Why you're not getting laid...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2000
Reaction score
You're not getting laid because:

1. You take women to seriously.

You think girls don't notice this? I've stopped taking them so seriously and instead opt for having a good time at their expense. And they love this! For example, I met these 2 girls the other day who at first weren't giving me the time of day. One girl asked me what J.P. stood for and in the straightest face possible I told her that my father named me Juicy Penis and that it was on my birth certificate. She bought it! Did she get mad when she found out it wasn't true? No! Instead she still calls me "Juicy" and has admitted to being intrigued as to what "it" looks like.

2. You try to impress women...

You tell her about how much of a nice guys you are, how much of a romantic you are, bla bla bla... I have an AFC friend who I listened in telling a girl about how he gave his ex-gf a rose and a ring during a romantic dinner.. It didn't come off as romantic.. it came of as cheeseballish.

3. You talk too much...

You're not that smart... so why are you trying to make her think you are?

4. You spend too much money on a first date..

Yes.. You heard right.. Can you believe that ever since I started taking girls out for TCBY and spending less than 20 bucks I have had more success. Actually, I found the best spot now is this Mexican Restaurant who has 2 for 1 Margaritas (which comes out to $5 bucks for 2). They don't even speak English let alone ID.

5. You haven't learned the art of neg hitting...

Here's a few good ones:
"You look a little too young to be drinking beer..."

"You're 18? Oh.. you're just a baby!"

"Aaaghh! You just spit on me.. Say it don't spray it."

At a party... "Goldshlager shots are only for the grownups."


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2000
Reaction score
i'll try that one. hey you're only 16. you're just a baby girl.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2000
Reaction score
indep, MO, US
hey J.P. Its GoldSchlager. Seems like you're pretty damn confident. Seems like you're even too confident. I'm not saying you arent intelligent, but back off your high horse, pal. We're all smart at some things, and dumb at others. The true test of intelligence is what you can learn. This is why I think intelligent nice guys are better off than stupid DJs, because the nice guys can learn to be DJs, but stupid DJs cant learn to be smart. Besides, if we only used DJ rules, things wouldnt last at all.


At this point you probably have a woman (or multiple women) chasing you around, calling you all the time, wanting to be with you. So let's talk about how to KEEP a woman interested in you once you have her. This is BIG! There is nothing worse than getting dumped by a woman that you really, really like.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2000
Reaction score
How does it seem like I'm on a "high horse?" I'm giving advice on things that I've been guilty of myself in the past and am hoping others will call attention to it if they are currently doing the same.

Correcting the minor nuance of how an alcoholic beverage is spelled (which by the way I think we're both wrong) was a very weak and futile attempt at questioning my intelligence. The point of number 3 wasn't to say that I was smart and everyone else isn't. Rather, it was to expose how often men will talk and talk in hopes of having the woman think he's an intellectual. In turn, the woman only perceives him as a self-centered babbler.

So, let me ask: Why are you so defensive? Why would you take some pieces of advice and turn it into an examination of relative aptitude? In fact, you offer no opinion or counterpoint to any tips I gave so in effect this makes your attempt at rebuttal very ineffective.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2000
Reaction score
Oh and by the way:

I AM pretty damn confident...

Now is it getting the girls that makes me confident or is it the confidence that gets me the girls?

Does it make a difference?

DJ de Florida

Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by JPFromTally:
Oh and by the way:

I AM pretty damn confident...
Aren't all 'Noles?

Yeah, agree with the comments. Younger women are turned off by the "too serious" attitude.

DJ de Florida
Just Do It!

1) Progress always involves risk: you can't steal second base and keep your foot on first.

2) Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.

3) You never really lose until you stop trying.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2001
Reaction score
Like he said stop taking your not that smart.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 19, 2000
Reaction score
indep, MO, US
Eh, sorry bout that. Guess I took it as a personal attack. Next time, it'd probably be better to make it a third person thing, so that no one gets pissed off about it. I see what you're sayin... Most girls that you'd wanna get with aren't into guys that are intellectual, really. But some of us are just quiet, serious, logical and all that naturally... As much as we try, we cant eradicate all of it... to totally change our personality would just be cheating ourselves.


Oct 2, 2001
Reaction score
va beach
I do all that stuff you said and i still dont get laid. What can you say about that?

My neg hitting is awesome, i dont think theres anyone better then me. UI taught myself about that, before i even came here.

to your comment about being confident:

" now is it the getting girls that makes me confident,or is it that confidence that gets me the girls?"

Depends on what you mean,you mean confident in yourself as a person. Or your confidence in getting girls?

If its your confidence in getting girls that your talking about then its both.

