Why we shoul not tarnish all with the same brush. Meninism on the rise


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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there may be hope for some women afterall


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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Ruler said:
Those comments there, the top one, baffles me. It's some feminazi who ridicules women who are twenty times better looking than her middle aged ass (and she's so self conscious she has a colored filter over her face so you can hardly see it) while then saying they wouldnt be able to without feminism?

Do these women not understand that, by the 1990s, women had practically passed men in rights? And now men are forced into being submissive in every facet of society. I watched a youtube video this morning of a guy who was parked and a woman slammed her car door into his twice. The man got out to take a picture of her plate number so she could be ticketed but she stood in front of it. He proceeded to get in his car, after the lady said he was "harassing" her. She opened his passenger side door and wouldnt let him close it while he continually repeated "Close my door", "Do not touch my car", "Let me shut my door", etc. She was so arrogant and empowered. He called the police but she was afraid he'd leave?

At the end of the video, it shows her coming over to his side of the car and opens his door and gets in his face screaming at him while climbing into his car. If this were a man, he'd obviously beat the sh!t out of him. But the difference is, another man wouldnt do this because they know they'd get their ass beat. Women don't know what it's like to take a hard punch to the face and know that if any man lays as much as a finger on her, she can claim assault or who knows, maybe even sexual assault as well because he put his hands on her "inappropriately". Again, men don't do that sh!t. Nor would they open the car door and stand in front of their license plate. We men are not psycho like that (mostly). And the thing is, women can and will continue to get away with it. In that situation, I'm not sure I could keep my cool like the guy in the video. I very well MAY have hit her, I'm not sure I've never been in that situation and never want to be. I know if a man does that to me, he will be knocked out cold.
Ruler , I love castle law , Arizona is great.

Women Against Feminism and Feminists are the same two-headed hydra. We have the Women Against Feminism trying to entice men back to the plantation. They're the good cops. Then we have our old favorite, the feminists who want their cake and eat it too, as they always have. They're the bad cops.

They're all tradcons who want to be pampered. They're worse actually. They want the best of the old world and the new. They want to play career girl, ride the carousel and then have that whole 1950's homemaker lifestyle. No need to worry about work, money, safety, whateverthe****. They're in my opinion worse than the tradcons and feminists because they're both wrapped up into one neat little package.

This is hypergamy, this is the new age of whatever you want to call it. This is the new generation of women. Being traditional is no longer good enough. Being an "equal" and a feminist is no longer good enough. Now we need to take the best of both and give it to women, until that's no longer good enough. They will never be satisfied, and this isn't in my opinion women backtracking in order to "fix" things. It's women who are tired of the feminists telling them they can't be housewives, but who still enjoy all of the modern privileges of "equality".

All I smell is desperation...

How about option 3...? I use you like a *** dumpster and discard you when I'm done...

You want to know what the sad part is...?

This 'movement' of women holding placards and so forth will do more to stop the feminist juggernaut than all of the energy expended, and blood shed, by ALL of the men who have tried, and are currently trying, to counteract it.

Men are the disposable sex. Don't willingly jump into the meat grinder guys...

And just look at them. They don't even look the part. They're not married, they don't dress decently and some of them look like hard core sluts. Do any of them resemble anything that isn't from a feminist era? I bet every one of these sluts thins it's "sexy" when the man pays for dinner or buys them a drink. Give me a fvcking break.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Very good post Yawata. Women against feminism largely is just (feminist) women wanting to disarm, steal and usurp men's cause and redefine it for women's own purposes. Wolfs in sheep's clothing.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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They(women) are scare.Men are more okay being single. Aside from sex, what benefits do women these days give men that they couldn’t get from their friends? None. Women used to treat even the most average man like a king. He would come home from a long day at work with dinner on the table, a clean house, and kids picked up from school. The wife was the ultimate support system while the husband slaved away paying the bills.
Now that women want “equality” they are no longer willing to make a man feel awesome. Instead they are more likely to divorce you and take half your stuff. Women in the US have become a liability if you’re a man and dumb enough to actually get married.

When it comes to marriage men tend to get the shaft whenever the divorce comes and in more cases than not - the marriage will end in divorce. Combine that with the self entitlement that most western women have (via social engineering for the past 50 plus years) and it's a recipe for disaster for men.

