Women and lame excuses. Not my fault


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2002
Reaction score
So i was with my lady on friday, and she mentions that she's going with a gf to LA to hang out. I didnt go cuz i cant stand her friend. So im cool with it so far. She ask what time i want her back saturday. We agreed 10-1030am.

Saturday comes around, and i dont see nor here from her. I went to work out at 9, and no call from her. 1030 rolls around and, i said screw it, and went with some friends for a motorcycle ride up the coast. I check my phone around 230 and she called at 130, and left a message "were are u, i been here waiting for an hour 1/2" " i got other plans so i'll be home around 7". So i call her back. we get into this stupid argument. I asked her what time she got home since she called me at 130. She says she got home at 1230 (2hrs late), saying she slept in.We say out bye's and neither of us call the rest of the night. About 4pm my phone rings and it s her, so i answer it. All i hear is her and some guy talking in the background, so i just hung up the phone. She literally did this on purpose to make me jelous (she has a flip phone, so she knew what she was doing, and didnt just dial my # on accident.) I didnt call her back We say out bye's and neither of us call the rest of the night.

Today rolls around and she calls at 1230 asking if i can return her house key, cuz the realtor needs it to sell the house (b.s.) I said i'll meet her at her house and give it to her. We met up and she starts *****ing about how bad i treated her, that she deserves better, and saturday was my fault.How in the hell was it my fault. She cant call me and tell me she's going to be late? I did wait for her. she missed out. So i didnt give her, her key back and just walk out the house. She's all like f u. Since then, she has not called nor will i.

Now, she was in the wrong, so i wont call her right? I should wait for her call? What should i say or do?

GTS Jeff

Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
St. Pete, FL
actually yea it is your fault. a big part of DJing is accountability. this means taking responsibility for the things u do and the things done to you. why is this girl giving u the run around? for no reason? i think not. with your next woman, make sure u are the one in control, make sure u are the one who makes her ***** on a forum, and make sure that she doesnt grow the balls to challenge her man.



Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
It's true though, accountability is a big thing. If you knew she was so insecure, why stay with her? Don't call her. Let her call you because she's making you react. If you want to stay with her, go ahead. If not....... You're a MAN remember? Find someone that won't test you as much and is more worthy of your time and attention.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
Dont ask for advice if you don't wanna hear the answers. When I read the part about what time do you want me back, and You said XXXx time, your relationship seemed a little kiddish/jealous. Why is she asking what time she should be home? It sounds like you are her father. I would bet that you probably ask her what time you should be home too.

I think GTS Jeff, was right on in his assessment. You have provided an atmosphere where she has the balls. She can mess up then blame it on you. she does wrong then has the stones to get mad at you? Something is wrong with this picture.

I would have told her not to deflect her being wrong on me. She didnt call bottom line, So she has no right to be angry. Now shes playing games on the phone to make you jealous. Don't even deal with her on that level. As soon as, she starts tripping end the conversation. i think you're better off letting her go. If you move on with your life and act like you don't need her she will come back. If she doesn't then oh well you don't really need her. Make her adapt and supplicate to you, not the other way around. I would probably cut her permanently, but I might taking her back if, she came back humbled and 100% apologetic, which it doesn't sound like your woman would do.

You have a motorcycle, which is one fine piece of DJ'ing equipment. Go out and see if you can bang at least 1 new motorcycle groupie every day for the next week. Get over the old and bring in the new.


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
She's playing games!

It was HER fault for not calling. She should have phoned you when she woke up and said she'd be late. We're not in this for only sex, there's gotta be a bit of a relationship there too!

You did fine, she called you 3 hours late + were out. You didn't know what happened + shouldn't be expected to stay in and wait by the phone for her. You were more of a man to go out with your mates than wait for the little princess.

Her calling you up could have been an accident.. unlikely! Or just her being stupid.

What I recommend is that you talk to her in a neutral way. Get her to admit that she should have called at least when she got up, you didn't know where she was or how long she'd be. She was already very late when you decided to go out.

Just make sure you have the tone that you know you could have waited, but make sure she knows that she was wrong too - Neutral. The only way to "Win" arguments.

Then you've gotta let it go. If she starts playing games again call her on it + then leave her if she's still pissing about.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
It's not clear how serious you two are
(married, LTR, etc.) but it seems reasonable to me that she might be
a couple of hours late for alot of reasons. She probably should have called, but I wouldn't have made a big deal of it.
I would questioned her about it, but kept cool and just ignored it.
If you then leave and do something else,
that should be OK too. Hook up later
and maybe discuss it a little but I don't
see any point in arguing or fighting.