Don't feel bad for them. Just know how to operate with them. Once you understand and appreciate them as they are and know how to truly push their buttons at will and play with them in any manner you're in the mood for, then you can feel sorry for them. But even then, the ultimate form is loving and appreciating them and their flaws. When a girl ghosts and re-appears, you will laugh because it's cute as you will know she grew insecure incited by something you had brought out in her and already had her on the countdown to reappear.
For now, keep learning; keep adjusting; keep putting yourself out there. Any seducer who doesn't get hit with tons of rejections is no seducer. We need to build you up so that not even 100 rejections could phase you. When you develop that kind of skin in the game, ladies will sense it and open the floodgates just with your body language alone.
Never take it personal. Any rejection is about them, and never about you. This particular one just felt insecure around you. Choose to think this way because it's true.
Your game will have to be adjusted to one of no arrogance. Once you lose the arrogance and show appreciation, you will experience a huge shift in how they respond to you.