Why the f*ck are you here?


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
I'm a new poster around here, so you guys don't know me too well. So heres a little bit about me...

I'm a student, I live in Hong Kong, and I LOVE to ask the question, "why?"

I made a post a few days back entitled "Why do you want a girl." I just wanted to mix things up a bit, and get you guys questioning your routine. And now, I'm back with another why.

Why are you here? ("here" means sosuave. I'm not asking the philosophical "God, why am I here on earth?)

Obviously, some of you are here cuz you can't get girls, and you wanna start getting some. That's fine. But I'll tell you what, girls are not why I'm here! And from reading the posts around here, I can tell girls aren't why 80% of you guys are here for either.

Seriously, does it take all that "push pull, ****y funny, hard to get, mega masculinity, plate spinning, freeze out" shiit to get girls? Obviously not.

So why the hell are we reading up on this stuff? I'll tell you why.

It's entertaining.

I kid you not. This stuff is fukin' entertaining. This is why 80% of us are here for. SERIOUSLY, how many of you guys have tried this stuff (all the routines and theory stuff)? Don't kid yourself, most of you aren't here to improve your skills with women, you're here because its so entertaining reading up on all these silly posts.

If we were truly interested in getting better with women, we would've tried this shiit out ages ago! "Test it in the field" as you guys like to put it. How many of you guys even TALK to girls? :rolleyes:

Admittedly, if this forum were TRULY dedicated to meeting girls, it wouldn't be very interesting. In fact, a forum wouldn't even be neccesary! Sosuave would simply have a HUGE banner that reads "Be a Man" and maybe a few sentances explaining that point. Thats it. No forum. No moderators. No Flaming Soapz. Everyones happy :rock:

But alas, this forum ain't about getting the GIRLS! Nonononono, you ignoramuses. It's about ENTERTAINMENT. This why we have hundreds of stupid posts about "****y and Funny" or "Wait 10 days before you call." This is the stuff Hollywood should be making MOVIES about (in fact, I think they are???). THIS my friend, is art at its highest expression. I was going to watch the entire season 6 of Simpsons over the summer, but instead, I spent my time perusing this lovely forum. I was hooked!

So, sosuave, give youself a pat on the back. I've never had more fun in my life. :flowers:

*Soapz ****y sarcastic mode- OFF*

Guys, honestly, heres what I'm thinking. All these tricks and tactics- they probably work. I admit, they sound logical, they make sense, and I've seen occasional instances in real life where they've worked (normally by accident). But really...its not what most of you guys should be worried about.

From reading the HS forum, loads of guys are scared of even TALKING to girls. Posts about "openers" to use in class are numbering in the thousands. And yet, these very same guys have the NERVE to ask "Should I be ****y funny?"


Listen, "being ****y funny" should be the LAST thing on your mind. I think maybe, just *maybe*, you should actually just learn to make normal, basic conversation with these people first.

All these tricks and tactics- they're equivilent to the "University" levels of seduction. Not ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY, but enables you to earn a better living more easily. From readin' the posts around here, most people haven't even graduated from Grade school- Talking to people and having at least a small SHRED of confidence. :nono:

Anyways, I posted this in the "Tips" forum, so I guess its Law that I post something useful on here. Here we go...

Beginner, IGNORE all the complicated tactics and strategies. They are not for you. How do you expect to learn how to differentiate and solve complex equations if you can't even add two numbers together? Save yourself some time, and check out this post: http://sexrevolutionblog.com/?p=152

People who are here for entertainment, stop confusing the n00bs. I seriously think the discussion and tips forum should be seperated into two parts- beginners and advanced sections. The beginners section is for people who actually NEED help with girls. The advanced section is for people like me who want to be entertained (oh, and for the occasional dude who actually uses this "advanced" material).

So yeah. I've ranted for long enough. Time for me to read up on the newest "mind blowing" seduction article. I bet it'll probably be something like "How to get 1048 girls to suck on your penis by using more verbs ending with an E!!! (Now, field tested and scientifically proven!)"

Wish me luck!


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
I agree. How many times have you wanted to tell someone you know to just shut up when they start ranting and using community acronyms? I'd like to know that some people still have a life out of all of this.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Soapz, this site DOES have it's share of BS and posts that are are no more than entertainment, not accurate, and should be analyzed as such. I'll give ya that..

However, the overall message posted on this site and the majority of what you read on here is 100% DEAD ON RIGHT... The general direction of the tactics and general philosophy here is not entertainment, it's reality, my brother..

I know, that's hard to swallow that when all our lives we have been told to "be nice" to women, smother her, buy her flowers/gifts, call her 5 times a day, show interest etc; and the general message on here goes against that totally.. I know my mother still loves me, even though she totally lead me wrong when i had my first crush in 5th grade and asked her what I should do, I forgive her..

Bottom line: Some come to this site to get women. Some come to get better women. Some come to get more women. Some come to get women for sex. Some come to get women for marriage. Some have women and come here to learn how to keep the woman they have.. And yeah, some may come just for entertainment and still think that what their mother told them is right. No worries , it's all good.. All I can say is that if you are a human male and smart enough to know when you are being BSed, and open minded enough to leave your bubble and remotely entertain something new and different in life, this site has something for you...


Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2000
Reaction score
I agree it isn't a bad idea to start out with simple tactics and work your way up; however, I checked out that link you posted:


This will get you laid like crazy, if you can actually do it.

From now on, make your goal to become friends with girls. Treat like friends. Say the following lines liberally:

“You’re such a good friend.”
“It’s nice to become friends with you.”
“I feel like a better person around you.”
“You bring out the best in me.”
“I dig your friends - they’re my kind of people.”
“I’m glad you got along so well with my friends, that’s really cool and important to me.” (after she meets your friends, regardless of if she gets along with them or not)
“It’s nice to have friends like you.”
“I feel really comfortable around you.”
“Oh, you’ve GOT to meet my friend (female name). You and her would get along FAMOUSLY.”
Wouldn't this sort of advice confuse and mislead newbies just as much? Or does this stuff actually work?


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
Heres the problem I've noticed recently (by observation). Most methods are "all or nothing." By this, I mean you either follow EVERYTHING to the tee, or just don't do it.

That link I had, EVERYTHING in it must be followed exactly. If you just do step number 5, but miss out on step 8, it probably won't work.

This is why two people can offer conflicting advice, and still make it work for them.

So if your scared that the friend advice will put you in the "Friend Zone," then worry not. The Good clothes, Gym, and Kino will make sure you'll end up above the friend zone.

This is what I mean though! All this advice, and most of it conflicting. I haven't tried this stuff out, but I'm sure 90% of the stuff here Works! The problem though is the CONTEXT in which they are used.

Logicallefty, I know what your saying. But the problem is, some people SAY they come here to improve, but in REALITY, they just come here for entertainment. If they really WERE trying to improve, they would be spending more time "out there" than in here reading up stuff.
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Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Soapz said:
I'm a new poster around here, so you guys don't know me too well. So heres a little bit about me...

I'm a student, I live in Hong Kong, and I LOVE to ask the question, "why?"

I made a post a few days back entitled "Why do you want a girl." I just wanted to mix things up a bit, and get you guys questioning your routine. And now, I'm back with another why.

Why are you here? ("here" means sosuave. I'm not asking the philosophical "God, why am I here on earth?)

Obviously, some of you are here cuz you can't get girls, and you wanna start getting some. That's fine. But I'll tell you what, girls are not why I'm here! And from reading the posts around here, I can tell girls aren't why 80% of you guys are here for either.

Seriously, does it take all that "push pull, ****y funny, hard to get, mega masculinity, plate spinning, freeze out" shiit to get girls? Obviously not.

So why the hell are we reading up on this stuff? I'll tell you why.

It's entertaining.

I kid you not. This stuff is fukin' entertaining. This is why 80% of us are here for. SERIOUSLY, how many of you guys have tried this stuff (all the routines and theory stuff)? Don't kid yourself, most of you aren't here to improve your skills with women, you're here because its so entertaining reading up on all these silly posts.

If we were truly interested in getting better with women, we would've tried this shiit out ages ago! "Test it in the field" as you guys like to put it. How many of you guys even TALK to girls? :rolleyes:

Admittedly, if this forum were TRULY dedicated to meeting girls, it wouldn't be very interesting. In fact, a forum wouldn't even be neccesary! Sosuave would simply have a HUGE banner that reads "Be a Man" and maybe a few sentances explaining that point. Thats it. No forum. No moderators. No Flaming Soapz. Everyones happy :rock:

But alas, this forum ain't about getting the GIRLS! Nonononono, you ignoramuses. It's about ENTERTAINMENT. This why we have hundreds of stupid posts about "****y and Funny" or "Wait 10 days before you call." This is the stuff Hollywood should be making MOVIES about (in fact, I think they are???). THIS my friend, is art at its highest expression. I was going to watch the entire season 6 of Simpsons over the summer, but instead, I spent my time perusing this lovely forum. I was hooked!

So, sosuave, give youself a pat on the back. I've never had more fun in my life. :flowers:

*Soapz ****y sarcastic mode- OFF*

Guys, honestly, heres what I'm thinking. All these tricks and tactics- they probably work. I admit, they sound logical, they make sense, and I've seen occasional instances in real life where they've worked (normally by accident). But really...its not what most of you guys should be worried about.

From reading the HS forum, loads of guys are scared of even TALKING to girls. Posts about "openers" to use in class are numbering in the thousands. And yet, these very same guys have the NERVE to ask "Should I be ****y funny?"


Listen, "being ****y funny" should be the LAST thing on your mind. I think maybe, just *maybe*, you should actually just learn to make normal, basic conversation with these people first.

All these tricks and tactics- they're equivilent to the "University" levels of seduction. Not ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY, but enables you to earn a better living more easily. From readin' the posts around here, most people haven't even graduated from Grade school- Talking to people and having at least a small SHRED of confidence. :nono:

Anyways, I posted this in the "Tips" forum, so I guess its Law that I post something useful on here. Here we go...

