It is what it is with women. I wouldn't want to be alive without women just the way they are.
They will look in your eyes with adoration, because they want a man, they need a man. A man doesn't deal with a women's bull**** by acquiescing, he does it by saying No and asserting control. And FFS, despite society saying we have to bend over to cater to women nonsensical BS, what they really want is to be told no when they do their crazy BS. They don't always exclusively do crazy BS, but they always will eventually engage in crazy BS.
The problem is american culture lying to all the men about the true nature of things. Men are being ill prepared and are being set up to fail in relationships because feminism is the stupidest most double standard hogwash crap that gets shoved down young mens throats and the men who stand up against it get ostracized by popular BS MSM.
Growing up my father constantly told me, "Happy Wife, Happy Life". He's one of the most miserable pricks i've ever met and he's a shell of man 43 years into his marriage. My folks would be much better off and happy if my dad told my mom to STFU about 11ty billion more times than he has.