Women and alcohol


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Nov 12, 2004
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This post was born from a BBC documentary on alcohol I saw ½ a year ago. Hence this is 100% from memory, but I do feel that my own observations play in well with what was said in that program so here it is, as short as possible.

Everyone probably already know about the effects of alcohol in that you loosen up and get rid of your inhibitions. However alcohol have some other, purely physical effects on women. At this point I must point out the effects that hormones, mainly testosterone have on our sexual lives. While it is true that extremely many factors are in play when it comes to our "love" lives testosterone is the main hormone that contributes to what is the purely physical feeling of horniness. Remember back when you were 14 and you popped boners anywhere, anytime? That was hormones ravaging your body...

Now how does that help men? Well, the truth of the matter is that what makes us men is that we have 5-6 times as much testosterone in our bodies as women. So apart from every cultural or religious factor that might have contributed to making women less "horny" than men, there also is the purely physical factor. Now women are just as dependant on personal sexual relationships as men (and we should thank god or mother earth or whatever we rely on for that), but as mentioned in the DJ bible women tend to put less emphasis on the physical side of things, which is in part due to the hormonal balance.

Now, the real revelation here is that when women drink alcohol their testosterone levels rise rapidly, sometimes even to the point where it is actually a bit higher than what it is for men. Now the effect of this coupled with the already mentioned slacking of inhibitions etc. is quite astonishing really. Imagine this, men are used to the same amount of testosterone (ie. horniness) every day of our lives as women have when they've been drinking. We've gotten used to it because everyday since those glorious days, where we would pop a boner every 10th minute, we've had to learn how to control it. We simply had no other choice. Many (and IMHO most) women simply have never learned to control that testosterone storm of 5-6 times as much as normal. Remember that it probably took you a few years to learn how to control it back in the day, women haven't got it easier learning this, as they don't really live with it everyday.
Now the incessant kissing other girls, grinding groins and other assorted horny behaviour from drunk women can at least in part be explained by these simple bodily functions.

Please keep in mind though that once women pass the line of having drunk more than about 6-7 units (usually defined as 33 cl. of 5% beer and of course also dependant on body weight and alcohol tolerance etc.) their testosterone levels will fall rapidly (kind of the female equivalent of "whisky d|ck" I presume). The effect of alcohol testosterone rage will also first come into play after a few hours (3-4 hours if I remember correctly) so buying her 4 drinks isn't your way to bliss.

It is also worth to mention that for men the effect of drinking is the exact opposite. Your testosterone levels actually fall slightly and if you get blaringly drunk it begins to fall even more.

Now, what am I saying here? That you should try and drink some chick under the table and take advantage of her while she's drunk? Well, if that's ever worked for you before and you find that stimulating (not to mention worthy) in any way, by all means go ahead, however you probably didn't need any info from this post to do this. Besides if you get a chick to the point where she's willing to do you even if she's not interested I doubt it will be very satisfatory anyway...

No this, like everything else on this site is about knowledge. Learn to understand the patterns of female behaviour and learn to work it to your advantage. You want that girl to know that she can "allow" herself to be with you? Well, getting a little bonus in the game of physical attraction can never hurt. Check it out, 'cos it's actually a nice little loophole for us men :cool:


New Member
Nov 12, 2004
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Didn't know that simply touching women had that effect on women. I met my current girlfriend when we were both very much drunk, so I might put too much emphasis on this, but I do feel that these points have helped me in my game from time to time.