H2O, you are totally, right, I'm only talking about attraction here which is simple and easy. I barely have any experience with LTR's so I am not the one to comment but here are my thoughts.
Supposing your going to get MARRIED to a woman. Do you think "techniques" would be a good thing to use on your wife? Like Jariel said, its unnatural. It's not who you are. So what are you going to do? FAKE your way through the rest of your life living with a woman who never knew who you really are deep down? Obviously, you may need to alter your habits and actions a little bit, but TECHNIQUES? But once again, I am no master in LTR so you guys figure this stuff out for yourselves.
Belividere, you say it is foolish for me to assume I can handle EVERYTHING a woman can throw at me after a few months of reading. And I agree, that WOULD be mightly foolish. You will barely be ble to handle ANYTHING a woman throws at you if all you do is read. Experience gentlemen! EXPERIENCE!
And the fact is, we do not need to handle everything the woman throws at you. You just need to handle the most important "tests." 80% of her attraction for you will come from 20% of your acitons. That is the 80/20 principle. Just get that 20% figured out!
When I first started out here, I tried to learn EVERYTHING this site has to offer. My whole life revolved getting a girl. Every single joule of energy used was to get a girl. And you know what? I didn't get a SINGLE girl. I had moved from being a useless piece of lard into a starving beast. I wasn't happy in either state. So, I took the advice of an ancient chinese text. It goes something like this:
"Give up, and you shall suceed."
WOAH! ARE you CRAZY!?!? Give up? Isn't the entire DJ philosophy based around "taknig action" and being "in control"? And now, some crazy chinese text is telling me to give up? HA!
But it is true. Once you reach a certain point, you can only suceed after giving up. Attachment create repulsion.
Now, for all you lazy AFC's, I wouldn't take that advice to heart. If you are already lazy, no extra amount of laziness will get you anywhere. Rather, RAFC's that are stuck should consider "giving up." It just might be that extra push that'll lead you into DJ heaven. :woo:
Supposing your going to get MARRIED to a woman. Do you think "techniques" would be a good thing to use on your wife? Like Jariel said, its unnatural. It's not who you are. So what are you going to do? FAKE your way through the rest of your life living with a woman who never knew who you really are deep down? Obviously, you may need to alter your habits and actions a little bit, but TECHNIQUES? But once again, I am no master in LTR so you guys figure this stuff out for yourselves.
Belividere, you say it is foolish for me to assume I can handle EVERYTHING a woman can throw at me after a few months of reading. And I agree, that WOULD be mightly foolish. You will barely be ble to handle ANYTHING a woman throws at you if all you do is read. Experience gentlemen! EXPERIENCE!
And the fact is, we do not need to handle everything the woman throws at you. You just need to handle the most important "tests." 80% of her attraction for you will come from 20% of your acitons. That is the 80/20 principle. Just get that 20% figured out!
When I first started out here, I tried to learn EVERYTHING this site has to offer. My whole life revolved getting a girl. Every single joule of energy used was to get a girl. And you know what? I didn't get a SINGLE girl. I had moved from being a useless piece of lard into a starving beast. I wasn't happy in either state. So, I took the advice of an ancient chinese text. It goes something like this:
"Give up, and you shall suceed."
WOAH! ARE you CRAZY!?!? Give up? Isn't the entire DJ philosophy based around "taknig action" and being "in control"? And now, some crazy chinese text is telling me to give up? HA!
But it is true. Once you reach a certain point, you can only suceed after giving up. Attachment create repulsion.
Now, for all you lazy AFC's, I wouldn't take that advice to heart. If you are already lazy, no extra amount of laziness will get you anywhere. Rather, RAFC's that are stuck should consider "giving up." It just might be that extra push that'll lead you into DJ heaven. :woo: