Any man that outsources their safety and survival to other men are not only, not men, but moronic (insert choice insult here).
Oh come on, what a load of b*llocks. I'd agree with you except that this was a direct response to my police force quote, as if I'm doing this outsourcing myself.
Wishing for a stronger police force is not "outsourcing your safety and survival" like a p*ssy, it's a desire for basic law and order.
If your average man attacked me in a bar, I can confidently say I would f*ck them up. I've been in fights before, and I have the physical strength and conditioning to handle myself. I'm not "outsourcing" anything. At the same time, I respect the rule of law and court judgements.
Western society is not a violent anarchy. We do not live in the world of Mad Max (yet, anyway). How many times have you shot someone dead lately to protect yourself? How many times has the average American had to shoot someone dead in self defence? How many people do you shoot a week*?
I'm betting if someone stole your wallet at work, you're going to go to the cops, not shoot them or beat them to a pulp and get 15 years in prison. I guess you too are "no man" and you're "outsourcing" your safety in that situation? Nonsense.
Some things you handle yourself, other things are more appropriate to be dealt with by the law.
(*Amusingly, even if the answer is "Last week, I had to shoot someone" normally the reason someone had to get shot in the first place was because they had a gun on them...)