Women Complain that Men Don't Approach them


Aug 29, 2021
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Low quality women complain men don't approach and aren't chivalrous in the same way minimum wage non union employers complain nobody wants to work anymore. Or else they'll say being the rejector is awkward in the same way linkedin HR influencers make someones unemployment fodder for their online clout. Or else they'll complain the real actual high value guys don't want a real relationship in the same way really great employees now expect to regularly job hop for pay raises.

The issue in these cases isn't just the guy complaining he can't get his foot in the door. Its that the person with the keys to the door doesn't see him as a person with his own needs and so men are encouraged in work and romance to be aggressive and selfish because thats the behavior that gets results when the other party doesn't take your desires into account and women, for some reason, lack the self-reflexive awareness to even come close in acknowledging dating behavioral patterns. They just drift through life internalising social dynamics as a given or "just how things are, dummy", labeling the men who would question it "entitled misogynists".

From a woman's perspective, it has to appear that a man is doing things so organically, so naturally, without expending a lot of effort or thought that it looks like the universe is conspiring for him...


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Most women can fix the problem of not getting approached in-person easily. Get an account on a swipe app. Have extreme abundance.

The majority of women are receiving enough in-person approaches though. Even though fewer men are approaching, there are enough guys out there doing approaches.


I was a huge proponent of approaching a decade ago, when only trash women needed to be online dating. Technology has changed, times have changed. Many high value women are on OLD because it's the most mainstream/efficient way of meeting someone.

People that still promote cold approaching most likely are having very little success with OLD.


Sep 1, 2022
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I was a huge proponent of approaching a decade ago, when only trash women needed to be online dating. Technology has changed, times have changed. Many high value women are on OLD because it's the most mainstream/efficient way of meeting someone.

People that still promote cold approaching most likely are having very little success with OLD.
Was that something written on The Onion? OLD, swipe apps full of divorced women, tatted, single moms, fatties, cat ladies, and post wall past their prime not many decent women. However, when I go out in public, even in my area which is terrible for dating due to demographics I see many more HOT, younger pre wall, skinny leg women that you rarely ever see on any swipe app or OLD site. So you can't say high value, hotter women are on OLD lol. I went out to eat the other night and saw many more young HBs just working at the pub on the water that you would never see on crap Tinder. My waitress was HB9 probably 22. Something you never see on OLD.

I work a part time job 3 evenings a week with a lot of 17-24 year olds. Few very hot too. You don't see them on OLD.


Was that something written on The Onion? OLD, swipe apps full of divorced women, tatted, single moms, fatties, cat ladies, and post wall past their prime not many decent women. However, when I go out in public, even in my area which is terrible for dating due to demographics I see many more HOT, younger pre wall, skinny leg women that you rarely ever see on any swipe app or OLD site. So you can't say high value, hotter women are on OLD lol. I went out to eat the other night and saw many more young HBs just working at the pub on the water that you would never see on crap Tinder. My waitress was HB9 probably 22. Something you never see on OLD.

I work a part time job 3 evenings a week with a lot of 17-24 year olds. Few very hot too. You don't see them on OLD.
I don’t go for waitresses regardless of their age, but I’ve banged college girls in their early 20’s from OLD


Sep 1, 2022
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I don’t go for waitresses regardless of their age, but I’ve banged college girls in their early 20’s from OLD
Most early 20s girls in college will waitress at some point, espeically if it's a tourist area or they're decent looking. Not like they're 40 and waitressing still.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
Low quality women complain men don't approach and aren't chivalrous in the same way minimum wage non union employers complain nobody wants to work anymore. Or else they'll say being the rejector is awkward in the same way linkedin HR influencers make someones unemployment fodder for their online clout. Or else they'll complain the real actual high value guys don't want a real relationship in the same way really great employees now expect to regularly job hop for pay raises.

The issue in these cases isn't just the guy complaining he can't get his foot in the door. Its that the person with the keys to the door doesn't see him as a person with his own needs and so men are encouraged in work and romance to be aggressive and selfish because thats the behavior that gets results when the other party doesn't take your desires into account and women, for some reason, lack the self-reflexive awareness to even come close in acknowledging dating behavioral patterns. They just drift through life internalising social dynamics as a given or "just how things are, dummy", labeling the men who would question it "entitled misogynists".

From a woman's perspective, it has to appear that a man is doing things so organically, so naturally, without expending a lot of effort or thought that it looks like the universe is conspiring for him...
That's nice but when was the last time that you approached a woman? Field reports?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I don’t go for waitresses regardless of their age, but I’ve banged college girls in their early 20’s from OLD
You said you wanted to date @European-DJ on another thread after seeing his tinder pic. So you like women? That thread got a bit weird with that comment.


Sep 1, 2022
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If you read my posts in the college bar thread you will see what I'm talking about here. I kick myself everyday for not cold approaching, chatting up more girls in college, at the university level. I was 27 when I went back to college and just found it so easy chatting people up, and even picking up numbers on campus or at some sponsored activity. If you're in college chat up women more. Women 18-23 don't seem to have developed the b*tch radar yet or it's not finely tuned. It's easy to chat them up and get numbers at that age.

For the men 25 and under you need to talk to more women and men too. Get comfortable talking to everyone in general. If you're in college much easier to be sitting studying and strike up a convo with a chick versus chasing them in a mall or the grocery store cold approach. They're more comfortable.

I see a lot of posts on here about how some guys got married at a young age to a high end HB. That's because they met them at college or high school. If not by social circle then by cold approach or knowing each other from school. Not from swiping on stupid apps and complaining about 1 percent reply rates on Sosuave forums. How you also see fat men or ugly men with better looking women at younger ages. They have balls to talk to women face to face, not sending out messages on POF.


Most early 20s girls in college will waitress at some point, espeically if it's a tourist area or they're decent looking. Not like they're 40 and waitressing still.
Seriously, get out of your bubble