But that is the thing , I am already doing this and backing away . It is ok for a while , then the drama scales up every time
and I am not needy , nor clingy. I would Say that i am quite reserved, but being a good guy from time to time
If we are good men of character there are things we will not do to enforce. When they know that, the enforcement has no teeth. If she knew that we would beat her or would really enforce then she would fall in line. Just like kids, always need to have spanked them at least once. And no.. I don't mean we should abuse kids, I mean they have to have direct knowledge that we mean it. The whole.. putting the woman in time out is fake and they know it. It works with kids if we have previously actually spanked them and they remember.
Its very different thing of: he might walk away vs he might... It works for some men, because deep down they really will kick the **** out of her if needed and she know it. And again, NO we should not do that.
In the beginning, the way was that the man enforced the rules by any mechanism he saw fit. now his only tool is to withdraw attention and walk away. Put her in timeout... and we can't take her toys away even, in timeout she still has car keys, smartphone, and social media. Deep down this is what she see in what we call alpha, he will do whatever it takes and does not have a moral stop code. Now the guy might have a stop code, but she doesn't think so. As a result she doesn't challenge him.
In the end all we should do is walk away and find another that doesn't know our kind heart yet.