STR8UP said:
Bottom line- you view my breed as a burned, bitter, pessimistic defeatist, which couldn't be further from the truth.
BOTTOM BOTTOM line- alpha's enjoy the king's ransom, betas foot the bill.
The good news for YOU is that you can (to an extent) choose whether you want to be an alpha or a beta. The good news for ME is that you and many others will probably choose the beta route.
No offense, I just think you are looking at yourself as a person who fits into a certain mold so that's the territory you defend, rather than realizing that you can mold your form.
Posturing? It is what it is man. You can be the guy at home wondering where your girlfriend is at, or you can be the guy WITH the girlfriend (or wife or sister or mother...whatever).
Str8up I have neither the time nor the inclination to respond to everything you write, but I cant help but chuckle when you implicitly refer to yourself as an "alpha".
First of all, you make a lot of presumptions about me in general, and perhaps I do of you as well. What do you know of how I conduct myself with women?? I dont come on here and post long threads about AW's or 20 year olds or why all women are hors....because
I dont care what everyone has to say about my affairs and Im not out to proselytize borrowed views. I'd rather make my own decisions--right or wrong-- than consult with a forum or adopt the philosophy of some guy and his blog. I never wonder where my gf is or sweat about someone else snatching her away whilst I dream lazily in chump-land. Know why? Because I am confident in the way I conduct myself and I own
my domain. I never spend
one second of my day wondering whether I'm an alpha or beta, or posturing to convince other males I have the biggest balls, or stewing over an online insult.
I post here because I enjoy helping guys out and giving feedback, not to convince anyone else of my views or that they are "the way".
I think this "alpha" thing as it realtes to seduction and DJ philosophy is an excellent teaching tool, but most of the guys in the seduction community who preach the alpha doctirine with their fist on the pulpit are, indeed, posturing.
Do you remember what the alpha is in the animal kingdom?? THE STRONGEST MALE. Period, end of story. The alpha male has earned and continually defends his position because, quite simply, he breaks the necks of all who challenge him, lest he lose his position and be banished from the group. The alpha is defined in
physical terms, and in the behavior he elicits from others.
You get these seduction twerps who start pulling a steady stream of tail and all of a sudden they fancy themselves alpha. Or guys like you, who have a lot of experience and seem to get a lot of attention from dubious women, coming on here and beating your chest saying you have seen what few men have. If I saw you on the street and decided to come over and toss you in a dumpster, would you still be an alpha?? I bet you wouldnt feel like one for a few days. A lot of this is all in your mind. I understand what you are saying that choosing the right midset can dramatically change the field with women, and I agree; but "alpha" is relative, my man.
I actually dont dislike you--believe it or not-- and I think you have some good insight to offer...I just dont agree with all of your views. And you're right, it's awfully hard NOT to see you as a bitter, quasi-misogynistic survivalist when you post things like this. I know part of it is just your writing style and an attempt to elicit some response, which is fine, but if you try to imply your own ego-invested beliefs are 'the way'....well, maybe next time I'll just smile and check the sports news.