**** women. **** dating. **** everything.


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
I don't care about sex, dating, relationships, having kids, or anything to do with the opposite sex. I don't care if Jessica Biel threw herself at my feet, I will say **** off. Sex is overrated, marriage is overrated, LTRs are overrated. I will live my life for me, myself, and I. All of my money will be spent on me. Every time I see a female, my heart burns with hate. I'm sick of all the rules, games, and **** that a man must do and go through.

It probably is great to have an attractive GF or wife or woman in your life who loves you and ****'s you. But I would never know and I don't care anymore.

If people start to say I'm gay because they never see me with a girl, **** them. When I get into my 40's and questions start to arise why I'm not married, **** them. When I'm on my death bed and I have no kids or a wife and a doctor doesn't have anyone to contact about my death, **** them.

I DON'T NEED ANYONE. **** EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
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mistake by the lake
if only we could take this energy and philosophy and apply it appropriately.

though it seems you have been seriiously burned whether recently or in the past, you still have a solid foundation behind your statement. though it is a bit overboard.

you shouldnt need anyone. and your right, if someone has expectations and start to question why you do this and dont do that... F**K THEM!

However you cant live socially without expecting to interact with others. and if you seriously get filled with hatred simply by walking past a female, then you have other issues that need to be addressed.

take this ENERGY and apply it in a positive light my friend.


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
I'm an introvert by nature so if I had it my way, I would stay in the house for a year without seeing or interacting with anybody.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
It is about you! All of it. It's your life, and no one can live it for you.


You got women figured out all wrong. They shouldn't be a chore or bring you down. When you don't have one and you're yelling "f'ck 'em", then they've been placed high on a pedestal that can't be reached. How can you enjoy them when they are placed so high in your mind? They have to be enjoyed. They should be an added bonus to your life.

Do you think that you and your friends would get along if you had held them so high in your mind? No, you'd supplicate and put your self down all the time, wishing you were as cool as them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
c0nfus3d1ne said:
I'm an introvert by nature so if I had it my way, I would stay in the house for a year without seeing or interacting with anybody.

This is just an excuse so that you can stay an introvert. Find your way out. No one defines you, but you. When that happens, so many will be intrigued by you.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
In the original post you shared a lot of negative thoughts .

Every time I see a female, my heart burns with hate.
Sh1t , i think you are desperate and you are disappointed by some peoples you trusted in . Or maybe youre not having success in social area ?

Well my advice would be to try to love people . Love yourself , love other people . This life is meant to live in social conditions not alone . Life the best of it , try to get better with live in general . In your mind should be one thing . Positivity

This thread is full of negative thoughts .


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
c0nfus3d1ne said:
It probably is great to have an attractive GF or wife or woman in your life who loves you and ****'s you. But I would never know and I don't care anymore.
Self pity is unattractive. You are lying to yourself. You contradict yourself in the statement above.

Is it great to have a GF or wife..................or is it not? If it is change your attitude!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
The problem is clear- you are still AFC.

It's obvious from your posts that is pretty much all over one girl, to which you are applying to much thought and energy.

Reading about this stuff isn't enough.. you have to internalize and practice it, or it's useless otherwise. Then you'll be able to rise above the emotional state that is keeping you from executing this advice, and at the same time, keeping you AFC.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
yea . First you have to work on social skills . Ok forget about womens for some months , dont pay attention to them . Dont try to get pvssy .

But focus on social interactions , on being loved by guys and girls and loving them.

Get a hobby , interact with people as much as you can all that stuff . It helps you . You cant live life alone.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
That makes the world such a wicked place- despise!

You despise everything! All the things, the people, even yourself... Yes, because if you loved yourself, you would like to have the best life possible. What are you waiting for? Life is funny! Everything has it's beauty...

Maybe you feel sad because your friends tease you... But you could be glad because you have friends! You could be enthusiastic because you have the oportunity to make new friendships!

It's your job to choose what kind of day you'll have today.

You can hate everything, and lock yourself away from everyone.. Or you can get some guts, learn the beauty of things... Learn to love people... Because when you do, you'll want nothing else, and you'll want to live life to the fullest... You only have one...

Death is invevetable, but so is life! Some poeple say that there are no miracles, but for other poeple, everything is a miracle.

There is beauty in everything... You just need to learn to see it...

And then- carpe diem! And sudennly all seems good.

Instead of hating life, you'll give thanks that you are alive.

Maybe things haven't worked out for you so far... But you'll give thanks because you have today to work it out, start over again!

You decide how your life goes! Today is waiting and you can do whatever you want to do with it... It's a impotant day. What you do today matters beause you trade one day of your life for it.

It all depends on you... How long can you keep living this way? Wake up!

Have you made someone happy today? Or have you made people (Other then me) feel sick because of your selfishness?

You've vasted a lot of time living the bad side of live... Now wake up and try the good side... there is one...

