Why real men don't hate women


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
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I've been considered a good looking guy ever since I came out of my awkward fase. However, I was so shy and socially awkward I NEVER talked to ANY girls and hardly talked to people and thus didn't get any confidence boost from a young age. When I finally came out of my shell a little and girls starting calling me handsome, pretty and even beautiful sometimes, I just became arrogant which was a turn off to most women.

Some where in my junior year of highschool I had a horrible acne outbreak of which I still bear scars today. This caused me to rethink my shallow attitude and I hit the balance. This is also when a beautiful female friend admitted that she "liked" me and wanted to be my girlfriend.

So think about this before you start hating all women. Some actually do care about what's on the "inside" and once you attract them they sure as hell will appreciate it. They like it when we're smart, witty, confident, manly, etc. While most of us don't give a sh!t as long as she's hot, or we kid ourselves that she's beautiful on the inside, but when was the last time you thought that about an ugly girl? And even if you did, would you ever be her boyfriend? Not unless you felt like you didn't have hotter options.


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2010
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Once a man and a woman reach a curtain level of trust for one another it’s actually liberating for both man and woman. The whole hatred thing comes from the lack of trust in young women as a whole. It seems to be a growing issue as time goes by. Women now days are perceived by men to be promiscuous, as a result men lost the real essence of what is really attractive in a woman and think (as long as she is hot she’s good to go). The sad thing is that men are just as guilty by embracing the trend and using it to there advantage. Kind of ironic.

So I totally agree with you men in general need to stop hating and start loving women and get away from the trend that every women is a slut. There are all kinds of awesome women out there and if some one thinks that it’s not so, than it is probably because they attract the wrong gales. It’s funny but I have heard so many guys talking about how they hate girls because they are so easy and yet they participate in the trend. Start attracting the ones that aren’t sluts, problem solved. :)

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
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★★★TEAM FAP★★★
Yeah okay bro. So you want all the women-hater dudes who probably went through alot more drama and frustration than you ever did, to not hate women because your highschool sweetheart liked you when you had acne?

yeah bro, okay man.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 29, 2009
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Great posts guys.

Yeah okay bro. So you want all the women-hater dudes who probably went through alot more drama and frustration than you ever did, to not hate women because your highschool sweetheart liked you when you had acne?

yeah bro, okay man.
Dude, I've yet to have a girl NOT break my heart. I don't fall in love easily, but when I do, it's full blown one-itis. It's been 5 months since my last breakup, and I am still not back to normal. I lift weights, go running, and bury myself in school work and friends to try to find my happiness and joy of life again, but it still hasn't come. I might not be ok right now, but I know someday (soon now) I will be. Sure as hell doesn't feel that way though. I have to sit by her every day, and see her every day, and even if I woke up happy I might drive home feeling almost like having an asthma attack or something. It's horribly pathetic.

I can tell you right now, as someone who's gone through a lot of pain when it comes to relationships, that it's just not worth it getting bitter and blaming women. Some of good, some are not so good. A lot of the not so good ones were made that way by a man who ****ed up, and that man who ****ed up might have gotten screwed up by a girl. Isn't the point of this self improvement stuff to stop passing the buck and fix ourselves?


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
Easy there, we re all special and beautiful on the inside. he he

No one is hating on women here for the most part, we are simply skeptical of their nature -thats all. Can I trust a woman? - hell no.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
john_trenor said:
Once a man and a woman reach a curtain level of trust for one another it’s actually liberating for both man and woman. The whole hatred thing comes from the lack of trust in young women as a whole. It seems to be a growing issue as time goes by. Women now days are perceived by men to be promiscuous, as a result men lost the real essence of what is really attractive in a woman and think (as long as she is hot she’s good to go). The sad thing is that men are just as guilty by embracing the trend and using it to there advantage. Kind of ironic.

