Will caucasion girls go out with asian guys?


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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Originally posted by Romeo0310
Well part of the reason is that you live in California, one of the most racist places on Earth. I used to live there too, and I noticed that most people there prefer to date within their race and are very cliqueish. It's not the kind of place where people ever like you for you.

Outside of the CA, white girls are more open to interracial dating, and asians look more exotic. The white girls in CA overwhelmingly prefer white men.

I kind of disagree. In LA, especially.

If you're in the downtown/Hollywood/Westside area, I've found that whitegirls are pretty receptive, as long as you're presentable and have a solid game (know how to talk to a woman). You might get the 'stuck up white hoe' attitude in the suburbs (people, including girls of all races, are just snobbier in rich areas) or the redneck bastion of LA that is Orange County, but not in LA proper. There, I see white girls with men of all races.

I can't speak with absolute confidence, but my feeling is that girls from mostly white states (esp. in the Midwest) are indeed likely to find Asian guys sexy and mysterious. I hooked up with a girl from Kansas city during college (totally cornfed blonde type) who just couldn't keep her eyes or hands off me. :p

I would wholeheartedly agree that outside of major cities in California whitegirls are definately not as friendly toward men of color. Chalk that up to their redneck environment - but a real Asian DJ will always find a way. You know what they say: "Where ever there's a chance there's a ....." ;)


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2004
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I was born in OC and left when I was 9. Right now I'm in Baltimore, MD. I was one of the three Asian guys that went to my high school. Most of the white girls there had never seen an Asian guy. There were no asian girls for me to date.

When I first entered high school, I had trouble getting the white girls. I thought they didn't like me because I was Asian. After finding this forum and doing my research, it turns out that I was lacking hardcore in DJism.

After overcoming my ignorance, I began to sucessfully date a couple of white chicks ranged from 7 - 8 on the hotness meter.

Today I'm still gettin white chicks all the time.

To answer your question, yes, it does happen. Does it always? No. It may be dependent on your location.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
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I was studying in the library one day and close to me was this really hot white chick. After a few minutes she gets up, leaving her books on the desk and goes away. After about 20 minutes she comes back and with her is this short, nerdy asian dude with pimples and thick glasses. (on top of that he looked kinda fruity) So he sits next to her and I keep studying. I thought it was probably some guy she knew that was gonna do her homework for her or help her study or something. After a few minutes I turn around and what do I see? Them two are making out!!! This guy was your nerdy asian stereotype and here he was making out with this really hot white chick. Let's just say I was shocked, cause I didnt expect that guy to have any game. But he probably does, seeing that he landed a chick like that. So Asian guys do get white chicks.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
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Hermosa Beach, CA
Originally posted by showtime17
I was studying in the library one day and close to me was this really hot white chick. After a few minutes she gets up, leaving her books on the desk and goes away. After about 20 minutes she comes back and with her is this short, nerdy asian dude with pimples and thick glasses. (on top of that he looked kinda fruity) So he sits next to her and I keep studying. I thought it was probably some guy she knew that was gonna do her homework for her or help her study or something. After a few minutes I turn around and what do I see? Them two are making out!!! This guy was your nerdy asian stereotype and here he was making out with this really hot white chick. Let's just say I was shocked, cause I didnt expect that guy to have any game. But he probably does, seeing that he landed a chick like that. So Asian guys do get white chicks.
Is that the exception or the rule? And without a doubt, it is the exception. Yes it happens, but not enough to REALLY put a dent in the very SKEWED AM/WF dating scene.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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It's about about DJism or if a girl is into a nerd look. A girl does not want a guy that obsesses with video games, collects comics, or goes to star trek conventions. Most likely he's a dumpy person. Those Asian "geeks" are being themselves, they probably are computer/math geeks but probably have hobbies which make them interesting such as basketball, rock climbing, golfing. Compare that to a street thug that whose only skill is working out at a gym 2 hrs a day - and even though he is "manlier" the smarter girls who seek LTR go for the guy that does stuff in life to make him valuable rather than making himself appear valuable.

Click Here

Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2002
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Virginia Beach
asian guys have the best shot out of minorities. there friends could potentially rip on them for dating any other race if they arent liberal and come from an area where its not accepted.

plus i reccomend every asian guy should date a white girl, save the asian women for me.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
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who cares
yes ive seen a lot of white and asian couple....stop posting stupid questions, especially on the main discussion forum...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
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toronto, canada
A girl does not want a guy that obsesses with video games, collects comics, or goes to star trek conventions.
I'd say this is only 80% true.

I've been to an anime convention once... and oh boy... I saw many many HB7-HB10 in them... :eek:

And most of em were hangin around the guys who looked like losers...

The younger chicks in those conventions (age 14-16)... they were so "KAAAWWAAIIII" whenever they saw someone dressed up as a bad@ss anime character...

"Ooh... its Inu-Yasha"...

"Hey! Its Kenshin!!!"

"Squall... he's hot... :)"


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
i am a hot white chic ;) and I think asian men are fine. but it depends on other things, just like any guy. sexiness, sensuality, the way he holds himself, his features both inside and out. but in general, i think the chinky eyes of asian men are catlike and sexy. i like the smoothness of their faces and skin. their cheekbones are usually high. and i love a goofy smile!

i think chen chang from crouching tiger hidden dragon is one of the finest men alive, (dark cloud).
chen chang as dark cloud

Wong Fei Hung

Don Juan
Aug 13, 2003
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:D YES!!! I am one. Dont give up! I was dating a few before and I have changed taste for other kind. It helps if you are humorous when you talk to women. ;)