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WIP-FR: Building Rapport (and using it)


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Tonight helped in hooking. Oh dear.

You know how you are passionate about one materialistic thing (ie: everything but a human). For some, it's cars. For others, it is music, And for some, money. Well, I found hers. She loves dogs.

And once I found that out, I used it in combination with teasing. Everytime I saw a dog when I did a delivery to a house, I teased her about how adorable it was, and I decided to run with the 'I'm getting a puppy'. And she's trying to tell me I'm not allowed to because we don't have enough time in the day (noted that she started to interchange me with we), and threw out about 20 reasons why I can't get a puppy for me (us). Of course, she also sidetracked and said she'd steal it if I got one, and how it'll have a horrible horrible life because I can't care for it.

Uh huh. I just need to get one answer from the roommate, and this could get real interesting.

Other then that, feel asleep near the end of the shift (dead anyways), and she poked and shook me (even pinched my back) awake when I was needed. Seems shes growing more comfortable, and always a good sign when Kino is fed back.

As for anything serious, I still do not know what the hell is up. This chick is like a rock, I can't see inside, and I can't find the proper tool to crack her open (yet)...


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Indeed it does, but only for certain things.

I just realized how much of my life she's in. half of my day. Eeek.

-On the other hand though, she's completely outside finances. Meh.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Ahh....lets throw a little update out here.

You know how girls display one type of behaviour solidly? Like, either she'll display signs of disinterest, or friends, or what have you, or, she'll display signs of interest?

....This one walks a straight line between the two fields. What I mean is that she isn't showing a whole hell of a lot of signs, but at the same time, her actions (such as repeatly coming back, calling me, etc) aren't just friend like.

Basically, she's a brick fvckin wall when it comes down to reading (and I can read 99% of other people properly, so it's not me not picking up on things). I can honest to god, not figure out where she is at.

Hmmm...I believe it's time to get a new toolset, because the one that's worked for every other time is not working this time. This is entirely new to me, because I've dealt with chicks that show signs a little bit, I've dealt with chicks that friended me, but I've never dealt with a chick that is unreadable.

This will be fun! :D


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
And of course, I have to show a little bit of what I'm about.
So, we had to pick up a order at KFC to deliver, so she wanted a Toonie Tuesday deal, I'm like alright, (she took away the element of surprise because I was going to get her one until she suggested I get her one.

So, I come out with the $50ish order (couple bags), and her deal bagged up, AND a drink of iced tea in those fill-er up cups. I give her all to her, and didn't say a word.

So, she starts drinking the iced tea and I'm driving along, and genius strikes.
Me: "What if I told you, that you were drinking the customer's drink?"

I've never seen her look at me so morified as she did, trying to call BS on that, and then second guessing it, going "omg, I can't be, customers don't order drinks in the cups" "No way...you can't be serious..no way!"

All this is happening as I hold DIRECT EYE CONTACT with her (minus the glances to ensure I keep the vehicle dent free), and a little smile, no words.

I swear, the sound of not speaking fuelled this, because for a solid minute or two, she was not sure what to believe.

I dropped off the food, come back and laughed my ass off in the car, and...
Her: "I knew in the back of my head that you were joking around"

Muahaha. She was Xed, it was gold.


We actually got pulled over by the cops. Talk about bad timing (on a delivery), not to mention that I wasn't doing anything even close to illegal. That killed off about 10 minutes as the copy checked my car for drugs as I was looking for my insurance in the glove box, and laughing our asses off as the cop ran both our names.

Needless to say, no ticket or anything. ****.


And I bring my laptop in the car, and she's going though 9000 songs, seeing what is there (and she has taste, :D). I change the picture on the screen to a cat, and went hunting around again though the pictures directory, I showed her my car, and she wanted to mull around the pictures (I had them archived a bit). Whatever, go knock yourself out.

Anyways, she goes though the random ones of though the years, and she comes along the "Friends" folder. Now, this folder is stacked with exgfs, friends, buddies, etc. And she starts going though this and asks me who this one girl is. Well here we go.... I don't think I've said "ex-gf" "another ex-gf", "Buddy", "buddies ex-gf" more times in my life than that. AND, AND, a lot of the girls were hot, so she's..

Me:: exgf
Her: *next* exgf? (of a bluntly hot chick)
Me: Nope. Just a friend.

And this continues, she stops on a few girls. "Is she a model", "she's pretty", etc.

And there was a picture of a group of girls in black in white, and I showed her which one was yet another exgf, and she was literally.

Her: "You dated her?!"
Me: "Yeah."
Her: "She's GOURGOUS"
Me: "o0... Yeah, she is very pretty"
Her: "How come you guys broke up"
Me: "Well...we were never around each other enough, I was always away, it was hard."

