Why would anyone move and disconnect all contact with everyone they know?


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Ain't nothin better than realizing those shackles on your feet are only a key turn away from freedom... and that you are the one holding the key.

Hit the road, it's the best thing you can ever do for yourself. The less you take with you, the better. And don't believe the hype, you can always go home.

Life is so short, go have a few adventures. What's the worse that can happen? You die? I am pretty sure that is how the book is going to end anyways so don't let fear of anything hold you to one place.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
we had a family friend whose family moved to another state and we lost touch for a few years. when contact was remade between our mothers (who were best friends before the move ) my mother asked her how her son was. the answer was that he has left home, with none of his belongings , she has custody of his son, she can't say where he is but because she promised him but that she gets to visit once a year.
my mother asked where the mother of the child was... the answer was "she died."

when my mother hung up the phone, she called me and cried.. he must be in jail ... he must have killed the baby's mom.

well.... guess what? i googled it... and there it was... mother guessed it


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
Of course they have big issues, otherwise they would have stayed settled.
But you're trying to throw an insult, which is uncalled for since you can't imagine or don't understand other people's thoughts and situations.
You're the typical ignorant who thinks that his way of thinking is the right one and that his life is the prototype by which everyone's lives are shaped.

Maybe one day you will ponder about your past, present and future and decide to take a measure that other ignorants will consider crazy.
Best thing I ever did TBH. I learned a lot that took me to good places when I finally returned home.
Quiksilver said:
It is hard, and I can say the past two and a half years have been very trying mentally and emotionally, but on the other end I'll be a better person for it. I'll have developed worldly contacts and a CV that employers may look twice at. I've experienced things that no one back home has, and now have a better sense of life and what it means.

It's been hard, oh so hard, but at least I haven't lived in a padded comfort zone that many are so fearful of leaving.

Also, the longer I've been away from my old life, the more important I've discovered that friendship is, and how there is serious merit to growing up in having a close community of friends and family around you. Don't take friendship and close bonds lightly.
Doesn't do much, eh?

And again, it is not running away! It is moving away!

If you lived in a sewer, but left it and tried to build a better life, would you call it "running away"?
Are you of the conviction that one must be the hero type and wrestle a bad environment until he dies?