Guys are waking up and simply don't want to put themselves in bondage. Who can blame us? Sadly, women still are bombarded with the notion of finding their Prince Charming and having the "perfect" wedding. Is it any wonder why women are miserable nowadays? Invest in cat food,anti-depressants and wine.........

Can't put the sh1t back in the horse.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Ultimately ALL women want what is in their own best interest. If the smart ones realize that feminism is slowly taking women down a path to hell as more and more men disengage from traditional man "roles" and go MGTOW or avoid marriage.. women realize this is not a good deal for them.

So as always.. it goes back to THEM. Its not because they care about what's good for men.

Women for the first time are starting to realize that their happiness is dependent on male cooperation. When men approve of women, they want to make those women in their lives happy. But more importantly.. they want to make life EASIER for those women. Liberated men become increasingly useless to women as they are not willing to dump through hoops, blow money and play cannon fodder for women like the men of the past.


Jun 15, 2015
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Poon King said:
Ultimately ALL women want what is in their own best interest. If the smart ones realize that feminism is slowly taking women down a path to hell as more and more men disengage from traditional man "roles" and go MGTOW or avoid marriage.. women realize this is not a good deal for them.

So as always.. it goes back to THEM. Its not because they care about what's good for men.

Women for the first time are starting to realize that their happiness is dependent on male cooperation. When men approve of women, they want to make those women in their lives happy. But more importantly.. they want to make life EASIER for those women. Liberated men become increasingly useless to women as they are not willing to dump through hoops, blow money and play cannon fodder for women like the men of the past.
Everyone wants what's in the best interest or they THINK is in their best interest. Your ridiculous attacks trying to pin blame solely on women that can apply to anyone shows you to be nothing more than an angry MGTOW who dislikes women period and would be better suited to stay in the company men like yourself so you'd have no reason to complain.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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silencer said:
Everyone wants what's in the best interest or they THINK is in their best interest. Your ridiculous attacks trying to pin blame solely on women that can apply to anyone shows you to be nothing more than an angry MGTOW who dislikes women period and would be better suited to stay in the company men like yourself so you'd have no reason to complain.
He is right , you are not.

Now, go back to the kitchen cupcake.


Jun 15, 2015
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YawataNoKami said:
He is right , you are not.

Now, go back to the kitchen cupcake.
I'm sorry you and Poon have women troubles. Countless other men do not. Because they aren't running around complaining about women as a whole with ridiculous generalities like you MGTOW do.

Oddly enough you're whole movement is a sham pretending to go their own way yet going nowhere but doing fake threats to see who cares. Problem is the same women you dislike aren't worried if you leave as they don't notice nor care if you do. Everyone goes their own way. Completely unoriginal cult of angry men. Without women to complain about MGTOW couldn't exist.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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silencer said:
I'm sorry you and Poon have women troubles. Countless other men do not. Because they aren't running around complaining about women as a whole with ridiculous generalities like you MGTOW do.

Oddly enough you're whole movement is a sham pretending to go their own way yet going nowhere but doing fake threats to see who cares. Problem is the same women you dislike aren't worried if you leave as they don't notice nor care if you do. Everyone goes their own way. Completely unoriginal cult of angry men. Without women to complain about MGTOW couldn't exist.
Whatever you said cupcake, now make me a sandwich.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
silencer said:
Everyone wants what's in the best interest or they THINK is in their best interest. Your ridiculous attacks trying to pin blame solely on women that can apply to anyone shows you to be nothing more than an angry MGTOW who dislikes women period and would be better suited to stay in the company men like yourself so you'd have no reason to complain.
Bro with all respect you need to learn what poon king says is the universal truth lol.


Jun 15, 2015
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YawataNoKami said:
Whatever you said cupcake, now make me a sandwich.
^^^Approved shaming language from the cult of MGTOW?^^^ :crackup:

Firestar786 said:
Bro with all respect you need to learn what poon king says is the universal truth lol.
Bro with all due respect you need to actually interact with women, drop the entitlement issues and work on yourself instead of taking what you read on the internet as "universal truth".

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
silencer said:
I'm sorry you and Poon have women troubles. Countless other men do not. Because they aren't running around complaining about women as a whole with ridiculous generalities like you MGTOW do.