Have a nice day, your life depends on it! ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
c0nfus3d1ne said:
I don't care about sex, dating, relationships, having kids, or anything to do with the opposite sex. I don't care if Jessica Biel threw herself at my feet, I will say **** off. Sex is overrated, marriage is overrated, LTRs are overrated. I will live my life for me, myself, and I. All of my money will be spent on me. Every time I see a female, my heart burns with hate. I'm sick of all the rules, games, and **** that a man must do and go through.

It probably is great to have an attractive GF or wife or woman in your life who loves you and ****'s you. But I would never know and I don't care anymore.

If people start to say I'm gay because they never see me with a girl, **** them. When I get into my 40's and questions start to arise why I'm not married, **** them. When I'm on my death bed and I have no kids or a wife and a doctor doesn't have anyone to contact about my death, **** them.

I DON'T NEED ANYONE. **** EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are still a young-in. I give you 6 years to snap out of it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
c0nfus3d1ne said:
I don't care about sex, dating, relationships, having kids, or anything to do with the opposite sex. I don't care if Jessica Biel threw herself at my feet, I will say **** off. Sex is overrated, marriage is overrated, LTRs are overrated. I will live my life for me, myself, and I. All of my money will be spent on me. Every time I see a female, my heart burns with hate. I'm sick of all the rules, games, and **** that a man must do and go through.

It probably is great to have an attractive GF or wife or woman in your life who loves you and ****'s you. But I would never know and I don't care anymore.

If people start to say I'm gay because they never see me with a girl, **** them. When I get into my 40's and questions start to arise why I'm not married, **** them. When I'm on my death bed and I have no kids or a wife and a doctor doesn't have anyone to contact about my death, **** them.

I DON'T NEED ANYONE. **** EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many women and men feel exactly as you do... so they live the single capitalist life.. earning money and emersing themselves in the superficial to cover up the inherent loneliness.

Its hard to get along with people when there is so much excessive competition all around.. its hard to trust and get close. So relationships seem tedious and unsatisfying... Especially since most lake the ability or desire to give up the player life they lived from 18 to 36..

OK so they just live life alone... Thats fine until they accidentally impregnate a woman they were just into for sex.. She refuses to abort cause after all you will be the one paying... So you marry her... and divorce her 3 years later.. now you are both back in the game you with a $400 a month child support payment and her with a child that she finds to be a burden and distraction when she has hot dates...

I will not mary or have kids ever cause i cant afford it emotionally or financially.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
The Paradise City where the grass is green and the

Dude, you're 23. Just because you're single at 23 doesn't mean you're going to die alone. Chill out. I do think it would do you a lot of good to forget women, relationships, and all that for a while.

The whole "**** everything" mantra pretty negative, but only you can change that. It is good that you realize that you don't need anybody; self reliance is one of the greatest assets a man can have. You need a serious attitude adjustment though. Focus on your other life aspirations. Exercise and eat right.


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
My topic post does sound very hateful. I was venting (of course).

I don't understand women, and I don't think I ever will. I don't know what it takes to attract them in a club, street, gym, or myspace. Obviously, there's something about me that repulses women.

EDIT: I'm being totally avoided by this chick and I don't know why. It hasn't been long enough for me to screw up this bad. So what, I got oneitis right now. Once I figure out where I went wrong, I'll be satisfied. But I know I will never find out because there's no way to get the truth from women. I just can't call and ask "what about me that made you ignore my VM and email?".


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Ahh reading posts like these by the OP puts a smile on my face, and make ME feel better about myself automatically... more people should be like you :)

P.S. Mavrik, I take back everything I wrote about you, you seem like a cool, genuine guy. I must've misunderstood you brotha, I wasn't right.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
c0nfus3d1ne said:
My topic post does sound very hateful. I was venting (of course).

I don't understand women, and I don't think I ever will. I don't know what it takes to attract them in a club, street, gym, or myspace. Obviously, there's something about me that repulses women.
No one ever will .. they dont even understand themselves... and that is your problem.. you are trying to understand them and make logical sense of them... Things that cant be dont and only lead to frustration.. YOUR ONLY MISSION IS TO FIND A WAY TO F THEM, AND MAKE THEM FALL FOR YOU IF YOU SO CHOOSE.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
Alot of you guys are reading this the wrong way i think, it sounds like hes given up, thrown in the towell

slipped into the dimentions of apathy and depression

this is the impression i get because it sounds alot like how i used to be, very bitter towards women and relationships, "fvck everybody, all i need is myself"

you got to realise that nothing is going to fall into you lap, walking around all day at uni like a sad sack isn't going to happen. hit the gym, dress nicer, start mousturing yoru face, wear some colonge, take pride in you body, and then your confidence will grow and will allow you to be more open with women

let your personality shine so that all people around you can feel it

dont give up yet, if one persuit doesn't work, then it wasn't meant to be, you wouldn't want to spend time with somebody you won't have fun with

chin up mate