Why We Are The Prize, Why Women Are Not....its Simple

Mar 25, 2006
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DJF, and I will make this short and sweet and spicy.

So all this talk on the prize, and we are the prize, but a lot of you wonder if I am such a prize, why in the hell do I feel like I am still competing and increasing my conversation skills, self improving myself, etc., to get women?
Let me explain.

I explained in a prior post, women are attracted to dominance, to sum it up, inner game by forming the beliefs of the alpha male unleashes the man within you. We all have it, but since it was beat out of us by our parents when we were younger, the beta maleness formed. Majority of bad boys are masculine, thus attractive, because their environment they grew up in and come from requires the you be an alpha male or you'll get your azz creamed. Majority of nice guys are not masculine (majority of guys I should say) becasue most of us grew up in an okay environment but mommy and daddy beat our azz if we did anything alpha, and made us submit to them. This formed beliefs that made us a beta male.

That's why I stress changing your inner game and beliefs, so you now behave, have the attitude, walk, talk, etc. of the alpha male, thus, you become attractive.

But this post is about you being the prize. Why are you prize? Simply because like an investment, your rate or return is higher than hers. For example:
A woman is like a low rate investment like a CD... It's pumped up by majority of America as the best thing going, but if you look at it, the rate of return from investing all your money and time into it is not high, and plus it's taxed. That's like guy's investing in seduction, learning conversation skills to entice her, self improving themselves just to get her, stressing over getting her number, when to call, the first date, should I blink this way or that way, should I let her dance with this guy, she's shyt testing me, and so on and so on. See the large amount of investment? And what's the rate of return? A hug, a kiss, and a orgasm. Besides an orgasm, majority of women (sadly mostly the best looking ones) don't invest time into their souls and wisdom, thus they are really only good for lusting purposes. I mean, the amount of information she provides to me about a topic in life, I learned in high school, majority really don't have any amount of value or enhancement to my life outside of the bedroom. Not all, but majority of them.

Secondly, like the CD, it's taxed! ahaha, I put all my investment money in a low rate of return investment, just to have them KEEP some of it. Plus I don't have access to it when I need it, it has to stay in for at least a couple years....sound familiar? All the energy and time you put into "impressing them" you lose a lot of energy and time, that could have been invested into your career or your passion. Not only do I get a low rate of return, but majority of the investment I put in is lost due to the taxes, the only way a CD could be beneficial, is if I leave my investments in a long time. Sound familar? lol, the only way majority of women can be beneficial all around, is after they have matured and grown up. So now, not only do you get value in bed, but value outside of it, unfortunely, this takes a while.

So what are we like? What are the don juans and men like? Well (don juans anyway) we're like those high-yield investments that are safe and can be used as liquid, and if taxed, the tax does not hurt as much. When women invest their time and energy into us, they get so much more of a rate of return than just some dyck. They get invited into our exciting social lives, they get acceptance, they get informed and more wiser from learning from the don juan, they get(eventually) money from the don juan because he likes her and rewards her, she gets protection from danger, she gets the "Fatherly" attention kind of like God to the church, and a lot more. See the rate of return. A woman investing in a don juan is like putting your money in a high yield investment, earning a high rate of return, that's also safe and can be liquid if you need it, and if taxed, it doesn't hurt as much, or you could find a way to get it tax free....sound familar? You give all of your "world" to her, you invite her in. You make her feel safe, and if she needs anything (sex, protection, wisdom, guidance, fun), she can just come get it anything she wants.

A little long winded, but maybe after reading this, you guys will understand why being a man, or as you call him, "a don juan" is the prize to be won. So instead of memorizing patterns...work on your world. Let HER run a pattern on you, let HER remember your trance words, let HER do ****y funny to make you laugh, let HER do a neg hit to calm down your proudness............when a guy figures out his "worth" not only do you get pvssy( low rate of return) but you demand more which is her wisdom, knowledge, support, HER social life, HER money and protection...so you can turn the tables and offer her a low return (a CD, just your dyck) in exchange for her high return (her world).

And that's how you pimp.

Mar 25, 2006
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AHAH, to go deeper, this is called, abritage and OPM.

OPM is using other peoples money(or other people's things) to make money, abritage is borrowing at a lower rate and investing at a higher rate, to earn a profit.

Don't you see what women are doing?

They are simply using what God gave them (their vaginas) and investing their vagina into a don juan, to gain a high rate of return which includes, a family, a provider, a protector, his fun and exciting life, his wisdom, his knowledge, his all.

ahah, if that's not using OPM and abritage you tell me. The fact is, I don't even think WOMEN KNOW THEY ARE DOIN IT!! They should all be millionares, if they can do it good to men, they should be MASTERS OF THE MARKET!! lol, lol.

