Will this prevent a girl from flaking


Apr 29, 2011
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The day before I'm going to call her and tell her that I"m going to pick her up at this time. Versus texting her asking if we're still up for Friday kind of text.


Don Juan
May 5, 2011
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She can still theoretically flake at the last minute (cancellation) but aside from that, it's definitely in my opinion a much manlier way of doing it. Stick to the phone, don't become a text sheep. It's a good practise to get into.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
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If you have already set a date and time then skip the text or phone call and just pick her up at X time. Easy enough! I'd skip contacting her before the date. Skipping it will actually make her wonder if YOU are flaking. The biggest flake I know will often email me the day of asking, "Are we still on?" Why? Because she's hot and she's used to the AFC'ers asking her if they are still on.


Apr 29, 2011
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I'm not asking if she's still on. I'm telling her that I'm picking her up at this and you better be in something sexy cause I'm paying for your meal.


New Member
Jun 3, 2011
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I agree with Johnny. Just skip the call and text and just run with it. If she shows up wearing something that's not sexy and it really bothers you then drive off haha... joking of course


Don Juan
May 5, 2011
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JPlaya said:
I don't expect her to remember a week in advance
Dunno about everyone else but in a way I agree with this - you have to time it so it's not such short notice she's made other plans, and not too long that there's a chance of her forgetting (not that forgetting is very respectful or enthusiastic, mind. Perhaps that in itself is a good test of her interest?) or it kind of getting vague.
I've found that when I've made arrangements too long in advance with women, sometimes they've flaked, not in the sense of not showing up, but something seems to "come up". Whether that's coincidence or there's something in it, I don't know. Perhaps it gives them time to go off the boil a bit?
I've usually found it most comfortable ringing them at the beginning of the week, Monday or Tuesday, with a view to meeting up Friday or Saturday. Get in there just before the mid week where all their stupid mates start booking stuff with them for the weekend.


Apr 29, 2011
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Ya, but this girl is always busy lol. I also tested her three days after I asked her and she still remembered, so that can be a plus


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
JPlaya said:
I don't expect her to remember a week in advance
You don't expect her to remember a week out in advance. That's understandable and all,but what about YOU and your memory? A week is a long time.

So who's going to call you to remind you about the date?

You won't have any problem remembering,will you? Because you have a high level of interest in her. I agree with what Sparky said about gauging how far out to plan a date taking the girl's interest level into consideration.

If you have no problem remembering the day and time of the date,but you feel you have to give her constant reminders of something she SHOULD BE excited about,them maybe she isn't as interested as you think.

JPlaya said:
I'm telling her that I'm picking her up at this and you better be in something sexy cause I'm paying for your meal.

This was a joke,right? You don't seriously plan on telling her to wear something sexy simply because you're going to buy her something to eat,do you? :crackup:

I don't know how often you talk to this girl,but if a day or two has passed since you two last spoke,I'd call her up like 2 days before the date just to talk and flirt with her a bit.

Play a little,tease her a bit,ASK HER what she's going to be wearing FOR YOU on the date. Tell her that you expect for her to act like a lady while out on the date,and that if she gets any funny ideas about trying to get out of line or trying to do anything inappropiate when you're out together,tell her she has your FULL PERMISSION to do so :D. Tell her not to wear a lot of make-up on the date because you don't want to spend the whole date wiping lip stick off your face. That'll put the thought of HER kissing you in her mind.

Get those juices flowing a bit,stir up her emotions. Do that like two days BEFORE the date. Then the day of the date,you can call her up like maybe a hour or two before you're supposed to go pick her up (or meet her),and tell her that you'll be there to get her in about so and so much time.

JPlaya said:
Ya, but this girl is always busy lol. I also tested her three days after I asked her and she still remembered, so that can be a plus
Aren't you the same dude who made some thread about how you're never going to ask a girl out by texting again? Well how come you're against using texting to ask a girl out,but when it comes to communicating with her AFTER she says yes,you revert back to it?

Texting should be used to relay quick messages,not to replace normal human interactions. If you have something short and to the point to say,then text,but if you want to vibe and connect with someone,you need to TALK to them,and vibing and connecting with a girl is IMPORTANT to maintaining a girl's high/medium to high level of interest.

There's no 100% way to insure a woman not flaking. All you can do is get her interest level as high as you can,and expect her to do the rest.


Apr 29, 2011
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I was joking about that part lol. I did this before I made that thread. Idk if I can handle calling her. This is also with a person I know. I just gave one test to see if she remembered. If she didn't than I would know it's over.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2010
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Instead of asking if we're still on...