Beginner, IGNORE all the complicated tactics and strategies. They are not for you. How do you expect to learn how to differentiate and solve complex equations if you can't even add two numbers together? Save yourself some time, and check out this post: http://sexrevolutionblog.com/?p=152

People who are here for entertainment, stop confusing the n00bs. I seriously think the discussion and tips forum should be seperated into two parts- beginners and advanced sections. The beginners section is for people who actually NEED help with girls. The advanced section is for people like me who want to be entertained (oh, and for the occasional dude who actually uses this "advanced" material).

So yeah. I've ranted for long enough. Time for me to read up on the newest "mind blowing" seduction article. I bet it'll probably be something like "How to get 1048 girls to suck on your penis by using more verbs ending with an E!!! (Now, field tested and scientifically proven!)"

Wish me luck!
Omg your right!!!!!!!!!!Great post I am here because of entertainment and ooh yeah and guys on here dont take advice 99% of them dont apply the useful good advice its pointless

P.S. Im hooked on this forum as well :)


Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
And to soapz or anyone who is real doesnt give fake advice and is not a troll.Its pretty pointless to post advice on this site im serious most guys wont listen and will not apply to it in real life,they will still have the same problem.

Its sad but true!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Natural game is the way to go. Its the hardest to aquire because you have to start working on yourself first but its the most rewarding.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
NOW the forums are like that, but for older members, we can tell you that the way thigs used to be are alot different. The site was about improving yourself and as a result your sucess with women would improve, now alot of these guys are only here cause they want to get some poon and nothing else. Read stuff by David D. he is the real essence of what this site used to be about


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
brenbaus said:
improving yourself and as a result your sucess with women would improve, now alot of these guys are only here cause they want to get some poon and nothing else.
Amen. In fact, I believe so strongly in the powers of self improvement that once you actually START improving, your reasons for doing it will change.

In the beginning, people improve themselves for the Girls(or friends, or career, etc.)

As time goes on and these people start to grow, they improve themselves for...themselves!

Which, in the end, is what its all about.

Haha, winter_sucksx, good to know I'm not the only one! That said, once summer is over (which for me is like...a few days :cry:), I'm gonna get outta here. It's alright to read around for fun over the summer, but once school starts, I have better things to do! That, and I find that I'm getting chumpier everyday by just being here. This stuff can act as poison to the mind+soul sometimes!

Anyways, if you're truly interested in self improvement, I suggest you check out www.worldsuccessalliance.com

Pretty good forum.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Soapz said:
Beginner, IGNORE all the complicated tactics and strategies. They are not for you. How do you expect to learn how to differentiate and solve complex equations if you can't even add two numbers together? Save yourself some time, and check out this post: http://sexrevolutionblog.com/?p=152
Good post. That link there seems to make a lot more sense then 80% of the stuff I've read here on sosuave. I'll have to try EVERYTHING out. I've already been doing five of the first six steps the past two months on my own. I've been trying to improve myself for I can start trying to pick up women once this semester starts at FSU. The one step I haven't done is step four where I need to find a hobby that I think is cool and OTHERS think is interesting. I have tons of hobbies; rythm games, go, japanese language, anime, gaming, etc. but nothing that most people could relate to. I thought about something I did before and stopped like the article said and picked up drawing three days ago. I don't suck as much as I thought I was going to at it. With some practice, maybe I'll be decent enough to show my work to others in another month. I'm going to try to find other hobbies to do, but this and Japanese caligraphy seems to be something that would be interesting to most people that I can think of. Only problem with my activities is that their mostly solitary, which doesn't help improve my social skills.

Thanks for the link...its helped me to start thinking of what I should be doing to improve MYSELF, instead of learning stupid PU lines, methods of seduction, etc.


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score

Lol, outta curiosity, why ARE you here?

Do you enjoy being naughty? (Said in an Austin Powers sorta voice)

I know Vin made that "don't reply to trolls post" but I couldn't resist.

Oh, and Pump, keep it up. I'm glad you found the true joys of improving oneself. Don't worry WHAT exactly the hobby will be for now. Just try everything! I'm sure you've had thoughts in the past like "Hmm...THAT looks pretty cool" but you've never done it due to laziness. Start now! Oh, and don't worry about what others think of your hobby. If you wanna do ballet in a pink tutu, then so be it! As long as you have passion for it, it don't really matter.
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Soapz said:

Lol, outta curiosity, why ARE you here?

Do you enjoy being naughty? (Said in an Austin Powers sorta voice)

I know Vin made that "don't reply to trolls post" but I couldn't resist.
lol man i have had over 100+accounts been banned atleast 80 or 90 times they banned my IP address but i disabled the admins IP banning system well im here to have fun and make guys leave the site so they can get puzzy

well ill be bakk wit my new acccount :)

Allen aka admin ;) lol


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2006
Reaction score
LOL im glad you made this post.

Now i can see who not to take advice off