Oddly enough you're whole movement is a sham pretending to go their own way yet going nowhere but doing fake threats to see who cares. Problem is the same women you dislike aren't worried if you leave as they don't notice nor care if you do. Everyone goes their own way. Completely unoriginal cult of angry men. Without women to complain about MGTOW couldn't exist.
Then why are you so angry? Why are you on a MALE discussion board whining about MGTOW?

You don't care. So why are you here? :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:


Jun 15, 2015
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Poon King said:
Then why are you so angry? Why are you on a MALE discussion board whining about MGTOW?

You don't care. So why are you here? :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
You are projecting again. And in your delusions like to believe anyone who isn't buying your act is a "woman". Must be in the MGTOW handbook.

The question is why are MGTOW on a seduction forum when they've claimed to have gone their own way?

You can't be "going your own way" and still chasing after women while complaining about them too. You are doing nothing original claiming to go your own way yet still going after entitled women. You are doing the same thing everyone else is doing pretending you are some group of men who "don't care".

Lame and unoriginal. MGTOW attempting to finish what Feminism started. Both groups are against nature. Nature prevails. MGTOW and Feminism fails.
Apr 23, 2015
Reaction score
YawataNoKami said:
They(women) are scare.Men are more okay being single. Aside from sex, what benefits do women these days give men that they couldn’t get from their friends? None. Women used to treat even the most average man like a king. He would come home from a long day at work with dinner on the table, a clean house, and kids picked up from school. The wife was the ultimate support system while the husband slaved away paying the bills.
Now that women want “equality” they are no longer willing to make a man feel awesome. Instead they are more likely to divorce you and take half your stuff. Women in the US have become a liability if you’re a man and dumb enough to actually get married.

When it comes to marriage men tend to get the shaft whenever the divorce comes and in more cases than not - the marriage will end in divorce. Combine that with the self entitlement that most western women have (via social engineering for the past 50 plus years) and it's a recipe for disaster for men.

Guys are waking up and simply don't want to put themselves in bondage. Who can blame us? Sadly, women still are bombarded with the notion of finding their Prince Charming and having the "perfect" wedding. Is it any wonder why women are miserable nowadays? Invest in cat food,anti-depressants and wine.........

Can't put the sh1t back in the horse.
Women are admitting they are really "men" so they give up the pu$$y or a$$ or bj as a gay guy whose going to slit your throat at your naivety. They want what you want and they don't want you over them.

And you "hot girl" lovers, you too! The "hot girls" are the worst men, they are like the predator on the movie with Arnold Schwartsnegger and they are lauging their ways to the bank at your a$$es who pander and fold to them. They are MEN.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
silencer said:
^^^Approved shaming language from the cult of MGTOW?^^^ :crackup:

Bro with all due respect you need to actually interact with women, drop the entitlement issues and work on yourself instead of taking what you read on the internet as "universal truth".
I do interact with women
I have no entitlement issues
I work on myself daily

I read poon kings post and they are the universal truth regardless of whoever myself included thinks.

Only dumb betas like you don't know it yet..


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
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Eye of the storm
Ruler said:
I watched a youtube video this morning of a guy who was parked and a woman slammed her car door into his twice. The man got out to take a picture of her plate number so she could be ticketed but she stood in front of it. He proceeded to get in his car, after the lady said he was "harassing" her. She opened his passenger side door and wouldnt let him close it while he continually repeated "Close my door", "Do not touch my car", "Let me shut my door", etc. She was so arrogant and empowered. He called the police but she was afraid he'd leave?

At the end of the video, it shows her coming over to his side of the car and opens his door and gets in his face screaming at him while climbing into his car. If this were a man, he'd obviously beat the sh!t out of him. But the difference is, another man wouldnt do this because they know they'd get their ass beat. Women don't know what it's like to take a hard punch to the face and know that if any man lays as much as a finger on her, she can claim assault or who knows, maybe even sexual assault as well because he put his hands on her "inappropriately". Again, men don't do that sh!t.

I would get out, and pepper spray her ass, works every time.


Jun 15, 2015
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Firestar786 said:
I do interact with women
I have no entitlement issues
I work on myself daily

I read poon kings post and they are the universal truth regardless of whoever myself included thinks.

Only dumb betas like you don't know it yet..
Righto mgtow. :crackup: