Will I ever have a girlfriend?

Raziel Kayne

Don Juan
Jul 29, 2004
Reaction score
I'll be turning 20 years old in less than a month, and I never had a girlfriend. I had a few one night stands, but I'm looking for some female companionship.

I used to be extremely shy but now I have no trouble talking to strangers. My problem is what do I say to a girl I don't know? You know how Marty McFly hate to be called chicken...well I hate to look stupid. There are so many girls I see standing waiting for a bus, in a store, or working at a store that I would love to go out with, but what do I say? Is it tacky nowadays to ask for the phone number of a girl you just met?

Some people have the liberty at working with or around a lot of women. So they have the chance at seeing the same women everyday and getting to know them. But people like me who don't work around a lot of women have a harder chance at meeting potential dates. I don't go to school so that's not an option for me. And I'm not interested in clubs or bars.

Basically, my questions are:

1. What are some good places to meet women (ages 18-24)? (not including work, school, clubs, and bars)

2. What are some good conversation tips for women you just met (and probably won't meet again)?

3. Is it feasible to get a date with a girl you just met? If you have accompolished this, what tips do you have?

4. What's a cool way of asking a girl if she's seeing someone (without actually using the word 'boyfried' or phrase 'seeing someone')

I'm just looking for a little help. A tiny nudge in the right direction.

Raziel Kayne

Don Juan
Jul 29, 2004
Reaction score
I'm guessing that I should tell a little about myself.

I have a job and car. Those two things are usually important. I have decent looks. I'm not ugly but I don't have a face/body that girls oogle over. So I'm thinking there's nothing wrong with me.

I already know about the "nice guy" vs "jerk" theory. I have interesting hobbies...funny...smart...and caring.

I'm wondering though why girls never approach me or flirt with me. Actually, that has happened in the past but I was too shy to act on it. So I don't have any experience with what to say or do when a girl flirts with you. Maybe someone can help me with this too?

I hope that this community helps me out a little...and maybe when I become better at this craft, I can help others out.



Don Juan
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
I'm not going to answer your questions, as I'm sure there are people who have a better idea then I do, but let me just say one thing: There is absolutely nothing in the world stopping you from getting a girlfriend except one thing: You

It is completely and totally up to you to improve yourself, and before you even worry about things like what to say to women, you've got to improve yourself. There are a million topics around with tips on how. Before you start attracting women, you've got to make yourself attractive. Do that first, and they will come. :)


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
1. What are some good places to meet women (ages 18-24)? (not including work, school, clubs, and bars)

2. What are some good conversation tips for women you just met (and probably won't meet again)?

3. Is it feasible to get a date with a girl you just met? If you have accompolished this, what tips do you have?

4. What's a cool way of asking a girl if she's seeing someone (without actually using the word 'boyfried' or phrase 'seeing someone')
I take it you're new here so welcome to the board. For starters, try reading the DJ Bible, there are excellent posts there that specifically deal with questions 2, 3, and 4 (guess this means I'm not a newbie anymore). As for your 1st question, what are some of your "interesting hobbies"? This fall I'm going to take a yoga class and a cooking class. This is a win win situation because I'm improving myself and also I hear the girl to guy ratio is way in my favor.

Also cheer up, most people on this board have experienced what you are going through and many still are. Some of them much older than you.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
I'll be turning 20 years old in less than a month, and I never had a girlfriend. I had a few one night stands, but I'm looking for some female companionship.

She's somewhere, but there are no promises.

I used to be extremely shy but now I have no trouble talking to strangers. My problem is what do I say to a girl I don't know? You know how Marty McFly hate to be called chicken...well I hate to look stupid. There are so many girls I see standing waiting for a bus, in a store, or working at a store that I would love to go out with, but what do I say? Is it tacky nowadays to ask for the phone number of a girl you just met?

When I was younger and some of my school mates tried to get me to do something that I didn't want to do.
I welcomed the word chicken. In fact, I especially became entertained when they would start bawking like a chicken and flapping their arms. I seriously thought that was funny, people making themselves look like idiots because they
were trying to manipulate me into doing something they thought I should do. I even made request. I would try to get them to quack like a duck, or squeal like a pig, or any other hilarious noise I can get them to do.

The same philosophy works with women. You hit them where they least expect it and when they finally realized you have taken charge of the situation it's to late for them to retialiate, so they have no choice but to accept that you have chosen to approach them and have a nice chat with them.

Just be bold and masculine, and things will work out.

Some people have the liberty at working with or around a lot of women. So they have the chance at seeing the same women everyday and getting to know them. But people like me who don't work around a lot of women have a harder chance at meeting potential dates. I don't go to school so that's not an option for me. And I'm not interested in clubs or bars.

Women are everywhere, take advantage of every opportunity.

Basically, my questions are:

1. What are some good places to meet women (ages 18-24)? (not including work, school, clubs, and bars)

Everywhere there is atleast one woman

2. What are some good conversation tips for women you just met (and probably won't meet again)?

Hi, how are you, where are you from, *star talking about something you heard on the news*

3. Is it feasible to get a date with a girl you just met? If you have accompolished this, what tips do you have?

Yes, when she feels comfortable enough to give you her real phone number she will be comfortable to go with you somewhere. You can try inviting her somewhere then and there.

4. What's a cool way of asking a girl if she's seeing someone (without actually using the word 'boyfried' or phrase 'seeing someone')

You don't, if she brings this up you are sunk unless you can talk your way into getting her to accept a date with you regardless by taking all of her excuses away.

I'm just looking for a little help. A tiny nudge in the right direction.

Have fun.....


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Originally posted by Raziel Kayne
I'm wondering though why girls never approach me or flirt with me.
regardless of what people say otherwise, it is still the MAN's job to initiate and approach. Take that privilege with pride.


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ask "Are you single?" instead of if they are seeing someone. It's just a better way to ask the question. If you ask if they have a boyfriend or seeing someone, they can easily make it up. Now if you ask straight out from the getgo "Are you single?" Yes would justify a right to proceed, a no would tell you to back off.

Never ask if she's seeing someone, you'd just have to get into too many details with it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Read the DJ bible because that answers all of these questions you have here.

BTW welcome to the boards:) You made your first step out of AFC-ness by coming here. Hope you stick around.


New Member
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
I say work on your own security and stability. You don't need a woman to be happy. If you can't be secure with yourself alone, you will never be secure.