Why not take advice from women?

tryin 2 play

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
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I am aware that many people here say that we shouldn't take advice from girls/women about other girls/women. I do not understand this at all. Now, the reason that everyone says this is because they claim "girls do not kow what they want". Well, if girls do not know what they want, how the hell is a guy suposed to know what a girl wants?

I think it can be very beneficial to take advice from girls. Whenever I am in a relationship with someone, i always talk to my sister about whats happeneing. She is one year older than me, i am 20, she is almost 22. I can honestly say that everything she has told me has basically been spot on. She has been right when she thinks a girl is playing games, or isnt right for me, or has problems etc... When she gives me advice on how to fix a situation, it is very solid. She often gives me good advice on where to take a date, or even how to ask a girl out i have been nervous about asking(not too nervous anymore, but you get the point)

This is because she is a girl and has been in many of these situations before. She knows how MOST girls would react, and what MOST girls want. She doesnt tell me to do anything extreme or over the top, and actually a lot of the advice is similar to whats on here. Also, many close femal friends give great advice to me, and can usually judge a girl much better than any guy that i know can.

Women know women. They know how they think, feel, act, react, etc... I realize some women are irrational and you shouldnt be taking advice from them, but i am talking about the "normal" ones.

So once again, why not take advice from a girl???
May 29, 2006
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Depends on how you get the advice. Also depends on how well you can get past the answers she is giving to somebody she thinks is pathetic and make her give you real answers that actually work.

If a DJ asked his LTR what his friend should do about girl A is going to be completely different advice form what an AFC would get asking his oneitis.

Pay attention as well to the question.
"I want to be a sexy beast! How do I get sexy?"
"There's this girl I like, how do I get her to like me?"


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
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Some women can give good advice, but most cannot. Some women aren't comfortable with verbalizing the truth (especially to a guy), and some never really analyze "why" they like what they like, all they know is they just do. Ultimately, you're going to get much better advice from guys with experience who know pretty much what works and what doesn't for the majority because every woman isn't exactly the same. Observing the actions and behaviors of women have opened my eyes like never before. It's not so much what they say, but the decisions they make and what you actually SEE them do.

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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tryin 2 play said:
I am aware that many people here say that we shouldn't take advice from girls/women about other girls/women. I do not understand this at all. Now, the reason that everyone says this is because they claim "girls do not kow what they want". Well, if girls do not know what they want, how the hell is a guy suposed to know what a girl wants?

I think it can be very beneficial to take advice from girls. Whenever I am in a relationship with someone, i always talk to my sister about whats happeneing. She is one year older than me, i am 20, she is almost 22. I can honestly say that everything she has told me has basically been spot on. She has been right when she thinks a girl is playing games, or isnt right for me, or has problems etc... When she gives me advice on how to fix a situation, it is very solid. She often gives me good advice on where to take a date, or even how to ask a girl out i have been nervous about asking(not too nervous anymore, but you get the point)

This is because she is a girl and has been in many of these situations before. She knows how MOST girls would react, and what MOST girls want. She doesnt tell me to do anything extreme or over the top, and actually a lot of the advice is similar to whats on here. Also, many close femal friends give great advice to me, and can usually judge a girl much better than any guy that i know can.

Women know women. They know how they think, feel, act, react, etc... I realize some women are irrational and you shouldnt be taking advice from them, but i am talking about the "normal" ones.

So once again, why not take advice from a girl???
Because I'd rather take advice from that guy who's sleeping with all the women.

Think about it.

The advice between that guy who sleeps with women and that "woman friend" is going to be different.

If you want female advice go to loveshack.org.

If you want a player's advice, stay here.

By the way, all those men who take advice from women from loveshack.org are jokes.

Women are in denial of what they want. A woman can't teach you to be a man.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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what i've learned is that you don;t just take advice from female friends that are NICE. You listen to the *****es cuz hell, they know the game. I carpooled to school last year with a married 24 yr old HB8. When she gave me advice, it was on the dot to the advice given here on sosuave. She was a little player. You listen to chicks that keep it real with you, not the ones that give AFC advice.
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Rebound Material said:
You listen to chicks that keep it real with you, not the ones that give AFC advice.
Word to your mother.

A player with respect is deserving of awe.
Aug 8, 2005
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The Cold North.
LOL. You're funny dude.

You go do that and then come back for some un-brainswashing.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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South Bend
my theory is that some women are scared that you might figure out what they want and try to hide the truth from you so they tell you info like by flowers and all that bs but i'm telling you guys sometimes you can get the best info from your mom because way way before i found this sight she was telling me to just say hi


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2006
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I made the mistake of telling my brother in law and sister about asf and the mindset of pua's. They said that they didn't think I should follow pua/dj advice and that I should "just be myself". They said that, basically, the stuff manipulated women and wouldn't work in the long term because it wasn't "who I was". Now my sister has done all of this stuff- chased the jerks, made guys buy her drinks and didn't do anything with them, etc. My brother-in-law is a classic AFC who followed my sister around all the time. People have been so brainwashed by society that they think this stuff is "wrong" even though the dj only improves himself. And if just being yourself is so great, why do the naturals pull so much pvssy when the nice guys get little to none?
I think the real reason you have to take the advice of players instead of sister and other guys is because:
1) AFC's don't want to think that their perfect image of women could be tarnished i.e. "women's secret society".
2) Women don't want to think that a man could break through their games and influence their actions so easily.

