Down Low said:
You're setting yourself up for a world of heartache.
Women never get beyond the mental age of 13. Never.
Depends on what kind of women, and from which environment. If you chase after stupid girls in their 30s and up - then you're a dumbass with poor standards. Women break out of the same **** men do as they age and mature. But, some people never grow up, never had to change, etc. Thats why a former slut is still trash. The mindset, attitude, and lack of personality remains intact. Same with douche bags.
But, **** arguing over this (again). Just because all you focus on and attract are dumb, immature women - doesnt mean thats all there is. Maybe in your circle. Which is usually the case. Theres a whole variety of people out there. But, just like with this forum, you wont find them in certain crowds. Especially if you try to "better" yourself by attracting these types.
If youre generalizing or *****ing in this "all or nothing" manner - the common denominator is YOU: who you seek after, associate with, befriend, date... Its all typically the same group of people everywhere - branched out like a mofo.
I'm not in for a world of heartache - because Ive already been there, and had the same mindset - for the same reasons. Everyone I surrounded myself with was a loser - men and women. They were all fake, immature, etc, but its all I knew and felt familiar with. I dated dumb trick after dumb trick, and so did all of my loser friends at the time - and we all hated women. But the women we attracted were the same way. Just a big cluster**** of toxicity. Everywhere we went... But we were one and the same, and attracted all these losers.
Even in my 30's, its tough to break out of those old patterns, and not hold the same views, and attract the kind of people youre used to. But theres a lot of decent, kind, mature folks out there - if you kill those habits. But of course, that means changing your entire lifestyle. A party boy player isnt going to be attracting what he isnt. Which is kind of the catch 22 of this whole attracting women business. You end up attracting the same kind of immature people who play games, back-stab, compete, talk ****, etc. Been all up in there - well before finding this forum.
OTOH, you have quiet, peaceful, kind, mature, intelligent, etc people. But real people arent gorgeous, they dont care about status or drama, and all that crap. But its the loud / flashy / boastful / HOT ones that people notice, and try to attract. Thats their own damn fault when they end up being stupid, immature, shallow, flakey, etc. They chose to get involved in the game - dont cry about its toxic side effects, or who you end up becoming once you get sucked into it. Comes with the territory, *****es. But, most people into this lifestyle are ****ing crazy, anyway. Ha Ha Ha. :nono:
It all comes down to the TYPE of person - not their gender.