Why would she do that to me?


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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There's this girl in my history class that I've liked for a little while. Let's just call her Whitney. She's beautiful, smart, popular. She sits a few seats ahead from me. All year, all I wanted was for her to talk to me at some point. Well, she did, but not how I had hoped.

A few days ago in class, I was just sitting down in my chair, just looking at her and admiring her beauty before class. She just turned around and said "God, why are you looking at me? Every class, you're always watching me!" I was shocked, I didn't know what to say "Seriously, it's like I can FEEL your eyes on me and it SICKENS me!"

I just said "No, I was just looking at the board, really," but she just turned around and said "Oh, whatever!" And everyone in the class just snickered.

I feel so humiliated. Why would she do that to me? All I ever wanted was for her to like me, but what she said hurt me so much.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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PAG said:
I feel so humiliated. Why would she do that to me? All I ever wanted was for her to like me, but what she said hurt me so much.
Probably because you are gawking at her like a stalker.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2009
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Wow. What a *****. I honestly don't know why she did that because I'm not her. She was probably looking for some jollies and used you as her target. Instead of saying you were looking at the board, you should have just smiled at her and said "Don't flatter yourself" or "Sorry. I always stare off into space when I think about your mother" (IDK about that last one, but I personally thing it would have been funny as hell). Don't let what she said bother you. She probably did it from insecurity or horniness.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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How can I not let it bother me? I don't think I could stand looking her way or even being in the same room as her ever again. How can I face all my classmates again? They must all think I'm a loser or a creep now.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2009
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ItsTheAttitude said:
"Can you wait? I'm not done yet."
Priceless. As for PAG, watch Pumping Iron with Schwarzenegger. That made me start caring less about stuff. But PAG, just for perspective, boys and girls changing rooms were right next to each other for our school talent show. For the first few practices, this one girl kep saying, "DH, don't look at me while I'm changing." This was while I wasn't even aware that she was in my vicinity(she was some 20 feet away, in another room). After the 2nd time, I made an effort to look through the doorway (some other 6'2" guys made a wall in front of me, and at 5'10", I couldn't see anything). After that, she stopped telling not to look at her. The point is, don't be afraid to do anything. She noticed you looked at her. So what? You're not a pedophile, a murderer, a Republican (JK). You looked at a pretty girl, she was a brat. Whatever. She might feel guilty because she probably stares at other guys and thinks it's WRONG. The point is, WHATEVER.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2009
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Ok... I'm sorry about the situation, but stop being such a pansy. You didn't do anything necessarily wrong to warrant such a *****y reaction, but dude come on. Read your post. It reaks of insecurity issues. Really. There are countless number of things I can tell you to make you feel better, but the simple answer is that you were creeping her out. Your post just implies of countless fantasies about her.

You found this site somehow. Use it. Read some posts. Go to the Hs bible or the Dj bible. Trust me. This site can really open your eyes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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Stblack said:
Ok... I'm sorry about the situation, but stop being such a pansy. You didn't do anything necessarily wrong to warrant such a *****y reaction, but dude come on. Read your post. It reaks of insecurity issues. Really. There are countless number of things I can tell you to make you feel better, but the simple answer is that you were creeping her out. Your post just implies of countless fantasies about her.

You found this site somehow. Use it. Read some posts. Go to the Hs bible or the Dj bible. Trust me. This site can really open your eyes.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
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oh come on....you had it coming bro lol. If you are going to stare at someone at least be ready with comeback because majority of the time they will tell you something...especially since you're in high school. If you see her walking in the hall make eye contact with her and before she says anything say "barf.." and leave


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2009
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Salt Lake City, Utah
PAG said:
How can I not let it bother me? I don't think I could stand looking her way or even being in the same room as her ever again. How can I face all my classmates again? They must all think I'm a loser or a creep now.
Dude, you sound pathetic.

You ask why would she do that to you? Because what you were doing - staring at her without speaking to her - is creepy stalker behavior. Imagine if some strange girl was sitting behind you and starring at the back of your head every day. You knew she was doing it but she never talked to you. You'd be creeped out too.

She called you out in front of the entire class, put you on the spot, and your reply was: "I was just looking at the board, really". That's terrible. She dug deep so you should have hit her back equally deep.

"I couldn't help look at that mess you call your hair. What's the matter, you couldn't afford the entire haircut? Forgot to tip the hairdresser? Someone get this dork a pair of scissors." Obviously that is just an example and would require that she has something wrong with her hair. But you get the idea.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
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ItsTheAttitude said:
"Can you wait? I'm not done yet."

Dude this girl thinks your a fvcking creep you gotta keep it in your pants and stop staring at her all day. ALL the girls are gonna think your a weird ass creep now.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Juice09 said:
Dude, you sound pathetic...

She called you out in front of the entire class, put you on the spot, and your reply was: "I was just looking at the board, really". That's terrible. She dug deep so you should have hit her back equally deep.
Excuse me, but who the **** are you to say anything I do is pathetic or terrible? I panicked. I was never in a situation like this before, I couldn't think of anything to say on the spot. What's wrong with that?


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Feb 16, 2009
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eaglez1177 said:

Dude this girl thinks your a fvcking creep you gotta keep it in your pants and stop staring at her all day. ALL the girls are gonna think your a weird ass creep now.
So what can I do to recover? Is it too late to use any of the lines suggest, after the fact?


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2009
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Salt Lake City, Utah
PAG said:
Excuse me, but who the **** are you to say anything I do is pathetic or terrible? I panicked. I was never in a situation like this before, I couldn't think of anything to say on the spot. What's wrong with that?
I'm not calling you pathetic because you couldn't think of something clever on the spot, you can't be blamed for that, it happens to the best of us.

I'm calling you pathetic because you sound insecure, desperate, needy, and like you need to grow a pair. Your obsessed with a girl you've never even talked to. You say you've been waiting all year for this girl to talk to you, WAITING FOR HER TO TALK TO YOU. Instead of being a man and pulling some moves on her, you sit behind her gawking at her beauty imagining what it would be like to be with her. And than when she calls you out on it, you're shocked that your infatuated lover would shoot you down. What did you expect to happen?

I'm not trying to upset you, I don't think you did anything to warrant such a *****y reaction from that girl. But you also, I think, needed that reality check to jumpstart some change in your game.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Juice09 said:
I'm not calling you pathetic because you couldn't think of something clever on the spot, you can't be blamed for that, it happens to the best of us.

I'm calling you pathetic because you sound insecure, desperate, needy, and like you need to grow a pair. Your obsessed with a girl you've never even talked to. You say you've been waiting all year for this girl to talk to you, WAITING FOR HER TO TALK TO YOU. Instead of being a man and pulling some moves on her, you sit behind her gawking at her beauty imagining what it would be like to be with her. And than when she calls you out on it, you're shocked that your infatuated lover would shoot you down. What did you expect to happen?

I'm not trying to upset you, I don't think you did anything to warrant such a *****y reaction from that girl. But you also, I think, needed that reality check to jumpstart some change in your game.
You know what? It's easy to criticize, but if you can't give constructive advice, then shut your mouth.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2009
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PAG said:
You know what? It's easy to criticize, but if you can't give constructive advice, then shut your mouth.
Juice is right, you know. Just think about the situation with an outsider perspective for a second. Does it not look bad to you? You want this girl. Why? She is smart, beautiful, etc blah blah the most amazing girl in the world. How the hell would you know? You haven't talked to her. Just think about that. Does it make a lot of sense to you? It shouldn't. Dude, chances are, you aren't going to be able to get this girl now or ever. She'll probably always think you're a creep. You want to recover? Get over the girl. Browse this site a little more.