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Why Me?


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Why am I singled out to be single forever? I’ve been on the site forever, I put in the work. The site promised me that if I do what it said I’d see an improvement. 5 years of putting my head on the block later I have exactly no dates, no women nothing to show for it, no numbers at any point.

What the ****? I thought this was the answer. It’s almost like God has set the universe up just to **** me. I try, I really do, but nothing always nothing. And I hate it. It’s always so promising, the girls act likr their into me just enough that I believe THIS timeI got it right, but no. Flake flake flake, I have a boyfriend, lets just be friends, whatever. And I come back to sosuave, and I get jealous because I see guys that try a whole lot less than me get better and I’m left with just jacking off.

I believed in this site. I really did. I took the red pill, but what I got was ****. I and apparently only me, get all the dark **** that would just crush ythe soul, and no women to sooth it. Do any of you know how much this hurts? Others with far far less than me getting some and I get nothing! Where’s mine at? Am io that repulsive? Am I that bad? Average guys sometimes luck into *****, below average guys get some evwntually, but ai have to get up every day knowing I’m getting nothing.

I put in the time, and the effort. Where’s mine? Please tell me where is it? I don’t want to face another morning like this. No more weekends alone! Please! PLEASE!!!! Tell me what else can I do!!!???? I don’t know whatr else I CAN DO? What is there? Really?

I’ve even broke down and prayed. God please PLEASE help me! I just don’t get it and I don’t think I ever will.

I tried the bootcamp. I get stuck at get 10 rejections. I got them on the first 10 tries. WTF???

I just suck theres no hope for me

I’m jealous of all the BPD discussions I see here. I wish I had a BPD girlfriend. I wish I had a girl to cheat on me. Do you know how sick this is? I wish I had a relationship that sucked, at least then I’f have a relationship!

Guys I’m begging you, what else can I do? PLEASE!


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Do you have any hobbies and ambitions?
Are you hitting the gym?
I think what you're missing with the ladies is that you give them too much power, because you want a girlfriend so bad. It's a vicious cycle.
Are you sexual? I think this is an important step you are also missing.

It seems like you have hit rock-bottom, this is where most guys make an enormous change. You can do it!

DJs, please help this man in need.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
I have hobbies, it's the only thing that keeps me going soetimes. I am always looking to improve myself. I've been in the gym fpr 4 months now.

I don't see the point of it all. Losers get laid and i cant so i must be something worse than a loser. Before there was always something else to improve, but there snothing left. I've exhaused everything i can change in the near future. WHy cant i get a girl.

I dont even get LJBF, just ignored...what else is there there must be something else im missing.. but i can't put my finger on it

like I said the worst part is this site, heres the answer, and I still fail! i never even get to the pouint of being sexual.

I can make a girl really really happy if I could just get the cahnce, but it never comes. Its just not fair. Its not even unfair, it;s just imposiible


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
If you've only been going to the gym for four months then you haven't been putting forth full effort for five years. But you're going now, so that's good, keep it up.

Are you employed? Do you have a decent job? Do you have your own place? Do you have any friends to hang out with?
These would be things to work on if you don't have them.

You have to drop the whining and the negative attitude. I know it's frustrating, but it DOESN'T HELP, it can only hurt you.

Night Owl

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
The world is a mirror - If you have a negative attitude, it will be reflected back at you. Do you think most other people are boring? Then they most likely think you are also. Don't give a crap about others? Others won't care about you. But, If you are happy, happiness will follow.... have a sexual attitude, and it will be reflected back at you.

The gym might help your outer work, but sounds like you need to ramp up your inner work...


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Das said:
I have hobbies, it's the only thing that keeps me going soetimes. I am always looking to improve myself. I've been in the gym fpr 4 months now.

I don't see the point of it all. Losers get laid and i cant so i must be something worse than a loser. Before there was always something else to improve, but there snothing left. I've exhaused everything i can change in the near future. WHy cant i get a girl.

