Why not become Operah's "real man"?


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2002
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Cairo (oh holiday)
Why not be Oprah's real man?

I'm assuming you've all read Pooks "feminism on Trial" post. I think that shows feminism for what it truly is,
-a laughable attempt to de-sexualise humanity in all its forms and facets.
-AN overt assault that is destroying what it truly means to be a man
-An attempt by fat and ugly girls to find themselves a social role.

Anyways, at the end of that article, there is a link to Oprah's "Being a real man" show stuff. What follows is meant as an analysis of what the female perception of what a man is based on what the information here shows.

Firstly, let me just comment on Oprah herself. She is a Woman, what in the holy Christ does she know about being a man? Absolutely jack $hit, that's what. Oprah built her multimillion pound empire on a TV programme that appeals to fat US and UK women that are too lazy to get a job and do something with their lives, while their husbands suffer stupidly in jobs they hate in order to keep them in cream cakes and beige dressing gowns they never get out of. you know the kind, they waddle down the street, or sometimes use those electric scooters that make them look like circus seals on bikes. they are obnoxious, obsessed with gossiping and their lives are so empty that they have to be filled with mindless drivel like this. Ricky lake, Trisha, Gloria Hunniford, their all guilty of glorifying the useless social reject that is these women.

Follow this link:


Read the first paragraph, were supposed to open up emotionally? were supposed to loose the masculine edge that makes up a part of what we are? the women that watch these programmes are so emotionally twisted by this fascist bull$hit propaganda that if we did open up, that would allow them to walk all over us. these programmes seek to encourage women to weaken man and undermine us, while empowering women. while i'm all for equal social power, im not for this covert war on what it means to be a real man.

Now follow this link:


Just look at the way this section is written:

Violence against women is a men's issue and men have to confront other men, otherwise, it won't end

a statistic for you. 13% of men abuse women, but 18% of women abuse men in the home (Arena 2002). What the hell is this all about. This man has repressed what he calles his inside "womaniser". SO, essentially, he is repressing his male instincts, he is repressing what makes him a man and what he truly is. I will be screwed if i repress what i truly am just to satisfy some fat women's ideal of equality, formed through a fantasy of the bradd pitt clone they'll never marry because their too lazy to get off their a$$es and do some exercise and take care of themselves. This ideal is formed of pure fantasy on the part of women trapped in loveless marriages and has translated into the male psyche.
He says masculine men have a problem articulating their emotions. Bull$hit, I articulate my emotions if i need to, i am not embarrassed to say i cry on my own sometimes, i am happy, i am sad, i am angry, i am existential. A part of being a man is being in tune with your emotions, true enough, but that isn't the end all and beyond all that the Oprah Generation makes it out to be.

Now follow this link


I dont condone domestic violence, i never will condone hitting people unprovoked, but look at the statistic i showed you earlier. the women abusing men just seems to be overlooked by the Oprah Generation.

"Rod didn't think he needed to go therapy but he says the first day of counselling changed his life."

I am getting counselling at the moment, i have problems and I'm not afraid to admit that, but to me, the solution to your problems is exactly that, the solution to YOUR problems, not everyone else's. i would like to know what grounding rod thinks his "expert" opinion has. Look where his reformation has got him:

"I'm not in a serious relationship now."

Exactly, because he sorted himself out, but made himself, by preaching from the rooftops, appear like a pushover and that challenge factor that Pook and Anti-dump value is gone.

Now follow this link:


"This culture is producing lots of abusive men every year"

That would be the same resistance culture that feminism has created and that creates 5% more abusive women every year.

"The reason why so many men end up being abusive to women..."

Once again, this is Feminism in action, i hate to belabour the point, but what about the neo femenazis that attack men with knives and spit at us in the street? Equality is all well and good, but men are, socially, where women were in the 1950s.The Operah Generation also has the opinion that:

"being a man (Pook's definition) means being in control of other people"

No, being a Man means being in control and satisfied with yourself. To a woman, there is something threatening about being a man like we desire to be, hence, masculinity is always shown as a negative thing to be repressed. Pook makes a good point that the ultimate goal of feminism is a homogenous androgyny, Loom at the developments socially and culturally that have been made by masculine societies: The Greek invention of democracy, the industrial revolution, the abolition of slavery, the moon landings. each a great achievement made by being a real man, just think what personal miracles you can achieve.
Anti-dump says that "A real man takes what he wants" and puts self fulfilment before everything else. I agree. If self fulfilment means having to take advantage of something or someone, then do it and to hell with the consequences.

