Probably Japan.Yea this thug culture... oh my God I hate it.... it's everywhere. It's all the music people listen... it's how everybody acts like, as if they have any idea what is "hard" or what is "real" or "tough"... they're just copying someone they saw on TV or heard in a song...
There is no way around it. I can't just hide on a perch with a million dollars. And I am well on my way to making as much money as possible... it wouldn't surprise me if my income is above $300/year within 3 years.
My goal in life would be to have children... but that would also require finding a girl who is worth having children with.
Sadly, I don't think Europe is any better. What do I have to do? Move to Canada?
The Internet spreads information and culture so fast now.. traditional women are an endangered species.