Because you are doing something fundamentally wrong. You are not triggering an EMOTIONAL response from the girl to like you and have sex with you. Remember, girls want to LOVE you or HATE you, but they don't want to be BORED by you.

That's why this site preaches to keep IMPROVING yourself, keep learning, get a degree, study hard, take up hobbies, read the news, start a company, learn a language, make contacts, meet people, Then when you meet a girl, you won't have to worry about entertaining her, you already have all the stuff need in your back pocket and she will never be BORED by you, she'll fall in LOVE with you.

I dont even get LJBF, just ignored...what else is there there must be something else im missing.. but i can't put my finger on it

We need examples of your interactions. But if you are just being ignored, then it sounds like you are being CREEPY or not approaching correctly. REMEMBER, you have to talk about something RELEVANT to the girl, something IMPORTANT to her.

like I said the worst part is this site, heres the answer, and I still fail! i never even get to the pouint of being sexual.

I can make a girl really really happy if I could just get the cahnce, but it never comes. Its just not fair. Its not even unfair, it;s just imposiible
First, you need get spell check on your computer because it's difficult to understand the sentences. Then, you need to give us examples of your interactions. But if your goal is to make a girl "really happy", you are already down the wrong road. Your goal should be to IMPROVE yourself and life, and THEN make the girl a part of it.

Think: If you get the hottest girl tomorrow and have mind blowing sex with her, what will you do after, play video games with her? Watch porn with her? Surf the internet with her? You have to focus on yourself and improving your MIND first, then the girls will come.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry about the spelling before I had a rough night last night.

I got invited to party by this girl for work that I liked. I’ve asked her out before, but she always comes up with reasons why she can never meet up, so I had given up any hope for her. So when she came up to me yesterday and invited me to the party I was taken back a bit, because I hadn’t talked to her in about a month. I said sure and went to the party.
I figured you know mayby something might come out of this, and if she pulls her stupid **** there, I’m at a party, there will be somebody else, and I may get lucky, you never know.

So I got there and went in and I talked to this other girl I know, and she blurts out right away that workgirl called and said she wasn’t going to come. I saw that coming from a mile away, but the other girl got me in and introduced me to everyone. I didn’t know anyone else at the party, but there were about 10 guys and around 15 girls there. I’m thinking great, but it was a little difficult to break the ice a little

I’ll leave out the details, but at one point I had every guy there in a circle around me while I was telling stories about vacations I’ve took and jujitsu and other things. The girls, I couldn’t get them to open up to me at all. It’s always like this. To men I am their king, and women won’t talk to me at all, it’s like their afraid of me or something.

I had a good time but I had a long drive back and was a little buzzed and well the bad thoughts started to slip in. I should have gotten a number, or something, no woman ever wants me, that kind of thing

Sorry for junking up the board with my drunk ramblings. I just get jealous of the happy couples sometimes.

I have a couple of buddies, and according to this site they do everything wrong, and they never seem to be without a girl, and I try to do as much as I can right and I've never had a girl, and it just eats at me. a lot.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
zekko said:
If you've only been going to the gym for four months then you haven't been putting forth full effort for five years. But you're going now, so that's good, keep it up.

Are you employed? Do you have a decent job? Do you have your own place? Do you have any friends to hang out with?
These would be things to work on if you don't have them.

You have to drop the whining and the negative attitude. I know it's frustrating, but it DOESN'T HELP, it can only hurt you.
I've only been going to the gym the last 4 months becasue I'm coming off of a very nasty shoulder injury. Up until a year ago I was pretty regular with it

I'm employed and yeah i have a decent job. I have friends, but they needle me relentlessly about the "your never gonna get a girl" thing.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2010
Reaction score
this thread is just pathetic, be a man and get out there, its not the material that gets you women, its not what you tell them, its how you present yourself, this looks awful

joe henny

Senior Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
You want a girlfriend? I thought this was a site of players smh


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Haha, hey how's it going Das? I couldn't believe the terrible "have you been going to the gym?" "do you have hobbies and ambitions" and "be a man" replies you were given :p

Ignore that, because gym etc have no bearing on getting women unless you lack everything else. I assure you you're not an empty enough person to need gimmicks like big muscles to get hot girls. Explain what your sticking points are, how do you interact with women. Explain what you do.