Now follow this link:


Kevin is a freak. simple as that, a man who gets like that isn't a man, he is the 1 in a million freak example that feminists use to portray masculine men. Who is a real man, who shows masculinity today? Here's a short list of who is and who isn't a real man IMO:

Real Men: Don Juan (Obviously), Genghis Khan, P.Diddy, 2pac, The Krays, Al Capone, James bond, The guy out of Die Hard, John Wayne
Un-real Men: My Flatmate (see my other posts), Leonardo Dicaprio, Jerry Adams, Tony Blair,

What's the Difference? The Real Men put themselves first and did what they wanted and thought about other people second and, as a result, became some of the most famous people in History. Genghis khan conquered a massive land empire 2x the size of the USA, P.Diddy and 2pac are some of the greatest driving forces in hip hop (How good was 2pac, dead 7 years and still a major influence). Each of these men (bar The guy out of Die Hard) left their mark on history, in their respective eras, but each of these men did what they wanted to do, without walking on eggshells and are respected as a result. The unreal men (Including that Tw@t of a flatmate of mine) let people walk all over them and, as a result, are nothing more than a flash in a pan. E.g: Blair is letting Bush and the UN walk all over him, Jerry Adams could sort out NI if he wanted to, instead of being forced to Disarm.
Everyone has their masculine heroes, these are mine, you have yours, we should learn to emulate them and become real men.

Now follow this link:


Notice it says Nothing About his love life. I bet he was bullied about it at school and never had a serious girlfriend. How can i make this assumption? because I was exactly the same at the age of 15. thank god I found this website. Lets analyse what he says:

"Guys at my school would treat girls terribly by cheating on them, lying to their face, and calling them names like '*****,' 'a fine piece of ass,' and 'ho.

+++And women never doe those things to men? Don't women say $hit like "Nice a$$", don't they lie to us, and don't the hoes cheat on us (My ex did, and now she's got gonerrea, I laughed in her face)

' Many guys also believed that sexual rewards came with being nice—like if you bought them dinner, then you deserved something sexual in return.

+++These guys were AFCS, but had the right idea by knocking the woman off the pedestal

When I spoke up against it, I was ostracized by the other guys at my school.

+++Rightly so

Rumors were spread about me. But I didn't let these guys influence my values.

+++Something is screaming "Religious nutter" or gay

I just want to say that you can be a heterosexual male, stand up for women, and still be successful in life."

+++yes, you can stand up for them, but don't make a point of preaching about it and make yourself a target for other people. Don't be sycophantic to a point where people are taking the pi$$ out of you for being gay. you were at fault, not the others.

So what can we say? i think were too young to fall into the clutches off the femenazis that form the Operah Generation, but we are pray to their daughters and an increasing media frenzy to destroy everything male. We need to do something about it, and soon, for, to paraphraze from pook, if we dont stand for this, we shall fall when it explodes and annihilates everything that is truly male.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2003
Reaction score
Montreal, QC
You mean I shouldn't let Oprah tell me how to be a real man? :rolleyes:

Great post. The truth is that we live in a feminized society, a generation of men raised by women to become women. It is a revolution led by the same feminists who used to march around the university campus at 3 am screaming 'fvck the patriarchy!', and their effeminate, boot-licking male lackeys whose reward for constant self-deprecation and praising of their masters is to be labeled as 'sensitive guys' and 'people who "get" it'.

Which is kind of ironic considering how many women complain there are no good, strong men out there. This doesn't mean we should all become abusive, wife-beating @ssholes, but some of these guys should really grow a spine.

The problem is that most people are too concerned with being 'politically correct' and not offending anyone, so they prefer to ignore the issue. I don't know how bad it is in England, but here in North America it's reached ludicrous proportions, compounded of course by politics and the media.

Fortunately, some people do see the problem and aren't afraid to speak about it. Bill Maher, Dennis Miller, and Christina Hoff Sommers with her book "The War Against Boys", to name a few. And aside from fat, unfulfilled housewives, who takes Oprah seriously anyway? :)

(This should probably be in the Discussion forum, though).


Don Juan
Oct 12, 2001
Reaction score
amazing work... i always hated oprahs propoganda


Don Juan
Oct 7, 2002
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I agree with everything said in the previous posts. Oprah should really just eat some more ice cream and shut the fvck up.