So I totally agree with you men in general need to stop hating and start loving women and get away from the trend that every women is a slut. There are all kinds of awesome women out there and if some one thinks that it’s not so, than it is probably because they attract the wrong gales. It’s funny but I have heard so many guys talking about how they hate girls because they are so easy and yet they participate in the trend. Start attracting the ones that aren’t sluts, problem solved. :)
No disrespect, but I call BS on this. I'm married, but if I were not and out seeing women, I would be suspicious of all of them. I would assume slvt until they could convince me otherwise.

Jaded? Maybe.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
PapiChulo said:
Easy there, we re all special and beautiful on the inside. he he

No one is hating on women here for the most part, we are simply skeptical of their nature -thats all. Can I trust a woman? - hell no.
Yep. Can't trust em until it's been earned.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
5string said:
Yep. Can't trust em until it's been earned.
Oh yeah, if you have a good one. For one, I dont even trust my own mother.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
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I trust random women about as much as I trust the random man.

That's my long way of saying I don't trust many people.

Doesn't mean I hate 'em, or that I'm even suspicious of their motives. It just means that this is someone I don't know.

And if a HB10 walked up to me, I'm not gonna let her into my circle of "people who I can depend on to not f*ck things up" just because she's got a pair of t*ts and an ass that I can set my coffee mug on.

That, sirs, would be sexism!

For shame.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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I don't trust guys either. The whole male honor and "bros before hos" is bull for the most part.

Everyone will fvck you given the chance. It hurts more from a woman because of emotional attachment. Men are not more trustworthy.


Senior Don Juan
May 13, 2010
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what makes you an expert on real men? you're talking about one incident in your life, in high school where the girl said she "liked" you.

did you ever even see her naked?

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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terran2k said:
what makes you an expert on real men? you're talking about one incident in your life, in high school where the girl said she "liked" you.

did you ever even see her naked?
I don't know that his story is the perfect expression of his point. But I do think there's way too much woman hating on this site. It totally reflects the insecurities of some of these guys, and gives subtle hints that they've been kicked around by women for a while.

That's also a reason why you have to choose bits and pieces of advice to take from this board. Many of the men we're dealing with are coming from the perspective of someone who has been deeply hurt. So a lot of what they're saying now is going to be ultra aggressive or angry.


Senior Don Juan
May 13, 2010
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Mantis, I'll give you that, I agree with you on some points there.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
A healthy dose of skepticism is all you need. I ve also learned about not trusting a woman from an older gentleman and his words were precisely this: "At times I rather trust a thief than a woman"
Also dont forget that todays women dont have the same values ingrained in their heads as men do. Our word and integrity, strength of character, decisiveness and so on are what makes a man what he is. I am more likely to trust a man than a woman.
There are good people out there, just not that many of them.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 17, 2010
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Objective Reality
Alle_Gory said:
I don't trust guys either. The whole male honor and "bros before hos" is bull for the most part.

Everyone will fvck you given the chance. It hurts more from a woman because of emotional attachment. Men are not more trustworthy.
Nah, but most people would.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2010
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It's a fairly stupid way of life to just implicitly trust everybody. That's common sense. Stranger danger, anyone?

That being said, it's not a normal human state. It's a result. It could be a result of mental illness or mental scarring on the part of the doer. It could be a result of circumstance. But remember always, human beings are capable of great good and great evil. Good that brings (manly) tears to your eyes and evil that makes you furious. That's how humans are. We're all mixed bags, some worse than others, some better. None of us are perfect, we just are different versions of try. Remember others are flawed, but don't hate them for it. It's part of who they are in their current state.

EDIT: I got that mixed bag line from a book. Sorta like "life is a box of chocolates" from forrest gump.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
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It's not that it's okay for women to hate men... it's that women's feelings about men in general or any random woman's feelings about a man before he interacts with her is completely and utterly outside our sphere of control.

We can only control our emotions and thoughts about other people and cannot control theirs, therefore it's not a matter of what's "okay" vs. "not okay." It's a matter of what we can do something about (what is useful to us) and what we can't.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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and why does everyone think we men, males, or just guys in general, have the upper hand in life?