Zarky said:
^^^^ Fair enough and now I see your point... most religions tend to want to push the "innocent angel" angle despite ancient texts which more accurately portray women as humans with all their faults and greed and shortsightedness. I get it.
The way I see Christian religions today is they have to align themselves to what is going on in society to make themselves appear "cool" and "relevant". The bible is full of instances where it is shown that a woman should be controlled and not left up to her own desires. Most of today's religions (with the exception of cults) are having to do away with this portrayal of women due to the effect feminism has had on society. They need to keep the money flowing in and keep membership up (if not increasing) and if it means leaving certain bible texts out of their teachings, then so be it.
When a member of the flock finds an offensive text in the bible and asks their pastor about it, it's going to get directed in one of three directions:
1) That was the tradition in those days
2) It's not literal, it's in a spiritual sense
3) Uhhhh, let me ask someone who knows more about that
When you want a clue to what's happening in *any* situation that's going on in the world, follow the money trail.