But I think a distinction needs to be made in order for us guys to understand our adversaries in the coming war (oh, yes, war is inevitable -- and not just in Iraq!)


What's the difference?

Remember those "Leave it to Beever" (I can't believe the correct spelling is auto-censored!) days when women were supposed to cook, clean, look after the kids and have dinner ready for their man all while wearing high heels? As nice as this would be...it realistically made women into little more than domestic slaves.

Before guys start flaming the hell out of me, just put yourself in that position. Would you like it if all you could aspire to as a kid was to find a good husband? Neither would I.

Can you imagine what a sexual relationship would've been back then? Go ahead, ask for a bl0wjob. See if she doesn't divorce you on the grounds of sexual perversion! Sex was seen by many women as something only men are allowed to enjoy, and they tolerated it AT BEST. Close your eyes and think of England.

What the sexual revolution of the 60s did was allow women to realize that they have the right to enjoy not only sex but their lives as they see fit. And it's that revolution that we as men have to thank for the good sex available today. Nowadays, blow jobs are EXPECTED, and usually given -- even ENJOYED by our female companions. Women as a whole are no longer the frigid sexual beings they were in the 50s; instead, they are now free to enjoy everything there is about sex. We always loved sex, but now THEY DO TOO!

That's feminism: the right for women to determine their place in society.

But, of course, this came with a price.

Whenever a group feels oppressed, there is a tendency to go too far. Hence, the 60's also brought megaphone-toting hags like Gloria Steinem (I'm just picking on her...I can't remember what she actually advocated) to the podium telling women to burn their bras, stop shaving their legs and the like. This was a BACKLASH, and it was the birth of radical feminism.

Radical feminism, instead of telling men simply to respect women, taught us that any masculine tendency was evil.

But now, after 30 years, the pendulum is starting to swing back. Things are getting normalized. You don't see so much radical feminism anymore. But Oprah's feminism is still very much there. And why not? They have all men under 35 trained to be wimps.

So, now it's our turn. What we're going to start seeing is a new movement -- call it 'masculism' for a better word. What have we been saying all along? That WE AS MEN HAVE THE RIGHT TO ACT LIKE MEN!

FEMINISM: The right of women to stick up for themselves.
MASCULISM: The SAME DAMN thing...except for MEN!

And as we here all know, that is exactly what women WANT!! They want to be free to be women. But they want their men to be MEN!

So guys, let's come out of our corner swinging. Let's start sticking up for ourselves. Now if only we could get Gloria Steinem on our side...


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
What the sexual revolution of the 60s did was allow women to realize that they have the right to enjoy not only sex but their lives as they see fit. And it's that revolution that we as men have to thank for the good sex available today. Nowadays, blow jobs are EXPECTED, and usually given -- even ENJOYED by our female companions. Women as a whole are no longer the frigid sexual beings they were in the 50s; instead, they are now free to enjoy everything there is about sex. We always loved sex, but now THEY DO TOO!
This is not true. Women were as sexual then as they are today, the difference is a matter of blatant showing of it. Cohabitation and all was frowned at, but it still went on.

Human nature doesn't change, its the only constant of our times. They were as horny then as they are now and had just as much sex. This was this thing called the 'baby boom'.

From what I've read of philosophers' works such as Kieerkegaard, women act the same exact way.

Even in the Puritan colony of Massachusetts, every one out of three marriages was when the woman was already pregnant. Generally, the idea was when the sex created a child, you two got married. Parents tried to stop it but the kids got away with it.

The notion there was a 'sexual revolution' is the 60's generation trying to think that they had an impact somehow. They didn't. Think the divorce rates are bad now? Check out the time of World War 2. It was common for a soldier to come home, returning literally from hell, to find his wife totally unfaithful and having shacked up with another man. The pain those men felt I can never imagine. (Now I realize why things like The Oddesey are adored. Penelope stays true to Oddyseus in his twenty year absence.)

gunslinger, how did you retain your sanity after reading all that from Oprah's site!? Quick! Go watch Gladiator or something!

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Actually, talking about the 60´s etcetera, there are scripts found on Egypt (talking about cleopatra and that stuff), that said what we say today. That society is coming to a collapse. That there are no morals left, etc, all the pesimistic things, they said back then. So yes, we have always been totally sexual as always, its kind of logic, but oh well.

Bud Wiser

Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
And as we here all know, that is exactly what women WANT!! They want to be free to be women.[/B]

The women I've been seeing totally agree with this.