Because i am very confident in myself as a human being but i dont get girls. Only reason im not confident in getting girls is because im probly the opposite of you. I dont have girls liking me. I cant help that. I mean, i think im one of the total greatest guys out there. Im the complete man. charming,confident,good lookin,smart, and outgoing and VERY funny. But it doesnt mean girls will.

Do you get what i mean?

It takes having prior luck in something your tryin to gain confidence in further succeeding in it. Like,say, shooting a basketball. Im good as hell at basketball. Thats why i can say without a doubt, i could probly kick all of your ass's in a game of one on one.

You get me right?

Good young grasshopper.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2001
Reaction score
Albuquerque NM
WJ I have a suggestion.

Find a guy who gets mad tail and start hanging out with him. I'm serious. A guy like JP prolly does a hundred good things during the approach alone that he doesn't even realize he's doing. I mean, when I post about a success the posts are always long as hell and I still don't even get in the half of what I did and said.

I'd be willing to bet if you do that, model your style of dress after the guy, try to pay attention to his body language, how much he talks, how often he jokes, when/if he brings up sex, how he closes ect... you will learn more in one night than you do in like a month of lurking here.

Good luck


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2000
Reaction score
I'll be completely honest with you. When I first meet a girl the ice is usually so thick that you can make scupltures. Girls are usually not that receptive. Regardless of how good looking a guy is this is usually the case. But give me a couple of minutes and 80% of the time I can have the girl liking me. Do I fret about the other 20%? No way... I don't take it personal.. just move on.

But maybe this is an area I should ponder and post about...


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2000
Reaction score
St. Pete / Boca Raton, FL
> Find a guy who gets mad tail and start hanging out with him.

That's not necessarily going to help, unless you have a hidden camera/mike setup to use, because if you're right there with him, it changes the equation.

I've also found that most guys like that can't explain their success, & hanging around them just leads to frustration when you realize how much action you're not getting.

> It takes having prior luck in something your tryin to gain confidence in further succeeding in it.

Yes, that's why all the advice about confidence isn't too useful.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2001
Reaction score
Albuquerque NM
Yep, my bad.

You are right. You're just screwed any way you look at it. I could try suggesting 100 other things and you'd come up with another 200 reasons why they'd never work.

Why bother?


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2001
Reaction score
Albuquerque NM
Originally posted by ChrisFl:
You don't have to be so negative about it. I just pointed out that hanging around those guys doesn't necessarily help.
No I don't have to be so negative.

And you don't either. my whole point of that suggestion is that hanging around someone who is being successful lets you OBSERVE for yourself what they are doing INSTEAD of having them try to explain it to you.

Hopefully from your observation you pick up things the successful person is doing that are different than what you are doing. you try to mimic those things and add them to your approach.

you don't just watch the other guy get girls all night while you cry in your beer cause hes so great and you suck so much. that's negative. That's saying:

'He does so good because of who he is, not because of what he does. therfore, I will never be that good because I'm not him.'

compare this to the way I think which is:

'He does so good because he does and says the right things. I can't do those things now, but if he could learn to do them, so can I.'

all I did in my 'negative' post was sarcastically repeat back to you what I feel you were REALLY saying in your reply to my other post.

To me, being negative is being hopeless. If you had said 'nah that prolly won't work, try this...' that's not negative. that's trying to be productive.

If all you are doing is making excuses why ideas being given to help this guy aren't going to work, without suggesting something else then why even post?

From now on, I'm not posting any replys to negative people. I'll save my thoughts for guys who at least think what they do matters and are willing to work at it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2001
Reaction score
Yeah right,neg-hitting? Do that too often and you'll end up being f**ked. What's the good of neg-hitting others?

Does it mean doing it for pleasure or for what purposes? I don't get it. by the way,where did you people learn all these neg-hits?


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by IntermediateDonJuaner:
Yeah right,neg-hitting? Do that too often and you'll end up being f**ked. What's the good of neg-hitting others?

Does it mean doing it for pleasure or for what purposes? I don't get it. by the way,where did you people learn all these neg-hits?
The purpose of "NegHitting" is to show a woman who thinks she's "all that" that you are just as hot as her, if not hotter.
I wouldn't Neg a girl who obviously has "Self Esteem" issues. But If I was talking with a lady who acts stuck-up, then NegHitting her, might put her in her place, and raise her opinion of you, because she's used to having guys brown-nosing her. Understand now? I think that Neg Hitting should be subtle and cleaver, not overbearing. The goal is to show her that you know that you are MORE than MAN enough for her, and that she would be lucky to have you!


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
I agree with you BigBill, these losers never listen to what we say.

"Only losers fall in love"

"How you do'ing" Joey Tribbiani

"Doesn't matter how you feel about the girl, but how you feel about you"

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
