women and they friends


New Member
Apr 28, 2005
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what up yall', got a little stumper here, i think im pretty good with the ladies right, but one problem, ongoing problem with they friends, they are #ockblocking me all the time, pulling there friend away.

I feel weak if i gotta chase her again, so i let it be, then it happens again, again.....again...

there's gotta be some remedy for this

im glad to say that women are playa haters as well as men

holla if you got the medicine for my cold


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2005
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her friends are the judges that denys or accepts you as her potential significant other. the best choice is to play safe with her girlfriends and let them see how great you are and that you're not trying to get into her pants.


New Member
Apr 28, 2005
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never thought about it that way, hmm. i guess my body language gave it away, but i was playing it cool, we had a decent conversation, everything was going smooth,

i dont know, i dont ask for one nite stands, i'd walk out a happy man if i just had a good conversation with her...

i guess i gotta dress a lil more professional,

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
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A Street Pimp's Perspective...

yeah i have had problems with c*ckblocking b*tches especially their fat ugly friends but sometimes you'll get jealous HB9 with a BF who " doesn't want her friend to do the wrong thing " translated from ******** this means " i am jealous and why should you have all the fun ? "

so here is your answer



how can they stop you if they are not there ?

you are trying to take this hot chick away from her friends AFTER THE FACT

the fact being that she is already with these women

so all you gotta do is get her phone number which is the first thing you should be doing anyway

ring her up and take her out BY HERSELF and party like it's 1999

see how easy that is ?

a few other ideas that can work

the old " come back to my place " jump in taxi and escape

you must be quick and it can go wrong

2 seater sports cars rule for the whole " i am just going for a quick drive in this guys car i promise i'll be back in 5 minutes "

45 minutes later.... you get the idea

wait till the c*ckblockers aren't looking which is rare cause they will usually stand right next to you LOL then lead her by the hand around a corner


ok if the b*tch you like wanted to escape from her friends SHE WOULD so you need to lift your game

make her an offer she cannot refuse

get her to work with you in planning the escape

for example. if she is a mad alcoholic say " i have 3 bottles of *insert her fav alcohol that you asked her while making conversation here* back at my place " ( flat mate must have drank them DAAAAMN lol )

be creative make her use brain to think

you'd be shocked to see chicks laughing and plotting and schemeing to help you take them away from the c*ckblockers. it happens.


if you got some friends who have game all they have to do is LEAD the leader of the c*ckblockers on

yes you will owe him bigtime but he doesn't get with the chick

he just teases her into thinking she is going to get something

now this only works if he hasn't tried anything on other girls in the group infront of the leader of the c*ckblockers

if he is smooth enough with his game he will convince the c*ckblocker she is like not an ugly h0e and she will be putty in your paws

check this she will even try and hook her friends up with your friends to try and even the numbers because she thinks she is in HAHAHA

need an example ? i took one for the team last night i am gunna post a field report about it so you can all see another option when pimpin' at large


get their damn number ring em up take em out by themselves


Lost In Translation :D


Quote: Don Juanabbe
“ What are you Vanilla-bloody-Ice? “

Quote: Player_Supreme
“ But if a ho wants to just be friends then don't waste your time. And I'm a debase character so your hooking up with her friend in front of her was sweet to my ears. “

Quote: Player_Supreme
“I've taken a fat chick and put her on a diet and training program and created my own super ho. “

Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“First off - she is just another hor who has opened her legs to another man - you are no one special - and there are no "Greatest" to hors - you are just the next pimp in line!!! “

Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“ the 'pimp' mentality works today because you are living in a time such that there are an overabundance if hors - this is the Pimps playground!! Pimps and hors go together like bread and butter - they are complementary natures!!! Pimps need hors like hors need pimps!! “

Quote: squirrels
“ You NEVER pay as a supplicative or bargaining measure, though. The reward that she gets for her affection is YOUR affection. The reward she gets for her sex is YOUR sex. The second you start buying her stuff to keep her around, keep her entertained in your presence, etc...you're compensating for not having what it takes to seduce the woman, and that's totally unacceptable. “


New Member
Apr 28, 2005
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I told her straight up, yea she was all by herself, so i thought im gonna mack it up, that i dont see a $@ck me on your forehead, or i dont want your phone number, just wanted to talk, this works for me,

the whole plan was before i left she would give me her number without me askin her, thats my potential upside on my game, i never ask for phone numbers, i hate askin for phone numbers,

when i said that, she completely understood me then playa hata woman just grabbed her, she wasnt all that but she was lacking attention herself. oh well, im not pissed, i'd change nothign to my game,

i like my formula, i keep personal records like ive gotten 8 phone numbers in one nite under 6 hrs, so...when the playa hatin woman took over, it was a whole nother picture, oh well,

