Women don't flirt

Mar 14, 2007
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I see women constantly flirt with other guys who are less attractivve than me. It is really discouraging. I consider myself as attractive and I take really really good care of myself. I take vitamins and shower and brush my teeth everyday. I see girls flirt and approach guys who I know do not do the same. This website preaches self-improvement as a means of getting girls but I am starting to think that women in general cannot distinguish between total crap guys and superior males. I am confident and I dont take crap from women - only to witness these push-over males get all the attention from girls. The onaly thing I think it could be is my height. I am almost 5'7". I do however have a lot of stuff going for me - I am in college - have a nice car - own my own condominum at 23 - have a great taste in music. I think that most women go for mediocre guys.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
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It sounds like you have a sense of entitlement based on the things you've accomplished. Just because you look good on paper doesn't mean you're attractive in real life. BTW, I wouldn't showcase brushing your teeth as a winning quality...we're talking basics here.

Rather than just complaining about it, be introspective. Can you pinpoint why you think these girls are going for what you think are lower quality guys vs. you? What are they doing that you're not? Are you actually trying to flirt with them and getting brushed off, or are you just expecting them to start flirting with you?
Mar 14, 2007
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they start flirting with other guys, so why not me? I know I am more attractive than these guys. so yes, perhaps it is a sense of entitlement. And you would not believe how many yellow-tooth college kids there are - especially males. I flirt with girls and I seem to get flirty stuff back - but good lord - these girls are getting OBSESSED with these douchebag skinny guys that dont have jack ¤¤¤¤ going for them.


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2008
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Could be that you aren't smiling enough; you don't look like you are having as much fun as other guys etc. Could be a million things. You might be a great guy but how are girls who don't know you expected to know that?

Maybe it is your height; women tend to be more attracted to shorter guys but big deal, this may just mean you have to show the initiative and be the one to show them that you are a fun guy to be around.

When you say 'douchebag skinny guys' maybe this is a fashion thing. I notice loads of the younger guys round here wearing very skinny jeans and tight t-shirts with floppy hair that covers their eyes. Lots of girls are going for that look in guys at the moment. It isn't my style though.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
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Its all in the way you carry yourself. If you are thinking "women don't want me, they want mediocre guys" then your body language will subtly reflect that. I have a couple of friends who strike out constantly even though both are like you: successful, not bad looking, etc - and you know why? Because they constantly talk about how women reject them and focus on that - it is obvious from how they carry themselves around women that they almost expect to be rejected, and they project that even when they try not to.


Apr 19, 2005
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cloneofstenyhoyer said:
I see women constantly flirt with other guys who are less attractivve than me. It is really discouraging. I consider myself as attractive and I take really really good care of myself. I take vitamins and shower and brush my teeth everyday. I see girls flirt and approach guys who I know do not do the same. This website preaches self-improvement as a means of getting girls but I am starting to think that women in general cannot distinguish between total crap guys and superior males. I am confident and I dont take crap from women - only to witness these push-over males get all the attention from girls. The onaly thing I think it could be is my height. I am almost 5'7". I do however have a lot of stuff going for me - I am in college - have a nice car - own my own condominum at 23 - have a great taste in music. I think that most women go for mediocre guys.
Well, you dont understand the Attraction of the BAD BOY. Get yourself a bag full of Yeyo, and then pay a prostitute to allow you to order her around a bit, in a public place like a nightclub. You dont have to hit her, just order her around a bit, and kiss her roughly, while pulling her hair back....make her buy you beers. Make her act like she is your submissive girlfriend. Wear an old black t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, and some flashy Bling. Baggy, saggin' jeans. Shave your head, and get a nosering, and a tatt of a naked lady on your arm. Leave with her, kissing her, while you are holding her asscheek.

Now do this on a Saturday. Go back the following week without her, and watch the magic unfold. If those bittches at the club even think you have some Yeyo, your condo will resemble a scene from the 1978 flick "Caligula"
Mar 14, 2007
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I am the most fun-having, smiling guy I know. Girls seem to go for guys who have less fun than me. Height is just one factor and I cant let that screw me up. I have gotten girls in the past - taller girls even. I just think I should be getting more and more easily and frequently. Height cant be that much of an inhibiting factor! At least I don't think so


I try not to focus on rejection and inattention and I think I have been totally not focused on it in the past few months. Perhaps I am projecting that and I dont know it.


Apr 19, 2005
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AlanB said:
Could be that you aren't smiling enough; you don't look like you are having as much fun as other guys etc. Could be a million things. You might be a great guy but how are girls who don't know you expected to know that?

Maybe it is your height; women tend to be more attracted to shorter guys but big deal, this may just mean you have to show the initiative and be the one to show them that you are a fun guy to be around.

When you say 'douchebag skinny guys' maybe this is a fashion thing. I notice loads of the younger guys round here wearing very skinny jeans and tight t-shirts with floppy hair that covers their eyes. Lots of girls are going for that look in guys at the moment. It isn't my style though.
"Skinny jeans and tight t shrts and floppy hair", are we, as a society turning gay?


