Women can sympathize with men, but they can not truly empathize with them. They aren't wired that way. Hypergamy is the opposite of empathyJust like to here your thoughts on women and empathy.
Obviously women have empathy but I think is might be slightly different to how a man has empathy.
I might be wrong on this assumption but it come across to me is the women's ability to empathise is about how it makes them feel.
For example.... The come across a bird with a broken wing. The can show empathy, diligently and selflessly nurse it back to health. This feels good to them.
But I think without this emotion women find it hard to have empathy. Especially showing empathy to someone they have hurt or caused pain too, as to show empathy in this situation makes them feel bad, because they must perceive they have done something wrong.
So they are unable to empathise in this regard. To show empathy means accountability and this is something I rarely see from women.
Not true accountability anyways. You will hear statements like "I'm terrible mum, because of this or this", these statements are always exaggerated to enlist a response from the listener and to provide reasons she's not /stroke her ego.
This relates a lot to dating for obvious reasons.
Some may feel bad or sorry for you (sympathy) and what you could be going through but woman can never truly empathize with a man aka walk a mile in his shoes and feel his stress or experience. If they truly felt empathy the way men do then you wouldn't have millions of women filing for divorce only because they are bored and believe the grass will be greener.
Your wounded bird example is am example of sympathy. She feels sorry for the bird so she helps the bird.
An example of the difference is this
Sympathy = I slapped Rodney because I was having an emotional meltdown. I feel bad Now for hitting him.
Empathy = " I wouldn't want to be slapped at all that would hurt and upset me, even though I am having an emotional melt down hitting Rodney is wrong so I won't do that."