Don Juan
I have worked in an office for 6 companies over the past 15 years & I cant believe how few HB's have worked at them. And i work in So Calif! There has been a few HB6 & HB7's, but no hot, skinny babes. I go to a mall/niteclub/starbucks & there are hundreds of hotties. Where in the hell do they all work? I asked my friend that works in HR & he said "companies dont like to hire hot babes because guys will waste valuable company time flirting with them. They also will miss more work because they have a more active social life compared to an average girl". I just laughed. It might have some validity...I also think that most babes (HB8-HB10's) either have a rich dude supporting them or they are a stripper/model & they dont need to get up early & work in some stupid office job. I think the show The Office really sums up what most women look like in a company. Boring, ugly, dull & lifeless. What are your opinions?