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
cloneofstenyhoyer said:
I see women constantly flirt with other guys who are less attractivve than me. It is really discouraging. I consider myself as attractive and I take really really good care of myself. I take vitamins and shower and brush my teeth everyday. I see girls flirt and approach guys who I know do not do the same. This website preaches self-improvement as a means of getting girls but I am starting to think that women in general cannot distinguish between total crap guys and superior males. I am confident and I dont take crap from women - only to witness these push-over males get all the attention from girls. The onaly thing I think it could be is my height. I am almost 5'7". I do however have a lot of stuff going for me - I am in college - have a nice car - own my own condominum at 23 - have a great taste in music. I think that most women go for mediocre guys.
Women are attracted to many different kinds of men for many different reasons and when they have one type it i common for them to seek the other types... Dont waste time worrying about tis stuff just make sure you are f'ing as many fine hos as you can.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
JackPrescott said:
"Skinny jeans and tight t shrts and floppy hair", are we, as a society turning gay?
Women love the "gay look" in men... many of them even are attracted to gay men. so many non-gay men are adopting gay styles of dress to gain womens favor..


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2008
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JackPrescott said:
"Skinny jeans and tight t shrts and floppy hair", are we, as a society turning gay?
LOL. Funnily enough, that isn't the look that the gay community round here go for. They tend to dress a lot more masculine.

The trend I am talking about is mainly amongst younger guys (say 16-25) I think it has a lot to do with music too.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
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Los Angeles, SFV
cloneofstenyhoyer said:
I see women constantly flirt with other guys who are less attractivve than me. It is really discouraging. I consider myself as attractive and I take really really good care of myself. I take vitamins and shower and brush my teeth everyday. I see girls flirt and approach guys who I know do not do the same. This website preaches self-improvement as a means of getting girls but I am starting to think that women in general cannot distinguish between total crap guys and superior males. I am confident and I dont take crap from women - only to witness these push-over males get all the attention from girls. The onaly thing I think it could be is my height. I am almost 5'7". I do however have a lot of stuff going for me - I am in college - have a nice car - own my own condominum at 23 - have a great taste in music. I think that most women go for mediocre guys.
Well maybe you're a prick?

Have you considered what sort of role your attitude plays?


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2008
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cloneofstenyhoyer said:

I am the most fun-having, smiling guy I know. Girls seem to go for guys who have less fun than me. Height is just one factor and I cant let that screw me up. I have gotten girls in the past - taller girls even. I just think I should be getting more and more easily and frequently. Height cant be that much of an inhibiting factor! At least I don't think so
Maybe you need to work on catching eyes a little more. In fact, in bars and clubs, especially on a crowded dance floor, this is where being shorter can actually be an advantage because you can look girls in the eye a lot easier. Some of my taller friends complain about having to bend their necks right down when speaking to some girls on the dancefloor.

At the end of the day, it is going to be pretty hard to tell what the reason is that girls tend to flirt with other guys more than you because it could be a million things like fashion, an attitude you might subconciously projecting, maybe they feel intimidated because you are too good looking etc. but I'd just concentrate on taking the game to them really. I don't get hit on by women that much but it doesn't bother me because if I am not getting flirted with I will just do some flirting myself.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
AlanB said:
LOL. Funnily enough, that isn't the look that the gay community round here go for. They tend to dress a lot more masculine.

The trend I am talking about is mainly amongst younger guys (say 16-25) I think it has a lot to do with music too.
"Masculine" has become feminine is the point. cue women and gay men run the pop culture world
Mar 14, 2007
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I think American women in general have learned to dumb themselves down. American culture applauds the idiotic. It is terrible. Acting dumber than you actually are is deemed 'cool'. I can't even carry a conversation with some people because it is like talking to rocks. I try to be real with people but most people I run into are superficial. Girls dont know what they are missing out on with me though. My freind who is nearly homeless and never bathes gets more women.


Apr 19, 2005
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cloneofstenyhoyer said:
I think American women in general have learned to dumb themselves down. American culture applauds the idiotic. It is terrible.
:up: Very true. Based on some of the men I see American women with, I agree, 110%.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
cloneofstenyhoyer said:
I think American women in general have learned to dumb themselves down. American culture applauds the idiotic. It is terrible.
Thats cause in an excessively capitalist society the "idiot' is much easier to market to and sell to..


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
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There's a huge difference between being attracted to someone and being comfortable with someone. For example, I see girls at work hanging out and going to lunch with this one obese, sloppy-looking coworker all the time. Why? IMO, it's because he's harmless and friendly, like a wounded puppy. I know he's not sleeping with any of them, because he comes by my office all the time telling me he's going to have sex with X by such-and-such date, only to keep pushing the date back further and coming up with excuses.

Some people are timid around individuals to whom they're attracted. They get nervous, they don't know how to approach you, and some times they ignore you deliberately just to play games.


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
Change venues. Your trying to pick up women who are not into guys like you. Either that or like others said, you've got a chip on your shoulder and you need a paradigm shift in your attitude & outlook.

I think its a combination of both.