So guys, turn this around. I keep telling you, once you form those beliefs back that were beat out of you by mommy and daddy, she WANTS TO FVCK YOU JUST AS MUCH AS YOU WANT HER. Now, use some OPM and abritage on her azz.....

Take what God gave you (your dyck), because now she is lusting for it, she wants that dyck more than you want her little vagina....get her to buy you things, cook, clean, introduce you to her girlfriends, drive her car, and any other things you can think of. Since she is now lusting for your dyck, make sure that BEFORE YOU INVEST IT IN HER, you'll have a higher rate of reture coming than what you put in.

Oh yah, and after you get done doing this to women, go do it in the market and make some money off it.



Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
This thread has won the Community-famous SamePendo seal of approval.



Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
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los angles, calli
I've also noticed that kids that grew up without a mother are all in all more alpha. Or in other cases two parents.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
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United Kingdom
It's pretty simple really, women are inferior to men...that's all you need to know...that's why men will always have the upper hand providing they don't think TOO much with the ****.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2006
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men are superior to women?`LOL if men are so superior and rule over women then why are the laws stacked against men, why do so much more men lose their lives in wars, suicides and so on. women are very skillful manipulators.

alpha males are superior to women
women are superior to "beta" males.

great thread LOVE the money analogy!


New Member
Jul 6, 2006
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I'm all about investing in high yield interest funds, a little invested in a lot of stocks (women) to maximize my profits(whatever I have to gain from women).

Honestly, women and men are equal. It's funny that this day and age people will argue their not. The only reason the term "be a prize" exists is because men notoriously tip their hand and GIVE women their power thus guys need to be reminded to throttle back a little and let her come to you. Simple.


Jan 14, 2006
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long story short - we are the prize and they arent because WE give THEM more than THEY give US, and NO they dont GIVE US SEX because SEX is something that we give each other equally aka they wanna be ****ed just as much as we wanna **** them
Mar 25, 2006
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It doesnt ness. come down to who is superior: Men or Women?
Depending on the group of people you'll hear a number of answers. Ask that to a group of beta males and they will tell you how much value a woman can bring and how men should really humble themselves and kiss her azz, etc. Ask that to a group of alpha males and well, the answer would be different.

But it's not about who's superior it's about who's smarter.

See women are not stupid, at least they don't appear to be, lol. At an early age they learned that it was their bodies that men craved for, and they begin to watch other older girls and how they dressed to get attention from males. So as women get older than begin to "increase their feminity" as I call it, by wearing tighter jeans to show their shapely azz and thighs, a tighter shirt to better show her breasts, and fixing their hair in a certain style, so that when she walked in the room, she DEMANDED every male's attention. Pretty smart right? Now, she later learns from her "girlfriends" some tips on how to "use what she's got to get what she wants" so she begins to milk some guys, use them, get in clubs for free, eat for free, go out for free, etc. The reason she can get all these things for free, or the reason she has all this power, is because of her sexuality. Her feminity. Going back to OPM and abritage, she uses OPM by taking things of other people (the vagina and sexuality God gave her) and she selects the don juans, cool guys, rich guys, etc., basically guys where when she invests her vagina and sexuality into, she’ll get a higher return(abritage)...happens all the time. If she didn’t have that sexuality and vagina though, she wouldn’t have that power, but she does.
But on the flip side, we can use the same power of OPM and abritage to our favor. See we can take what God gave us, our masculinity and penis, and invest it in rich women, cool/popular women, successful women, etc., to earn a higher rate of return on our investment. How? We just simply do what women did. We “increase our masculinity.” Masculinity is dominance in the mind, the beliefs you form equal the attitudes and behaviors you will perform. This book “Instant Self Hynopsis” using a tape recorder is best, I have and still am continuing to increase my masculinity doing this. What happens is the traits of a alpha male you program into your mind, what happens is that naturally, you begin to form the attitudes (I am winner, I can beat that guy in that, hey, I am better than this people, who are they?) and the behaviors (walking taller, speaking bolder, talking to women in a low voice tone and more sexually, not oozing all over her like the 20 other guys), then these things cause her to lust. So now, just find your target (rich women, cool women, popular women, funny women, women you can get a lot out of) invest your time, energy and some good dyck into her, and you’ll get a higher rate of return.