I'll usually say something like, "Hey, don't forget to wear jeans tonight. You can't use me as a cushion if you trip on your ice skates!"


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
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Seriously, if she doesn't remember one week out, she doesn't care. That's AFC ****e. Sors. But true. Is she a fish? 100 bucks she remembers her hair appointment 30 days out. Skip the pre-waste-of-time contact. It's needy.


Apr 29, 2011
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I really dont see any girl caring that much unless it was brad pitt that asked her out


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
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"I really dont see any girl caring that much unless it was brad pitt that asked her out" = low self esteem. Big time.


Don Juan
May 5, 2011
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On refelction I agree with the above posts. Book the bloody date, DONT remind her, turn up. If she doesn't turn up, forget it. Perhaps make yourself a back up plan in the meantime, so you don't waste your evening if she doesn't show. But if she does show, that shows you a good sign of interest from her. And respect, reliability, good memory etc. it's a good start.
Pretty girl asks me out on a date one week in advance you can bet I won't forget it.


Apr 29, 2011
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Sparky said:
On refelction I agree with the above posts. Book the bloody date, DONT remind her, turn up. If she doesn't turn up, forget it. Perhaps make yourself a back up plan in the meantime, so you don't waste your evening if she doesn't show. But if she does show, that shows you a good sign of interest from her. And respect, reliability, good memory etc. it's a good start.
Pretty girl asks me out on a date one week in advance you can bet I won't forget it.
sorry I don't trust her. If some girl asked me out and she didn't confirm it the day of than I wouldn't show up


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
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why don't you trust her? this is ridiculous

if you have booked a certain concrete specific time - then she will turn up. why, between now and then, are you obsessed with texting every day to make sure she's still going to show up? Every time you text saying "are you still coming" its a massive display or insecurity, needyness and lack of confidence

in a forum of needy overtexters, you are actually the worst one of all. if you must text her , please dont text "are you still coming" or "did you remember" or "just to remind you", if you really can't cope without a text, then text something CONCRETE instead of this vague wishy-washy "hey" crap you always text. text "ok so i'll pick you up at 6.30" - but only ONLY if you haven't already confirmed that you are going to pick her up at 6.30. if you have already agreed this, then a text is really unecessary

you are a weak, needy, fragile little creature - you should be trying to hide this from her, not confirm it with every little text


Apr 29, 2011
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mahoney said:
why don't you trust her? this is ridiculous

if you have booked a certain concrete specific time - then she will turn up. why, between now and then, are you obsessed with texting every day to make sure she's still going to show up? Every time you text saying "are you still coming" its a massive display or insecurity, needyness and lack of confidence

in a forum of needy overtexters, you are actually the worst one of all. if you must text her , please dont text "are you still coming" or "did you remember" or "just to remind you", if you really can't cope without a text, then text something CONCRETE instead of this vague wishy-washy "hey" crap you always text. text "ok so i'll pick you up at 6.30" - but only ONLY if you haven't already confirmed that you are going to pick her up at 6.30. if you have already agreed this, then a text is really unecessary

you are a weak, needy, fragile little creature - you should be trying to hide this from her, not confirm it with every little text

I haven't did any of this whatsoever lol. Am I explaining myself clearly?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
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Jplaya, we can tell from your comments in this thread, "I haven't did any of this whatsoever lol. Am I explaining myself clearly?" We can tell from your writing that you are unsure and it looks weak. If we can tell, you can bet she can as well. Thus, we are giving you some great advice to save yourself from yourself. Don't text her. You're writing reveals too much. Just meet her! You're not a human calendar alert. We're pretty sure she is able to remember other dates in her life. If this one date is different, then you are wasting your time anyway.


Don Juan
May 5, 2011
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I agree with Johnny.
Come on JPlaya, just DON'T text her. Apart from anything else aren't you inquisitive to see what'll happen if you don't? Imagine how it'll boost your confidence if you don't text and she still turns up?

STEP AWAY FROM THE PHONE. If only to humour us lot. Come on we've got bets on this, me and Johnny have got 4-3 on her turning up, so don't dissapoint us:trouble: (Haha J/k of course).

Listen put it this way - you want to know whether she'll turn up if you don't text her? Only one way to find that out. Don't text her. And perhaps the result may guide you as to what to do in the future. But if you DO text her, you'll never know. You won't learn anything. Apart from how to feed your insecurity.