Then maybe we will be able to see what the issue you have is.

Explain your mindsets, and thoughts & feelings you have when talking to a girl you like. Then I promise I can help you out.

Also your "friends" are ****s lol. Did you know my friends tell me the same thing, which is ridiculous because I am the only non-virgin out of all of us, they just don't believe me. The "getting some" aspect of myself is so seperated from the normal self I am around friends that they don't understand how it's possible.

About the last post you made about the party, you are experiencing this because you are talking in a way which appeals to men, but bores women. They don't care about BJJ. You're in a good position because by the sounds of it, you can tease the girls around you and the guys around you will laugh. That's REALLY attractive to women by the way. You seem to be a lot like me. Try getting the girl's numbers, or their IM address, that way, you can connect with them on a sexual level when you text/message them.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
thats whats unfair and and easy advantage that women have, women do not need to be interesting, they do not need any hobbies, they can be bratty, boring, overall, have no life, but if they are at least very hot, us guys will still accept them. However, the same thing does not apply for us guys.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
DonJuan11 said:
First, you need get spell check on your computer because it's difficult to understand the sentences. Then, you need to give us examples of your interactions. But if your goal is to make a girl "really happy", you are already down the wrong road. Your goal should be to IMPROVE yourself and life, and THEN make the girl a part of it.

Think: If you get the hottest girl tomorrow and have mind blowing sex with her, what will you do after, play video games with her? Watch porn with her? Surf the internet with her? You have to focus on yourself and improving your MIND first, then the girls will come.
Thats why I think women have it easier, they just have to be hot, pretty, and good-looking, thats all, nothing else, it's okay for girls to seek validation from guys but not okay for guys to seek validation from girls, a girl can be a boring person, have no life, be bratty, *****y, whiny, mope all the time, and she can still get a boyfriend or date, us guys will still accept them.


Don Juan
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
Datpiff said:
this thread is just pathetic, be a man and get out there, its not the material that gets you women, its not what you tell them, its how you present yourself, this looks awful
I hate it when people say **** like that, "Man up, Grow a Pair", it just makes me want to punch somebody's lights out, it's the obvious truth that women have it easier, women are automatically accepted by society as a woman, they can be either a girl or a woman and guys will still accept them. However, us guys can't be boys, we have to be a MAN, in order to be boyfriend material.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Das said:
Why am I singled out to be single forever? I’ve been on the site forever, I put in the work. The site promised me that if I do what it said I’d see an improvement. 5 years of putting my head on the block later I have exactly no dates, no women nothing to show for it, no numbers at any point.

What the ****? I thought this was the answer. It’s almost like God has set the universe up just to **** me. I try, I really do, but nothing always nothing. And I hate it. It’s always so promising, the girls act likr their into me just enough that I believe THIS timeI got it right, but no. Flake flake flake, I have a boyfriend, lets just be friends, whatever. And I come back to sosuave, and I get jealous because I see guys that try a whole lot less than me get better and I’m left with just jacking off.

I believed in this site. I really did. I took the red pill, but what I got was ****. I and apparently only me, get all the dark **** that would just crush ythe soul, and no women to sooth it. Do any of you know how much this hurts? Others with far far less than me getting some and I get nothing! Where’s mine at? Am io that repulsive? Am I that bad? Average guys sometimes luck into *****, below average guys get some evwntually, but ai have to get up every day knowing I’m getting nothing.

I put in the time, and the effort. Where’s mine? Please tell me where is it? I don’t want to face another morning like this. No more weekends alone! Please! PLEASE!!!! Tell me what else can I do!!!???? I don’t know whatr else I CAN DO? What is there? Really?

