Winter BC WEEK 2

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Here goes week two. If I forgot anyone please PM me.

Al Mohsetax
Sir Shinra
Violent V

Let's keep the momentum!

If anyone is interesting in sharing e-mail, aim, icq, msn, whatever, you may post it right here.

This week goes until next thursday evening. That should be enough time for you to finish the exercises.

Now, it's your responsibility to complete every week on time. You have to:
- Do the reading
- Complete the exercises
- Write a Report at the end of the week
You may:
- Listen to the music (recommended to get into the mood )
- Report any time during the week in this thread
- Ask questions in this thread
- Give tips
If you learn anything new that you think is valuable to others, you are encouraged to post this inside the Tips-Section.

In your Report at the end of the week please state if you were successful completing the week or not. If yes, I am going to move your name to the next week. If no you can either stop or give yourself more time. However, I am not going to take care of you anymore in terms of moving you name further. You have to organise yourself then but can still use this thread.

That's about it as general information goes.

The link to the BC one more time:
or word Version:

There you will find each weeks reading material, music picks and exercises. I am just going to repeat the exercises in short form in this threads.


1) Ten 2 to 10 min conversations with strangers.

Good luck DJs!
Last edited:

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Tip: Be curious, maybe theres a girl wearing sunglasses at night, maybe a man is doing some insane exercise on the grass (pretty handy in increasing ur excerise knowledge 2). People do these things for reasons and by asking them ur increasing ur knowledge, also guess what next time u c someone else do it, u already have something to talk about.

DJ: wow a beret, that must mean ur french
HB: no i am italian lol, but i like berets
DJ: then wheres my pizza?

(cheesy i know, but with the right amount of confidence it works)

If u ask things ur interested in and want to know, u will pass week 2 with ease, now its easy to say u can do that and its simple, but to do it is another thing.


New Member
Dec 12, 2008
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:woo: :woo: :woo:
rushing dude 123 said:
Tip: Be curious, maybe theres a girl wearing sunglasses at night, maybe a man is doing some insane exercise on the grass (pretty handy in increasing ur excerise knowledge 2). People do these things for reasons and by asking them ur increasing ur knowledge, also guess what next time u c someone else do it, u already have something to talk about.

DJ: wow a beret, that must mean ur french
HB: no i am italian lol, but i like berets
DJ: then wheres my pizza?

(cheesy i know, but with the right amount of confidence it works)

If u ask things ur interested in and want to know, u will pass week 2 with ease, now its easy to say u can do that and its simple, but to do it is another thing.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Im ill and house bound for a few days until my man flu clears up. Was going to go out tonight clubbing and would have completed this easy by tomorrow. Nevermind I need to work on talking in the day i.e. when im shopping e.t.c.

You think having conversations with people who work in shops count or would that be cheating?

Going to do the reading now. A bit more challenging this week but i should be able to do it once I stop feeling like ****

Violent V

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys I've been practicising this a lot before i started this boot camp and have learnt one very important thing:


I have opened up conversations with strangers by simply asking ONE question about them. Then the floodgates open, and they keep on talking and talking and i just nod my head and LISTEN. By the end I have made a 'friend'.

Other people are a bit cagey at first, and you need to open them up a bit; keep asking about them or this or that until you touch upon something they are passionate about and start talking to you.

I will try and participate a bit more this week, and will definetely be posting more as the exercises get harder!

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Birthday party this evening, talked to lot's of different people but just 3 convos met the requierements (people you've never talked to before + at least 2 minutes).

So that's 3/10!

I am still doing Hi's + EC + smiling. It's great to get more practice and my confidence still rises, so why not use this?


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Al Moh. said:
I am still doing Hi's + EC + smiling. It's great to get more practice and my confidence still rises, so why not use this?
I will be doing the same thing.

I parked my car in the student parking lot and saw a girl i sort of know.

Me: It's just a little late (it's already halfway through 1st period, i have dual credit, so i don't have to be there 'till 2nd)

Her: I have a hall pass. /waves hall pass.

Me: So you have a hall pass, to go to the parking lot?

Her: Haha, is that a problem?

.....conversation ensues until we get to our classes.

The conversation wasn't that smooth. She did a lot of talking, but i pushed my questions way too much. I did very little of my own input. Sort of like an interview, but there was a bit a laughing still. So that is my lesson from this experience so far.

1/10, i need to go to the mall, i feel motivated.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
@coolf1r3: Were is your report from last week? Didn't find it, so I didn't move you.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
A better place, a better time.
Successful conversation starters so far:

"How did you do on the homework last night?" leads to a riveting 10 minute discussion on starch grains
"Did you buy the book for this course yet" leads to a riveting discussion on text book prices.

"Hi, my name is Furyguy" BY FAR the best opener, led to the best conversations and met with the most success. Easy, started four convos that way.

I tried an opinion opener for the first time ever and it SUCKED. "What do you think of the song they just played?" Both of us ****ing hated it and were wondering why the kept playing it. I thought that was good since it gave us some common ground, and a good topic to talk about, music. But I got shut down cause apparently she's a stupid ***** who thought her cell phone was more interesting than talking to me, or anyone else, at the party last night. Stupid hoes.

Not to be discouraged, maybe I'll trying some more of those tonight. I think in retrospect I should be a little more animated.

