That's your opinion. You're not rational and you have put no facts forward, just your opinions backed by a lot of leaps in logics and unsubstabtiated claims.
You can't even spell unsubstantiated. Why should I listen to you?
See this is a perfect example of how you are irrational. You are just mixing everything together and comparing apples and oranges.You are comapring sex and payment to terrorism and murder.
Nope. Like I told Maxtro, since you came to the conclusion that prostitution should be legalized because it is "unregulated" and "already happening", the same logic can be applied to any illegal activity. So you see, it was YOU that was making the comparison. Whoops.
If you're going to continue to make up insinuations and strawmen to attack, then what can I say but screw you
Nothing, if you're intellect isn't developed enough to have a conversation without resorting to personal attacks and broad generalizations to muck up your perspective beyond reason. Why is it that people of your ilk constantly use the phrase "straw man argument"? I never understood that. Far-left radicals, racists, looks-matter it just a clouded life perspective, a lack of education or what?
And how many prostitutes do you know end up dead?
I don't socialize with the dregs of society. So none.
You have not proven a link between prostitution and legality vs illegality in increasing/decreasing other crimes.
No, but others have. I don't need to go to space or sail around the world to prove that the Earth is round, either.
People sometimes assualt, rape and murder "nonhookers" for numnerous motives.
People also get AIDS from needles infected with the HIV virus that have been strategically placed underneath the nozzles of gasoline pumps. Now you're saying that someone walking down the street minding their own business has the same likelihood of being attacked as someone who goes to visit some stranger's house at 3 a.m. to have sex for money. Sure, bro. Suuuuure.... :yawn:
There you go again stating your opion as fact. How do you know porn makes less money?
Because I've done my homework. Not an opinion. Facts. Unless YOU can find me some actresses that make 30 grand a weekend.
Ok so then tell me again why porn is legal and prostitution is not.
Easier to regulate and organize for starters.
But where is the proof that prostitutes are spreading aids at a higher rate than other groups?
In the pudding. This is common sense, here. A person that doesn't have sex with strangers for a living will not spread diseases at high a rate as someone who does not. VERY basic deductive reasoning.
The point is your logic is to make prostitution illegal bcause of aids...
Nope. Just one of the many, many, many reasons.
Ok so if I can prove that nonhookers have STD's and get murdered (this is a common knowledge fact) then what? According to your logic, what do we need to make illegal next to lower this?
Any other activity that equals the murder rate and spreading of STDs.