I’ve even broke down and prayed. God please PLEASE help me! I just don’t get it and I don’t think I ever will.

I tried the bootcamp. I get stuck at get 10 rejections. I got them on the first 10 tries. WTF???

I just suck theres no hope for me

I’m jealous of all the BPD discussions I see here. I wish I had a BPD girlfriend. I wish I had a girl to cheat on me. Do you know how sick this is? I wish I had a relationship that sucked, at least then I’f have a relationship!

Guys I’m begging you, what else can I do? PLEASE!
Wow. You sound like you really need some help man. Maybe some professional therapy?

10 tries and you gave up? Go for 100, create a log, record your interactions with a voice recorder. Get some honest feedback. Nobody said it was easy, this site didn't promise you anything its not a person, just a source of information...you have to promise yourself and keep your word to yourself. Praying to God? God helps those who help themselves. Personally, if I were you, my first move would be to take women off the table for a while. You probably stink of desperation. My second move would be to develop a social life and have fun being social. Then in a few months or so I would start asking girls in my circle out for dates. I would step back, relax, regroup and start over from square one. Good luck.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Das, it's not how long you've been in this but what you put into it. There are plenty of guys who were in the same boat as you or worse, and now have a gorgeous girlfriend and/or dozens of lays.

If you go out 2+ nights a week and approach 10+ girls a night for a year, you'll get good at this. If you do the same thing during the day, you'll get good at this.

Being good with women is as simple as having a lot experience with women. Some people start piling it up when they're 12, others have to play catchup, but either way you get what you put in to it.

You can either realize that this is way fvcking harder than most people think, sack up, and do it anyway, or you can just decide it's not worth it.

Up to you.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Your problem is your negative mindset.

10 rejections? Get the f*ck outta here! I've gotten countless rejections, more than I can count.

I get p*ssy because I never give in.


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2010
Reaction score
List out what have you done in the last 5 years to improve yourself.
About how many parties you were at in the last year?

link a picture ...we have to see how you dress when you go to social places(your face dont has to be on it, if you think you said too much BS about yourself:D , but it would be better)


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
playergamehater said:
it's okay for girls to seek validation from guys but not okay for guys to seek validation from girls,

You want to seek validation from girls? You want your life, self-worth and confidence to be dependent on some playboy bunny girl who needs her to rub her 2 IQ points together so she can start a fire? That is the dumbest and most idiotic statement I've heard in a long time. What girl would want to be with a guy who needs approval from her? How are you going to protect her children? How are you going to protect her in a fight? How is she going to feel SAFE with you if there is a WWIII when you're self worth and confidence depends on her opinion of you?

YES, compliments are nice from girls and they build us up momentarily, but instead of seeking approval, you should IMPROVE yourself so you won't need them. IMAGINE if you were the OWNER of COSTCO, or had a Fortune 500 Company, or knew the MOST IMPORTANT people in your State, or spoke 4 LANGUAGES and had been ALL WORLD the world, or WERE THE DEVELOPER of a 100 story building in New York. Do you think then your self worth would depend on some 23 year bimbo who just got breast implants? Come on bro, this is the REAL WORLD. If the INVENTOR of the plane, train, or automobile needed validation from girls before he could work on those inventions, the world would be in a SAD SAD state.

a girl can be a boring person, have no life, be bratty, *****y, whiny, mope all the time, and she can still get a boyfriend or date, us guys will still accept them.
Yes she can, but the boyfriend she's with lacks self confidence as well. No reasonable self respected guy who works hard for his money would PUT UP WITH a girl who talks back and is whiny. He would want a girl he can ENJOY AND SHARE his life with.

If you are not that hot yourself, then why would a hot girl date you in the first place? She won't date you because you have no experience and need some, she won't date you because you haven't had sex in a long time, she won't date you because she wants to listen to all your problems about how life unfair. She will date you because you IMPROVE her life and she FEELS GOOD when she is with you.