Why you shouldn't hate women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
Let's all face it, we all have had our bad encounters with women. Some guys ended up paying a lot through divorce, some guys can't get any women at all, some get rejected straight up(e.g friend zoned), and even some get made fun of resulting in destruction of their confidence. But we still pursue them. Why do we still do this? Because we want to feel good. The only other thing in the world that can make you feel good, excluding drugs, besides hobbies are women. Even though they are capable of heart ache and straight up disrespect, they still have the ability to make you feel good through their body and even their actions. Balancing out women and your hobbies is what will make you happy. No one is happy being without women and no one is happy making women their sole purpose either. It's all about balance.

So what positive things do women bring to you? We all know how toxic they can be and sometimes that will cloud our view towards them, so let's not forget a few things.

- Physical aspects. What man or animal have you seen that has those slim/curvy hip curves, toned stomach(or maybe you like a little pillow), slender legs, long/medium/short soft hair waiting to be pulled, tits that are just attractive to man for whatever reason, those sexy tan lines(if possible), soft bouncy butt, soft and puffy cheeks(maybe a bit more defined if you're into that bad girl look), heavenly voices that is just subtle music to your ears(unless she talks a lot and has an annoying voice), gorgeous eyes that are begging to be gazed in, necks and collarbones that are just waiting to be bitten, feet that are just well feet, soft warm p*ssy begging to be pleasured, and maybe even another hole close by if you're into that... Exploring a woman, whom you think is desirable, is probably one of the best things you can do.

Women, desirable ones, are just sexy. We can all agree on that. When you look at an attractive girl, you just can't help but admire her beauty. Especially if they dress a certain way that displays a very feminine status, like painted nails, jewelry, and even some fashionable clothes that don't make her look like a hoe. It's perfectly normal to admire something nice, just don't stare too long gents... And remember to smile if she sees you checking her out!

Besides having a fine woman whom you think is a total babe(we all have different standards), they can still drive you crazy. Looks aren't everything right? Well, you're right. Looks get your foot in the door and sometimes you only need a small crevice if the woman is low quality but a total babe.

Well is that all they have to offer? Physical pleasure? Eye candy?

Well... Logically, yes that is all they have to offer. But with that being said all men can only offer shelter and protection. Very caveman-y, very boring in my opinion. I mean, if you want to live in a cave then go ahead, I'm sure a woman wouldn't mind living there either- especially if she were homeless.

Some of us sometimes forget that a woman offers another thing besides physical stimulation. It's the reason why guys get with girls whom are unattractive and gross, woman give men something that no one else can. And that is mutual, we can also give them something that they cannot find anywhere else. It also happens to be the same thing!

Emotional connection/support!

I'm very much Red Pill, that statement above will probably never be said by anyone else with my view point. But I firmly believe women can give you this type of feeling that nothing else can, unless you're gay.

Haven't you ever looked at a girl in the eyes and she looks back? So you two just stare into each others eyes? While through your peripheral vision you're examining her whole face while still staring at her eyes? Doesn't it feel like time just kind of stops? Like you're staring into each others souls? You lose thought and just focus on her face? Doesn't it feel like you sort of got lost?

This feeling cannot be replicated. I've tried looking at men this way, animals, hobbies, friends, and even a gorgeous sunset, but nothing even compares. I mean if you're gay or like animals, I guess you would get the same effect but I'm not into that...

Assuming you're normal, let's say you get with that girl whom you just completely lose yourself in when you look at her. It's like you two just connect and are "meant" to be for each other. You start thinking about her a lot, you start wanting to be around her more, and you start wanting to have sex with her, all because she made you feel a certain way and vice versa. When a girl shares mutual interest, it's a wonderful thing! This isn't a bad thing, if we didn't feel this then gender relations would be very boring.

Especially when you two have sex. Sex with a girl that has mutual attraction is amazing. You just want to explore her every body part and pleasure her as much as possible, this is how a female gets an orgasm. It is possible to fake this attraction by simply being inconsistent and exploring her body during sex, but trust me. It's 100x better when it is a real feeling, her returning the favor and genuinely wanting to pleasure you makes sex a real trip. The look in her eyes when you slowly thrust your d*ck inside of her is just an unreal feeling, imagine getting lost in her eyes while fvcking her and her slowly moaning your name.

