Women are AFC's to

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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we always talk about how men are afc's but most women are afc's to. look sex covers every aspect of life. To be a man is to express think about it why does our **** stick out . Man ****s the world by expressing every single aspect of his insides his imagination, his likes, his dislikes, his so called virtues, his so called evils. without doing that a man will never feel complete until he has expressed everything.Same thing when dealing with women we have tp express every single part of ourselves the good the bad the ugly if you do this and the women accepts it many of us know we would never leave a women that truly allowed us to express ourselves.
Its like the physical sex act during sex we want to do whatever we want whatever we desires. If during sex one women tells you that she doesnt accept this position or that position or she makes you do something you dont wanna do, you wont like it as much as the women who lets you do everything you want no limits. She let you express your true self unlike the other women. Now to be women is to accept, take in , why do u think the pssxy is just a whole . A women who doesnt take in everything in life will like the man not be completely satisfied. To be women is to take in every single aspect of imagination the environments likes the environments dislikes their so called virtues and their so called evils if a women doesn't do that she wont feel complete. When a women is afraid to accept something it means she is insecure and afc. Just like a man afraid to try a new position on a women is likely afraid that the women wont like his new idea and doesnt express it. The women who rejects a guys offer for a new position is insecure she's afraid she's not good enough to carry on with it or fulfill what the guy wants. Think of it this way girls are 100 percent like guys.
Any thought in our head we have concerning what we want to do to women( do action ,the ****) women have that same thought and they want it done to them(reaction , ****oris). Its just that men are afc afraid to express their thoughts fear they arent gonna be accepted, and women are afc afraid to accept your thoughts cause they are afraid they arent gonna be good enough and that man may back off. Men and women are so alike we are all in the same unhappy fake situation.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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yea its not only with like actual sex its with personality and everything else. look the most confident people dont try to act cool they say whatever they want, doesnt matter whether its seen as stupid, dumb, crude whatever. Guys who dont express themselves and only do what is cool think themselves arent good enough to be accepted.Likewise girls who try to act cool and give you that (i cant believe he just said that look) dont think their good enough to accept that real expression. Look closely the leaders say whatever they want, they dont care. Its the followers who say what is so called cool. Dont worry about saying something stupid or uncool to girls because their is no such thing as stupid or uncool.If the girl doesnt talk to you because she thinks what you said is uncool it means she is insecure and to afraid to be associated with you cause she's worried about what the leader or the majority may think.
Look closely the hottest girls can say whatever they want everything they say or accept is cool. With guys to the manliest guys the guys you cant mess with say whatever they want and its accepted they never think about what there gonna say before they say it. That's how we should all be whatever we wanna say or do do it it doesnt matter if it goes against the rules we are the leaders we make the rules. The rules dont make us. If you are around a girl that doesnt accept what you say or do it means she's not a a leader she's not hot ****. Cause if she was she wouldnt care what you say cause she knows whatever she does it will be accepted cause she's the ****. So unless you want an afc girl who is a follower than only say or do what you wanna say or do and not what you think is cool.

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
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★★★TEAM FAP★★★
It doesn't hurt to make paragraphs, this is common elementary school basics 101.

Majority of women are AEC's, Average Emotional Chumps. Not frustrated. Why? Because they get validated every other day by men, even the sea creatures who can twist and turn who they want to fvck and date on there list.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
The Mad Ghost said:
It doesn't hurt to make paragraphs, this is common elementary school basics 101.

Majority of women are AEC's, Average Emotional Chumps. Not frustrated. Why? Because they get validated every other day by men, even the sea creatures who can twist and turn who they want to fvck and date on there list.
These days, women do indeed get validated by men a lot and as long as they got a vagina, they often times have the choosing power of what men to date.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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lol who says sex and dating cure frustration. haha i **** and have gfs im still frustrated with life and im sure alot of other non virgins r frustrated to. we always think our frustration will be cured from sex but it wont till we know how to have sex with life.
I dare say the biggest afc's are the hottest physically attractive guys. They get vagina no matter how pathetic they act, so they think its ok to be pathetic. When as long as your pathetic and afraid to have sex with life you will always be frustrated no matter how much money or vagina you get.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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yeah, it is so much easier for a girl to get a boyfriend than it is for a guy to get a girlfriend


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
women only become afc with duds thy like alot or love and most of the time those are alpha males... most male afcs are always afc with all women.. and it's always harder for males cause they have to search and chase


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2009
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jtrain, paragraphs :-( i can't read that huge block of text without my brain hurting


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
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Even if women are AFCs, they still get more d1ck than AFC males get pvssy. Why? Because men are the ones that are supposed to go out and hunt, while the women get to sit back and get their pick of the many offers.

Is it wrong? I used to think so. But that was my lazy side not wanting to struggle for anything. I wanted everything easy on a silver platter. As a man now, however, I need to take on challenges and overcome.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
2crudedudes said:
Even if women are AFCs, they still get more d1ck than AFC males get pvssy. Why? Because men are the ones that are supposed to go out and hunt, while the women get to sit back and get their pick of the many offers.

Is it wrong? I used to think so. But that was my lazy side not wanting to struggle for anything. I wanted everything easy on a silver platter. As a man now, however, I need to take on challenges and overcome.
yup and that's why so many men want to be women an why so many men are turning gay. gay men are called gay caus they are happy that they no longer have to struggle sexually cause its much easierto find sex as a gay man than as a straight man... lol