Originally posted by Vincent
Ok so you're going to tell me that talking about the GOVERNMENTS financial and economic well being is not Politics?
What have you never taken Poli Sci 101?
Vincent.. Economics doesn't necessarly mean Politics.. it CAN.. if you are politicing to what can be done to better our economic system, i.e taxcuts, welfare programs, etc.
The Fed Reserve is not in this case I beileve at least, political because both parties are equally, as well as most americans, to blame... It's not like it's one parties fault and we are posting to damn that party, it's a naitonwide issue, just as if we made a post in regards to aids or Date Rape.
And this isn't just the goverments ecnomical state, it's the countries... A large portion of all personal income taxes go stright to not only the Fed REserve, ,but just to pay off the INTEREST of the fed reserve.
seanchai, in a sense you are right, but you are right in the wrong sense, if tha tmakes any sense.
Yes, because we are a demorocy and not a monarchy, you want the seperation of powers, hence the checks and balance system.
You are correct in assuming that you don't want one person controlling the majority of the coutries powers.
Were it gets unconstituatial, is because, if you read my other post (which somehow got locked), the Fed Reserve is not only ran by a private corporation... only 2 of the twelve banks that own the Fed Reserve.. wait, 3, are based in the unites states. Most are european.. meaning that our economic wellbeing for better or for worse is in the hands of people who do not have our best interests in mind.
According to the consitutation, transfering any govermental powers to anyone outside of the united states is Treason.
It's like if Medicare was ran by say.... France or if our Supereme Court was ran by... India. It would be unconstituational.
Anyone else notice that the biggest depression that we have had in the last 30-40 years, came directly after the
budget was balanced? We didn't run out of money, the Fed Reserve just became stingy and stopped sending us money.
the fed reserve does not want the budget balanced? Why? The budget just hit 8 TRILLION dollars. Interest on that is I THINK, I may very well be wrong.. around 5 percent. 5 percent of 8 Trillion dollars is 400 Billion Dollars per year... Interest...
They do nothing but print money, which costs next to nothing to print.
There are roughtly 300 shareholders in the Fed REserve in ALL.., ,as I said earlier, mostly outside the country.
So I hope that somewhat explains why the FEd Reserve is unconstituational.