I think that women know they can't overpower men physically, so they resort to trying to control and manipulate men in other ways where physical size doesn't matter.
Sound right? Maybe I am just rambling?!


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
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For whatever reason, women say they like things in a guy when they actually dont. IE, they will say their looking for a nice guy blah blah blah when they actually want the ****y ******* to rail them. Women dont know what they are talking about.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2006
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Paintballguy said:
Women dont know what they are talking about.

amen to that!

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Why never take advice from women?

1. women don't know what they want most of the time
2. women dont know what they're talking about
3. women are illogical creatures that can't reason very well (they think with the heart and not with their brain most of the time)

FM 3321

Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2004
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I'm responding to the thread title but I take fashion advice from women all the time. Women give the best advice on how you dress in my opinion.

I went on a "date" with a girl to the mall last week and she picked out some shoes for me. I get compliments on those shoes all the time now. She did a great job in the mall, dinner was great and the sex was tha bomb.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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Paintballguy said:
For whatever reason, women say they like things in a guy when they actually dont. IE, they will say their looking for a nice guy blah blah blah when they actually want the ****y ******* to rail them. Women dont know what they are talking about.
Yea, I noticed that whenever you ask a girl what aspects she's looking for in a guy, MOST of the time they will describe a total AFC. Nice, Honest, Trustworthy, Gentlemen, etc. What they actually listed is a guy FRIEND and not a ROMANTIC potential. So remember, listen to the b!tches that keep **** real.

"Tell me what I NEED to hear, not what I WANT to hear." - yours trully


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2005
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where you do not expect me :)
i can tell u 1 thing : the last time i used an advice from a girl "friend", i was rejected .
for example , i told her that i want to be more successfull with my girlfriend, my friend told me to respect her , to treat her well , to tell her ur real feelings and worries .... , anyways , i guess u know the end :)
for sure , i wont take any more advice from a gilr about a girl.
i use girls advice only for shopping or buying sth.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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keoss said:
i can tell u 1 thing : the last time i used an advice from a girl "friend", i was rejected .
Learned that the hard way in high school. I was such a AFC my first year of high school.


Don Juan
May 18, 2006
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There's one thing that in my experience you can always rely on girls for and that is fashion advice. What to wear what cologne is hot what looks sexy. Everything else is a bit dubious because unless she is totaly honest to you (i.e. you are good friends) the advice may not be sincere.

Like I have a good female friend who was telling me basicaly how girls like to be lead and taken when it comes to sex. It totaly coincided with what I've heard from DJs. She said she knows a girl who is the sweatest thing in normal life but when it comes to sex she likes to yell and swear and she is extremely sexual . The moral don't be fooled in to thinking that the "innocent" ones aren't sexualy intrested in you and be tricked in to dumbing down your act. She also told me that the next time I'm making out with a girl I should firmly press her against a wall and run my hands down the side of her body. Stuff like this is great but you will only hear it if the girl you're with is being truthful. Plus a woman will never give you advice on how to treat HER she wants you to just know that.

Edit: an intresting way of looking at it is what david d said somewhere: when a girl says she wants an understanding, listening, kind and caring man then that isn't a lie in itself. The thing that she is leaving out is that she primarily needs to be atracted to the guy. So really she's telling you about her ideal man: he is attractive (in all the different ways) and he's ALSO understanding, listening, kind and caring. She's telling you about the perks not the meat of what she wants.

tryin 2 play

Senior Don Juan
Sep 18, 2005
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Good points from all of you. I see where you are coming from. What I was trying to get at is: many of you say that women are illogical, and men are logical, women go on emotions, men how go on thoughts. So, I was thinking that a women would be able to better tell you how to trigger those emotions and feelings. You could get better insights to the illogical workings of their feelings. If men do not think and feel that way, then how could they tuly understand what and how to do someting? And yes of course the girl would have to be brutally honest with you, and it would not be wise to ask the girl you are going after, i am talking about an outside reference.

Anyway I am not saying women's advice is better than men's, the advice here is great, and your reasons make sense. I was just asking the question to see what all you thought about it, because it does SEEM like getting advice from girls about other girls COULD be a good idea.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
FaithHealer said:
I think that women know they can't overpower men physically, so they resort to trying to control and manipulate men in other ways where physical size doesn't matter.
Sound right? Maybe I am just rambling?!
And in the end they aren't really competing with us... but with their own nature...