This is the jewish playbook. Jewish money flows to lies, corruption and deceit.
It flowed to both bushes, who instigated wars in the middle east with jewish opponents leading to the hanging of Saddam Hussein. It was hillary as secretary of state who had quadaffi removed and executed, but not before he was sodomized. Now, the jews want wars with Iran, Syria, Russia, North Korea and China. Obviously, none of that is happening now with Trump. So, they are left with their infinity lies through the media they own and control.
They have their neocon puppet Mike Pence in place, just in case. Meanwhile everything the jewish left touches and controls has turned to darkness and madness. Their level of infiltration in every social institution is difficult to overstate.
Take the church for instance. It has been almost completely subverted by jewish leftist propaganda. The pope is endorsing third world invasions of europe. Homosexual, transgender and women priests and pastors are quickly becoming the norm. The church is promoting tolerance of sin and subversive teachings (hell doesn't exist) like never before in it's history.
Lies, lies, lies promoted endlessly through media, and parroted by jewish funded political candidates and talking heads of their choice, promoting degenerate social agenda of every kind imaginable or unimaginable. As they become more desperate they will seek to censor their opposition and even kill them.
This includes moderate rightists like Susan Collins, Roosh, Alex Jones and as many of the popular manosphere sites as possible, including this one. Get ready for the purge, you will be included in it.