Not only that, when you are feeling lonely who are you going to go to? A man/woman? A cat? A forum(well I guess that works too), an escort(could work too...)? Well some of those work, do you really want to pay for support? Do you really want to talk to a cat? Do you really want to talk to someone who has no idea what you're going through? Not really. You want to go to the person that makes you feel good. A woman! Well not just any woman of course, YOUR woman!

I'm not the type of guy to spill my guts out to my girl, but I am the type to feel lonely. I don't care how hard or confident you are, no one can escape loneliness. When that same girl that you get lost with comes to your aid and just lets you hold her, it's a different feeling entirely than any other method.

Attraction is a wonderful thing and women are wonderful! But most guys get greedy with that feeling of mutual attraction. They loose their drive in life, they stop gaming her, they stop working out, and they just stop being masculine. They rely on her for happiness instead of support. If you aren't masculine how is she supposed to be feminine? When you act feminine then that means she has to act masculine, or she would be gay. I know I've brought up being gay a lot, but if you're not embracing your masculine side- well then are you really straight? Just because you like vagina doesn't mean you can't act like one!

Life is about balance. Always stay positive and never stop improving. Don't let a few bad experiences ruin your view on women, they are beautiful, you just have to find a good one.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Women have as many reasons to hate us. As men we don't have to worry about getting raped or getting impregnanted and having to raise a child alone

Only Omega males hate women. The ones who are successful love women


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
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New York, USA
The imagery in this post was enough to make me happy. The things you're saying are true. We don't have to be 'icy' all the time. Every girl deserves a different type of guy. Some of them should get played but there's another type of girl who deserves the real you. That hasn't happened to me yet but if and when it does, that might be the woman I marry.
I stopped hating women and completely started putting the blame on myself. I am the common denominator in all of my bad experiences. It's better to think this way because this is how the good self-improvement happens.

This was a deep post bro, keep it up!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
skinnyguy said:
Women have as many reasons to hate us. As men we don't have to worry about getting raped or getting impregnanted and having to raise a child alone

Only Omega males hate women. The ones who are successful love women
We all have reason to hate... I hate it when it's really humid, I hate it when stuff breaks on me, I hate hearing exhausts from cars that sound horrendous, but does that mean I hate weather, my stuff that worked beforehand, or even exhausts notes from cars? Of course not! I love all of those things! It's just certain things that make me not like them sometimes.

The world is Black and White, but I try to appreciate the white for what it was/is.

amazingswayze said:
I stopped hating women and completely started putting the blame on myself. I am the common denominator in all of my bad experiences. It's better to think this way because this is how the good self-improvement happens.

This was a deep post bro, keep it up!
One of my weaker areas is that my upbringing brought me and mom to a distant relationship. We see each other every day, but were not emotionally connected like a mom and son should be you know what I mean? This relates to dating because there is always a voice in the back of my head that whispers to me that I can't get a girl and that I will basically be alone. That voice, that started out as a quiet whimper, has been very destructive these past few months. I don't really know how to "love" a girl because I wasn't really demonstrated that through my mom, or any other female figure, when I grew up. I wrote this post because I need to get my head out of this negative and naive gutter, I seriously want to learn how to appreciate women's feminine side and I feel that this post is one step closer to becoming more successful with them. I'm already a walking 'DJ Bible' so I know the danger that comes with, well, anything.

First step is to simply admire them as a whole, well the ones that are attractive to me at least. So getting away with negativity toward them is another thing to do. Also, I really need to spend more 1 on 1 time with my mom. I seriously want to love my mom as a mother.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
what's love got to do with it?

Skyline said:
I don't really know how to "love" a girl because I wasn't really demonstrated that through my mom, or any other female figure, when I grew up. I wrote this post because I need to get my head out of this negative and naive gutter, I seriously want to learn how to appreciate women's feminine side and I feel that this post is one step closer to becoming more successful with them.
love is a natural feeling that you will experience when the right girl comes along. when you truly adore her, you'll show affection. don't worry about 'love' you'll find it one day. as far as your mom goes, just start thinking about what you're thankful for. think about the times she's nurtured you. allow yourself to love her. i get pissed at my mom every single day but it doesn't mean we have a bad relationship. she knows i love her.


Mar 12, 2011
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Skyline said:
Not only that, when you are feeling lonely who are you going to go to? A man/woman? A cat? A forum(well I guess that works too), an escort(could work too...)? Well some of those work, do you really want to pay for support? Do you really want to talk to a cat? Do you really want to talk to someone who has no idea what you're going through? Not really. You want to go to the person that makes you feel good. A woman! Well not just any woman of course, YOUR woman!

I'm not the type of guy to spill my guts out to my girl, but I am the type to feel lonely. I don't care how hard or confident you are, no one can escape loneliness. When that same girl that you get lost with comes to your aid and just lets you hold her, it's a different feeling entirely than any other method.

Life is about balance. Always stay positive and never stop improving. Don't let a few bad experiences ruin your view on women, they are beautiful, you just have to find a good one.
Come on bro, what is a "good" woman? One that "listens" to you you? One that doesn't spend your money? One that gives you great sex? One that cooks for you?

A woman will only care about you if you can give her something in return she can't get elsewhere. No woman is going to listen to you if she get a better deal down the road.

Plus, if your woman finds out you are leaning on her because you lost your job, friends, money, etc, she will absolutely DESTROY you. You will be crying until your last day when the state, system, and court side with her. But hey, at least you got share your "emotional" problems with someone, right? :trouble:


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
amazingswayze said:
love is a natural feeling that you will experience when the right girl comes along. when you truly adore her, you'll show affection. don't worry about 'love' you'll find it one day. as far as your mom goes, just start thinking about what you're thankful for. think about the times she's nurtured you. allow yourself to love her. i get pissed at my mom every single day but it doesn't mean we have a bad relationship. she knows i love her.
I don't believe in love in the form of another person that is unrelated to you, not an object, or friends. Attraction just doesn't work like the way the movies and society depicts "Love." That's why I put quotations around it, I know some of you guys have different definitions of that word. I believe in high mutual attraction and that's it,if she is not attracted to you then that is basically obsession on your part.

Trump said:
Come on bro, what is a "good" woman? One that "listens" to you you? One that doesn't spend your money? One that gives you great sex? One that cooks for you?
We all have different definitions of what we would consider an ideal woman, but I agree that there are some universal traits- good and bad.

Trump said:
A woman will only care about you if you can give her something in return she can't get elsewhere. No woman is going to listen to you if she get a better deal down the road.
That's not the point of this thread. If you are an AFC, or recovering, this thread is not for you. This thread is for people, like myself, who do not find the value in women but we HAVE value to offer. Big difference!

Trump said:
Plus, if your woman finds out you are leaning on her because you lost your job, friends, money, etc, she will absolutely DESTROY you.
At that point, you lose your drive in life. I already stated that when she sees that you become feminine because you got caught up in all of those emotions, she will have to become masculine. It's an energy shift really. I never said she wouldn't destroy you and I never said you couldn't destroy her. As long as you stay in your masculine she will stay in her feminine.

Trump said:
You will be crying until your last day when the state, system, and court side with her. But hey, at least you got share your "emotional" problems with someone, right? :trouble:
No one said anything about marriage. I'm well aware of the evils and biased opinions that women get but that doesn't mean they still aren't wonderful when they aren't twisted and egotistical. As long as you maintain your frame, by pursuing your drive/hobbies in life and not being a doormat, you will be fine. There is a difference between support and co-dependence.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
You will get better emotional support from another dude than a woman. Her attraction for you will not only decrease but she will grow to despise you and eventually use it against you.

In fact, keep all your emotional thoughts to yourself. Have some form of outlet (journal, hobbies, family, friends etc) but never let a woman's ears be that outlet.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
El Payaso said:
You will get better emotional support from another dude than a woman. Her attraction for you will not only decrease but she will grow to despise you and eventually use it against you.

