Reading the Classics
The last reply to this thread was 6 years ago. Yet it is among a handful of I have read here that gets at what a DJ is. I found it referenced while reading Anti-Dump's Machine (thanks Pook!) also a classic into DJ fundamentals.
We all get tied up in the apparent finesse in tactics. And in that effort, we get lost. I find this in my career and in my life.
I work with financial wizards (Master of the Universe types) that design financial products that make them tons of money while (too often) wrecking their clients (and since 2007 clearly able to wreck the global financial system). Yet, I run circles around them in helping my clients get what they need. I do this by distilling what the client needs and then using that knowledge to leverage the wizards into giving me what we want rather than what they have to sell. Not one of my has been damaged by the financial events of the past 2 years. And that is because I made sure that we had our fundamentals down and in constant focus as we built the financial structures to advance our needs.
SS is teaching me that this can be done with women, relationships and foremost how to be a good man rather than a nice guy or a jerk.
This board needs more, not less, of 'how to be' as opposed to 'how to do'. It needs both of course. I'm as much into 'tips, tricks & traps' as the next guy (God knows, I was a huge chump and it cost me near everything). But action based upon tactics alone is a 'doom loop'. It cannot stand. Likewise theory that is untried is just fluff. SS has moved me from the stands and into the game. But no game, from tic-tac-toe to life itself can be approached much less 'won' without knowledge and tactics or lots of practice. But the practice needs to be on the fundamentals.
Thanks to those of you that think enough of yourselves, each other, board participants (and espcially women) to study, theorize, hypothesize and test the deep currents.
Strength, Courage, Fidelity,