It’s all about being smart, knowing what you have access to and using it. Like money, too many guys use their sexuality and dyck to work for others(women), just like some people use their time and energy to work for somebody else making medicore money all their lives, why? Because they don’t know what they have access to. Just like you can use OPM and abritage to make a profit in the money world so you don’t have to work for somebody else but you can work for yourself.....you can use the same strategy to use your sexuality and dyck to have women working for you and not the other way around. Now, she’s learning patterns to arousal you, she’s learning your trance words, she’s mirroring and matching your azz, she’s up late at night on a female don juan forum reading from a female Pook learning about men and how to seduce them.

Lol, sorry to admit it, but guys you are being scammed. You are here thinking about “seducing and working for” women, when you can go out and do the same thing they are doing. You are here working for an employer, trying to please him, trying to get a raise, taking all his shyt(shyt tests), and you can be self-employed, making more money, having less stress, and having people work for you. Lol, all you have to do is open your eyes. All these women in the world, majority of them are dumb( excuse my reasoning) but after using their lust against them by having them lust after you like hell, you can use them very good and get a great return out of them, marry them, and HAVE THEM WORKING FOR YOU.

Not to have guys run out and begin abusing people, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m just saying the power that women have, we have it too, we just don’t know it. When we use what other people gave us (God) to the higher power and invest it in a good rate or return (rich, successful, funny, cool, stable women) we get a lot back, versus not using what we have and women continuing to do so and get the best of the investment.

You guys should read this post a little carefully, I know it’s long, but if you can understand what I am saying, you’ll have the power of women. The power to walk into a room and get all the attention and respect from everybody, have every woman fighting over you in there, have them stressing out over what to say and do on the first date, have them stragetizing over when to call, while you are out getting svcked off by another woman and having her take you to dinner and see the Superman movie afterwards.

Mar 25, 2006
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If women do it, why can't we do it?
We can, and it's those guys you call alpha males, pimps, players, and don juans, that have figured it out.

Just like when you see a guy with some cash, if he did it, why can't I?
I can.

But some guys are so programmed into not believing so, they miss the obvious, and as a result, they continue to work for me making me lots of money, while I pay them their little salary, and lol, they go out and give it back to a another guy like me at the car dealership or clothing store (an entrepenuer). They think I am blessed by "God" "Jesus" the "King of Kings" hey I am blessed but everybody is blessed, God doesn't do the work though, I do.

Same with the women thing. When I go out to sarge, similar to how a woman would make damn sure her feminity is increased to the highest power (her figure is right and sexy) I make damn sure my masculinity is up to the highest power so I can recruit. Then in no time, she's calling me up all the time, taking me out, I'm driving her car after she put gas in it wasting her gas, etc. Do I have to use her things? No. But since I am investing my dyck into her at night (hell I have to sweat for her in the bed, haha) I am making her repay me more during the day. Remember, she wants my dyck, I can live without her pvssy, so I'm boss, just as I am at my business baby.

But you can do this too....don't get jealous and envy of me. All I got to say is Borders, Barnes and Noble, the fvckign INTERNET. While you guys waste your time on here making dumb azz threads, still "working for women" trying to please them, you could be increasing your masculinity and learning on making money, so you can have women "working for you" trying to please you, and have employees working to make you money.

I'm out- DJF


Jul 7, 2006
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This guy's an Alpha Male, guys!

The JustMan

Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
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Cincinnati, OH
I definately agree with you Donjuanforever! I have been making myself the prize lately and this singlehandedly separates the alphas from the betas. ****y funny, negs, alpha body language, strong eye contact, qualifying them, DHV, etc. are all just techniques that really demonstrate that you are the prize. If you had a strong inner game and truly believed that you are the prize then these outer game techniques would just come naturally! Lately I have been feeling that I am truly the prize and women have been coming on to me automatically. At work the ladies have to be pushed back! Last night at the club HBs were gaming me. Unfortunately I had to next them because they were controlling which I refuse to allow. Nexting beautiful women shows high prizablity! If she is hot but does not meet your standards next her so you can find a girl who does not waste your time!


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
Good post DJF. Once you become the prize thru controlled masuclinity via body language and charm, you're sought after by all kinds of girls, young and beautiful to old and wise.


New Member
May 20, 2006
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This thread is money (no pun intended)! Haha! DJF makes some very good points. This reminds of what a cashier (HB7 at least) at Barnes & Noble said to me. I bought this magazine FitnessRx with a picture of a ripped, muscular guy on the front. She says to me, "so the next time you come here you will look like this guy." I said something to the effect of "I am working on it but I don't want to become that huge." She says: "Why not? You are a human being just like him." I then said: "Yes, we are all human and can live up to our full potential." If another guy can be totally ripped or have a ridiculous amount of money, chicks, etc. Why the hell can't I? We are all human and have the ability and potential to make it happen.