In fact, keep all your emotional thoughts to yourself. Have some form of outlet (journal, hobbies, family, friends etc) but never let a woman's ears be that outlet.
Depends on the woman, I personally don't really share my feelings like that but some guys do and some women like that believe it or not. They like their man with a really soft side for whatever reason.

That's another thing that's so great about women, there's just so many types!


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
because as a man, blaming your own bad judgement on a woman is a gey a$$ type of thinking and you need to take responsibilty and say, boy, I fuked up...

you must see women as complete retards but at the same time shower them with compliments about their intellect

but dont lose your grip


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
skinnyguy said:
Only Omega males hate women. The ones who are successful love women
Nope. This is complete BS.

On a side note. OP has posted the worst blue pill nonsense I've seen on this forum for a while.

You clearly need to educate yourself OP- you don't understand women and their physcology/ Hypergamy


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Lozboss said:
Nope. This is complete BS.

On a side note. OP has posted the worst blue pill nonsense I've seen on this forum for a while.

You clearly need to educate yourself OP- you don't understand women and their physcology/ Hypergamy
I agree with everything Poon King has to stay about women, think about that.

I don't want to forget why I'm even pursuing women in the first place, all we hear are the negatives about women. It's damaged me and I'm sure it's gotten others to question a lot of the advice here.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Trump said:
Come on bro, what is a "good" woman? One that "listens" to you you? One that doesn't spend your money? One that gives you great sex? One that cooks for you?

A woman will only care about you if you can give her something in return she can't get elsewhere. No woman is going to listen to you if she get a better deal down the road.

Plus, if your woman finds out you are leaning on her because you lost your job, friends, money, etc, she will absolutely DESTROY you. You will be crying until your last day when the state, system, and court side with her. But hey, at least you got share your "emotional" problems with someone, right? :trouble:

And while its true that there is no benefit to hating women.. there is also no benefit to placing them on a pedestal.

WANTING women is normal and women exist to be enjoyed and to help men reproduce. However.. any man who goes down the road of NEEDING women or depending on women for his happiness is a weak b!tch who has no idea what it means to be a man.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Poon King said:

And while its true that there is no benefit to hating women.. there is also no benefit to placing them on a pedestal.

WANTING women is normal and women exist to be enjoyed and to help men reproduce. However.. any man who goes down the road of NEEDING women or depending on women for his happiness is a weak b!tch who has no idea what it means to be a man.
Agreed 100%.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
How can you not hate a gender who are biologically programmed to use you and other men for their own benefits?

How can you NOT hate women?!

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Lozboss said:
How can you not hate a gender who are biologically programmed to use you and other men for their own benefits?

How can you NOT hate women?!
Because YOU always have a choice in allowing women to use you or not. You also have the ability to use THEM for your own sexual pleasure, entertainment and reproduction. Which is what all men should do.

The reason hating women is pointless is because it does nothing to change their nature. Women will be what they are regardless of how you feel about it. So its a waste of energy being angry and miserable when you can be spinning plates, sport f*cking and putting your emotional energy into IMPORTANT things like your personal goals.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Lozboss said:
How can you not hate a gender who are biologically programmed to use you and other men for their own benefits?

How can you NOT hate women?!
Both genders are just as shallow as the other in their own way. That statement that you said is what is holding you and possibly others back. I don't have a negative view in women but my view is mostly negative because of all the bad stuff they can do.

Well what about the good? The world is black and white but all I hear is the black. What about the white?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Hate women? Why? Because you are too lame and have no game? SMFH...

So because you refuse to put in the work in yourself to be attractive to women whether be at the gym, attitude, confidence, mental side, etc you should hate them because they are attracted to guys who do?

Sounds about right..do no work, expect everything to be handed to you and complain when you achieve lower results than the people who do put in the work...

Where did this generation go wrong? Disgraceful.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Just analogy, OP:

"I don't hate dogs. I hate when they **** on my carpet. Big difference. This forum is about keeping our carpets clean."