(I'm dating the chick Long Distance, unknown to her..)


End night, I say we're going to get some real food, she's like alright. So we hit the Dennys. Get in, grab our seat, and I want a beer. They stop serving at 11. For the love of fvck!! :mad:. Anyways, we get the menus, and ..
She: "Look at the prices, they are expensive."
Me: "Ok. You are not allowed to look at the prices when you order something."
She: "But it's expensive......"
Me: "You're not allowed to look at the prices. It's my treat, order something."

And we order.

And fluff/general talk, we somehow got into our first drunks? lol

And waitress messes up my order, so I munch on her hashbrowns while it gets corrected. (fyi, breakfast at 1230am).

And I get my food.

And eat.

And the bill.

Me: "Look at that!"
She: "Omg!"
Me: "That's really good" *refering to price*
She: "Oh yeah, it is really good!"
Me: "Yeah! :D"

So we get up and head over, but she's the only one working, so outside of the eyes of the girl, I give my waitress $22 on a bill of $16.5.

Walk back to girl
Her: "I hope you gave her a 20." (man, she's got standards!)
Me: "Naw, I gave her 22."
Her: "Whoa. *pause* That's really nice of you."

Drive home, can't remember the drive home. Dropped her, went home. Done.


DHV. I got that skill down solid. She KNOWS I'm a great guy, I'll treat her out every once in a while, but at the same time, I can joke around, be a little ****y about things. Not to mention, she was vastly impressed with the quality of girls she looked at, so I think all things aside, she knows I can pull.

I just have to find (or sharpen) some tools, and keep finding the spot where she'll start dropping the signs I need to keep the AAA/CoI theory running. Progression can't happen without a green light, and I'm at a goddamn yellow.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Adding to the illogical fire.

She msgs me on msn around 1145 after I got off work to msg her back. So, she wants to know if I'm hungry....and thus, another Denny's trip is born. Nothing too major for stupid events, except for seeing the same waitress around again, but, she was telling me how she would have $40 for the whole month...and I'm like...whatt....

And then, she tries to pay for the $19 meal. Now, normally, I would of let her pay it, but she needs that money, so I had to stop her. It does show a few things.
- She's trying to take the tab. That shows that she pays attention, and that she's not a abuser of moi.
- She's trying to be a sweetheart, and the fact she asked me to go out again...fully knowing we both had to work today morningish....

Again, more signs of somewhat interest, but nothing solid. But....the fact she did what she did tonight...I think we're going somewhere.

-Oh, and I'm throwing in more 'we' events. We were talking about A/C and how she can't stand cold air, and I said I needed it to sleep, she's like she hates A/C, so I said that well, you can curl up and sleep, and I'll lie there awake. She rolled that topic some more...so either she isnt' catching the 'we' factor, or she noticed and doesn't mind.

I swear though, the buildup of all of this...it has to crack somehow. At least I'm having fun chasing a girl for once, =)


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Slow but steady progress.

I'm noticing a little bit more of those little signs, and I figured that she must be interested (because if she wasn't, she'd be toast). Thus, I started referring to her as sweetheart sometimes. Doesn't specify dating, but she's fine with it. It's kinda neat when other people ask you know...what's up and I just say she's my sweetheart. They can make their own conclusions.

Otherwise, those Denny runs are becoming more frequent, and I gave her a passive kiss on the head in the midst of a hug and I heard a giggle. Hmm...

That's about it, aside from the fact her sister called me cute on the phone (totally random phone call, lol. AND, it' means I've DHVed myself enough that her sisters think I'm cool. Yeees!).

Looks like things are starting to show (go super-sensors!), and it'll just mean I'll have to play with the Kino Throttle control (oh...that sounds goooood.)


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
So, to sum this up really quickly....I think I did too much. Like, I do too much for her. She's so closed up and unresponsive to kino, or asking her about anything about her past that I'm not sure where we stand.

We went on a road trip...and ended up sleeping beside each other in the hotel bed..touchless none the less. Something is gravely wrong here....I talked to her sister about her later on the next day, and basically asked her to help get me a interest read on her, because I'm scot out of ideas aside from doing it myself or something.

I'm honestly stumped. No lack of wanting to see me, but the kino/past barrier..and the fact her sister said she's been though a lot...

Damn. I guess I'll wait and see how that pans out. Where's the next chick?

-It's too bad too, I know somewhere in that closed up shell there is interest. I just wish that kino barrier did not exist, or even just the past barrier. I used to be a shy person too, but this is ridicious...