Along with this were a LOT of conversations that didn't go 2 minutes simply because we were both occupied with other things, and lot of conversations with girls I had met once before but hadn't ever spoken with for any duration of time. Also not counting a bunch of situations where I'd be talking to them even without approaching, like eating with a group or doing lab work with someone.

I have to thank whoever brought up the note about Huge Hefner's best pickup line being "Hi, my name is Hugh Hefner" because that is just so easy and simple it's stupid. Anyways, four more to get done tonight and tomorrow.

M McLovin

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
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Central Jersey, USA
Break the Cycle

B/c W01 2008


(Pre-Disclaimer - earlier today my dog *black lab ~alex~ * jumped up on my laptop in the car and my J key isn't always working. I'm not one for proof reading. so if you see a few missing blame it on him. With that said..)

Al moh forgot my name on the list.

Breaking the cycle.

Wow, what a week guys. I wasn't exactly sure what I was suppost to be doing out there besides just meeting women. But what I found was a new aspect. I went to a few parties, mainly corporate ones. (christmas time tends to bring a few of these)

Sunday. my personal prep time to decide what the week to come holds for me. A nice quiet night with the dog and me at home to reflect on times.

Money monday comes around way to fast and the weekend is ending.

Monday seemed to creep by like a tumbleweed in the desert. Clients were nice, plenty of hands were shook, and eye contact was minimal. I'm sure driving along and looking at people stuck in traffic with you might count. I wont add that to my total.

Tuesday - The night to shake loose already. First X-mass party of the week. didn't have a designated date for most company parties. Although must make me look like a man-***** at work. keeps the water cooler talk cheap and easy. I'm not talking about taking your local girl that hangs out at the bowling alley to the party. I'm a Insurance sales. So i'm a 80-95k a year guy after only a year so I can't show up with the snaggle tooth girl from down the street. I first hit up the local night spot since the party isn't till 9:30.

Show up at the bar at 7 (2 hours should be plenty of time to snag a potential date) little did i know. Finally after a few quick chit-chats with different ladies I finally took first one i saw closest to the door, and asked her to step outside with me for a minute told her it was hard to hear her with the music inside. After conveying my situation to her, she kindly agreed to accompany me to the event.

Wednesday came and went without a hitch.

Thursday was difficult. I've got a 5-6week old baby boy at home so meet ladies is a difficult thing to do all in itself. So right from work i rushed home spent some time with the youngster, then shipped him off the the babysitter for some company event time with a long time gal-pal. So as the event started to build some steam we had come up with a convincing story for her to tell people when she introduced me to her co-workers. I left that party with 4 potential leads for more after-hours parties if you get the drift. 2 numbers.

Friday is my baby day, so no dating on that day

Saturday was today, and I to be honest with you didn't do much, just sat down and talked with family about plans for the holidays and such.. nothing to creative. sorry. -matt


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Sheesh this is much harder than I expected. Last week I struck up 10 covo's with strangers easy. No thinking involved it just happened.

But this week really feeling Im really pushing my comfort zone. Don't know why im finding this hard. Think iv got it in my mind that I HAVE to have conversations and my mind is self sabotaging. Well im learning a lot about myself already, and am going to give this 100%. I will not let my mind beat me!

I suppose this is exactly what I want to be happening being faced with **** I find hard and being able to push through it regardless of what im feeling.

0/10 so far.

How you guys feeling this week?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
A better place, a better time.
This week is going great. Did seven last night, putting me way over ten combined with Friday.

I discovered a new method last night: Introducing random strangers to each other is hilarious and awesome. I read about that somewhere but never actually tried it.

One girl told me something about how she does some news show or some bull**** but said she was embarrassed about it. So the rest of the conversation, whenever someone walked past us I would grab them and say "Hey have you met Amy? She's on [whatever the hell news channel she said] on Tuesday nights at 6:30, you should check it out!" and she would start giggling and give me that fake annoyed look, since deep down we know all they want is attention anyways.

I ended up getting thrown out of the party about five minutes before I was going to leave anyways for hitting on the chick that some AFC was trying to make a move on (he was failing miserably I should add). He was in tight with the people who own the place and didn't want me around anymore, that's how it goes sometimes I guess.

In any case, I accomplished what I meant to and got ****ing plastered drunk for cheap, so all in all it was a great night. Bring on week 3.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
Where The Streets Have No Name
Where could be a good place to do this approaches during the day? And I don't have a mall here.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Reppin' that 860 in Hartford, CT!
Al Moh. said:
@coolf1r3: Were is your report from last week? Didn't find it, so I didn't move you.
Oh snap. I didn't write a report on the site, I just kept my own personal log. My bad. I'll do this week's report, promise. Hell, I already finished the objective.:whistle:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
A better place, a better time.
milo said:
Where could be a good place to do this approaches during the day? And I don't have a mall here.
Bookstore. You'll always have a topic of conversation. And you can read in between sets.

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
@coolf1r3: alright, you're back in, I can't edit my first post anymore though.


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
hey lads,i have done so far 7/10 most of them when shooping,i done more but they dont quilified.but i have a problem,when im not in mood and start talk to girl i dont know,i cant speek english or what ever language,its like somethink gets blocked in my head..any suggestion?lol does it count when people start talking to u first and u just keep it going?


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
5/10 so far. All done in the day while out and around town. 5 more to go should have this done by the end of the week. Finding it a little hard talking to strangers but the more I do it the easier it will become I guess.