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
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Quote : t00dumb
her friends are the judges that denys or accepts you as her potential significant other. the best choice is to play safe with her girlfriends and let them see how great you are and that you're not trying to get into her pants.

judges ? deny or accept ?

so if her fat h0e friend stamps me CLAIM DENIED just cause i got as much game as micheal jordan it's ok ?

your " let them see how great you are and that you're not trying to get into her pants "

to do that i'd have to act like a mad AFC

but then the hot chick wouldn't want me so i would be put in the friend box so i lose anyway

but at least the fat chicks would approve

to be fair to you YES IT DOESN'T HURT if you stuck with her c*ckblocking friends for 5 minutes to ACT SMOOTH but i got news for you

jealousy it is what motivates the c*ckblocker you act smooth the b*tches gunna hate you more and know you a serious threat so even the whole " be nice to her fat friends " is a double edged sword and i speak from personal experience

best to just stick to your guns be yourself and if he fat ugly friends don't like you THATS THEIR PROBLEM cause their hot friend is still going home with you and going to go out with you

need friends approval to date you ? yes women seek approval from their friends but you are a DJ so as God's gift to women she is going to " see who she wants " anyway

Quote : whitedragon
never thought about it that way, hmm. i guess my body language gave it away, but i was playing it cool, we had a decent conversation, everything was going smooth,

i dont know, i dont ask for one nite stands, i'd walk out a happy man if i just had a good conversation with her...

i guess i gotta dress a lil more professional,

everything was going smooth cause you doing it all right my fellow don juan

they gunna hate you no matter what usually cause they jealous

keep on truckin'

you don't ask for one night stands ?

but if a HB9 says " how about we go back to your place and have some coffee "

and you say " i got none " *sigh*

and she says " thats ok cause i dont drink it anyway " and gives you THAT LOOK

you would right ?

you want a good conversation lol ? ok if thats your deal then ISOLATE and you can have a better conversation ;)

dress more professional ?

i seen guys wearing clothes that havent been washed for 4 days get the hottest b*tches

nothing wrong with dressing nice ofcourse you gotta bring your A GAME but in a casual setting you dont wanna be overdressed for the occasion and look too out of place

dressing to get approval from c*ckblockers isn't gunna work cause
thats not the root of the c*ckblockers problem

example. Brad Pitt walks into pub

HB9 and HB7 approach squealing

Brad drops some game on the HB9 but is feeling tired from filming Don Juan versus Alien vs Predator 2

so he is not in the mood for a 3 some

HB7 realises her friend is about to be taken back to Brad Pitts luxury trailer on the set of said movie


POP QUIZZ FOR HB7 time....

ok if it were us a MAN and it was angelina jolie we would be happy for our friend and say man i'll be ok just GO and SCORE BRO

but women think different from us

see a MAN would THINK

a WOMAN would FEEL

so the HB7 feeeeeeeeeeeels.... what ?

happy that her friend is leaving her and about to have groupie sex with Brad Pitt ?


b*tches being emotional or as i like to think RETARDED she begins to c*ckblock

you be saying omg ! what a player hater ! how she claiming they best friends when she stopping her friend since she was 5 hooking up with a movie star ?

welcome to THE GAME

Lost In Translation :D


Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
PR_L's first rule of women - "They only get bigger!!!!!" Most women are lazy and hate to put forth effort and exercise - RUN!!!

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
yeah just read your reply

you got her number :)

do something with her

then after you do she will tell her friends women mostly always do this

and they will feel OWNED haha....

whitedragon 1

c*ckblocking b*tches 0

Lost In Translation :D


Quote: il_duce
“B1tch is just another word for a confident woman who always wants to have her way.

A$$hole is just another word for a confident man who won't take sh!t from a b1tch.

DJ Hawtness

Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Her ugly friends shouldn't judge ****. YOU'RE the judge, talk to her when she's by herself, forget befriending her friends, she's what YOU care about.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Another thing you might want to consider: Go and talk to your target girl earlier, BEFORE she gets all sh!t-faced and her friends feel like they need to "protect" her from her own drunkenness.