lol... we might have the worst head coach in America and that's not exaggeration. if only you had any idea. he runs off his best players because of his ego, he can't recruit, he has no offensive imagination and he won't hire an offensive coordinator because "I like playcalling, it's fun" (his words). Instead of hiring real coaches, he has his brother as the running backs coach and an old teammate as the wide receivers coach who has been friends with all his life, and another old friend/buddy who he played with as the offensive line coach. I would actually take a loosing season if it meant getting rid of him. Matt Jones and now Darren McFadden are the only 2 reasons he still has a job... both literary fell into his lap and he has another one coming next year named D'Anthony Curtis... probably one of the best 2 or 3 backs in the country, who literary grew up calling the hogs and wasn't going anywhere else.
BUT, he is good friends with very, very influential people in arkansas, some of which are on the board of directors, and until fans stop going to games, which they won't, because it's the only thing to do, he will have a job.
I don't even know why I get amped up for football season, Nutt will do 2 or 3 things that will ruin a season (pulling mustain last year and having "his boy" go 3 for freakin 13 with 11 yards for THE GAME to loose by 4 freaking points to LSU.. McFadden had more passing yards than our quarterback...Casey **** isn't half the QB Mitch Mustain is, who is now at USC, not passing the ball, not having a diverse offesne, I can go on). And he was just caught having an affair with a local news broadcaster (who is actually pretty good looking) with 2000
text messages going back and forth from each other, at 1 and 2 in the morning and nothing was done about it.