addition, Men that have lived and PROVIDE STORIES of their Lives, and LEAD INTERESTING LIVES, are not only sexy to women, but this background gives her the unconscious Nod to succumb to their desires for you. Why?
Well, becaue if you are socialy well adjusted , chances are you have experience with people. If you have experience with people, chances are you also have experience with women.
and if you have experience with women, chsnces are that you know how to satisfy them emotionally and sexually. And if you have satisfied them sexually, and emotionally, chances are that you are not a psycho killer, and are mentally stable.

This is one of the key points in Social Proof.

Being popular, and easy to get along with socially, helps give you the "featherin your cap" with her. This makes you more desireable. Because you are apt to be a go getter, with some spark for LIFE.
There's a reason the notion of Wallflowers not getting any is true.
Women are not going to be SEXUALLY COMFORTABLE with men who cannot even hold a conversation with a woman. How do you expect a woman to be sexually attracted to a guy that may give off "weirdop, creepy, stalker, psycho" vibes?

She's not.
You eject yourself out of the race when you do the wallflower thing, guys.
Because of women's INHERENT FEAR OF MEN.
If you're not soically savvy, chances are, you are perhaps on the fringes of society.

Pretty sexy , huh?
Nope, it's not. Just messing with you.
It's not sexy at all.

Women have a hard time with men "who don't talk" and "who don't smile". They usually assume the worst. That you're some horrible potential rapist, and for sure are extremely uncomfortable with women, and your ownsexuality, andyour own sexual desires. No expression of sexuality, menas ASEXUAL. No woman wants to be fvcked by an ASEXUAL Man with issues".

When you give her NO CUES, she DOES NOT TAKE THE CHANCE.
Social Proof gives her the "CUES" that you are OK as a human being, and have POTENTIAL as a Sexual Partner, and potential Boyfrined/Husband.
Comprende, amigo?

Women are drawn to men who are adept socially, because they are apt ot be more savvy about women and their quirks, psychology, and their drama.
If you know how to handle yourself socially, chances are that the women's drama will not tear you apart. Chances are also, that you will usually be an interesting partner with whom she might not get BORED WITH.
get it?

OK. I'm done.
Look, I don't want to come down on anybody. but, please, don't act all high and mighty and try to, as I paraphrase Rollo Tomasi's view: "make -failings- by any other name, a VIRTUE."

At the end of the day, if you;re ciontent and satisfied with just staying inside for the rest of yiour life, that;s fine.

No one has the right to judge you.
But, you cannot be that arroogantly selfish and clueless to expect that a woman is going to fall for some boring, dull, hermit!
It's crazy. I see thi sall the time.
Males who believe they deserve high class HB10s, but they just want to sit at home, eat pizza, get fat, are lazy,and play Xbox at home.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
Funny thing, I've ridden motocross, rodeo-d (it's a word, i swear), played paintball, 'wheel my Jeep as much as possible, gotten my pilot's license, traveled all over the US, basically I thrive on action and would rather die than live an average life (well, you're already half-dead if you live a boring life)...

My last GF turned me into the work/study/fvck/sleep type without me even knowing it...well screw that. I had a professor tell the class today that "life's too short to be bored or work in a job you hate." Best advice I ever heard.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Why the fvck have you not killed yourself yet?


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Your house!
All this advice on how to be a guy who women find exciting, how to "get a life", etc is all fine and good. But I guess every post I could ever make would just be coming from the same idea, that being that I'm bitter and disappointed over women turning out to be the way they are, instead of how I thought they were. I thought they were the way they were portrayed in the media when I was growing up, how movies and tv always had the sweet sensitive candy-and-flowers type of guy always got the girl at the end, and the loud macho jerk ended up alone.

But now I see how women are. They like to feel "naughty", "bad" "rebellious". They want a guy who is good in bed. It's freaky to see how much women care about a guy being good in bed! That's so different from the way women were portrayed growing up. I always thought women cared maybe 95% about love and only 5% about sex, and men were just the opposite and most women would love to find a guy who was 95% about love like they were. Now here's all this stuff about women wanting a guy with a big **** who can get them off.

And I always liked a woman who was opinionated and spoke her mind and was a bit of a rebel, a little wild. And surely they would be okay with a quiet passive guy like me, right? Because a woman like that would want to take charge and with me they could take charge. But no, I find out that these women want a guy who can "put them in their place" (that's how one woman I was in love with put it), who can put his foot down and doesn't put up with her bullsh!t. They want to push the boundaries and see how much they can get away with. And they get EXCITED when the guy sets limits. They don't want a passive guy like me who doesn't really care about anything enough to have an opinion about it (unless it causes me discomfort or inconvenience), and just worships her and anything she likes sounds good to him.

I really think I should have lived maybe in the 40s or 50s, when women were considered sluts if they even gave the impression that they enjoyed sex. Back then women were supposed to have sex only to please her husband, and because she wanted to be a mother. And women didn't have all these demands like they do now. Basically any guy with a job would do, because it wasn't socially acceptable for a woman to be past a certain age and never married, so they were more desperate.

I think I'm starting to detest women as human beings, and just see them as vaginas with people attached, to be used and thrown away. Usually a guy in my position would probably turn into this dark, brooding jerk who women would suddenly find hot. But I'm too passive for anything like that, so I'll just stay home with my PC and my video games and be bitter and blame women for my being alone the rest of my life, and see myself as an innocent victim. That's my choice and I've made it. Goodbye.

Play the Game

Master Don Juan
Apr 5, 2007
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FatHairyM4F said:
I think I'm starting to detest women as human beings, and just see them as vaginas with people attached, to be used and thrown away. Usually a guy in my position would probably turn into this dark, brooding jerk who women would suddenly find hot. But I'm too passive for anything like that, so I'll just stay home with my PC and my video games and be bitter and blame women for my being alone the rest of my life, and see myself as an innocent victim. That's my choice and I've made it. Goodbye.

Quitter. Nature will rid of your genes.

You know you want to pound that pvssy instead of jerking of to your WOW character!


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Is this thread a joke? At first I thought it was a serious question until...
I think I'm starting to detest women as human beings, and just see them as vaginas with people attached, to be used and thrown away. Usually a guy in my position would probably turn into this dark, brooding jerk who women would suddenly find hot. But I'm too passive for anything like that, so I'll just stay home with my PC and my video games and be bitter and blame women for my being alone the rest of my life, and see myself as an innocent victim. That's my choice and I've made it. Goodbye.
That was hularious!