Why many men are refusing to get married.

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Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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Peña said:
I see only criticizing from your guy's side of the argument. Nothing positive about marriage at all. When I stand up for something normal like marriage I get called names and accused of attacking people when they are doing the attacks.

Where is your argument in support of marriage? I don't base on hypotheticals since anything can happen. I work with a man who has been married 30 years. He is in love with his wife since the first day and so is she. Another guy got divorced in 3 years when it went wrong. Which hypothetical are you going to use? The good or the bad? It depends on each individual not on a hypothetical based on divorces to make your claim of marriage being bad. A poll says so many people got divorced and then you assume you will get divorced too because of a poll and will not get married. That is a stupid way to think. Marriage is a normal thing to do and a few people in the fringe want to attack it getting others to join along.

Your argument has no steam. You guys say people get divorced so I might get divorced too. A weak argument based on fear and hypotheticals. Why not look at successful marriages based on a positive hypothetical? It goes both ways right like you say? People die in car accidents each day. I don't see anybody talking about hypotheicals of getting in car accident when you drive. It's pick and choose hypotheticals you guys do. You hate marriage so you pick the bad hypothetical for your fictional narrative. You like to drive so you do not use those bad hypotheticals for accidents. None of you have been married but you hate on something you never tried. Seems really strange to me.
You didn't answer my question. Instead, you assumed a lot of things about where I stand on the issue. You are arguing that hypotheticals should not be used. Then go ahead and tell us, what are the non-hypothetical pros and cons, in your opinion, of getting married.

By saying that marriage is "normal," you are saying that all those who don't marry are "abnormal." Everything that is attained in marriage, except the tax deduction, is possible without marriage, which is just a piece of paper uniting two individuals under the law.

Non-hypotheticals: up to 60-80% of divorce request are made by women; most people divorce within two years of getting married.

Marriage is more of a tradition. Today it serves no true purpose. Someone who is really interested in being with you will stay with you regardless of whether a piece of paper says you should.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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bigneil said:
At the time she rubbed it in my face how hot older men were. How his salt and pepper hair drove her wild.
I've had women tell me things like this about older men when I was younger also - although the guys were quite a bit older than 37. As I've gotten older, I've tried to remember all these things, and that's one reason I don't feel like age matters a lot when dating younger women.

bigneil said:
"He wasn't pushing 50"
Oh, the horrors! :rolleyes:


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
I already linked the US Census data (here it is again), which shows the aggregate story. If you have additional information beyond just claims, then link them. This is my third request for a link, but you keep avoiding it.


Pay attention here. The US Census data shows...

  • Women get custody almost 90% of the time.
  • When women get custody, they are more likely to get child support paid to them than men are.
  • Women who do get paid child support receive more money than the tiny minority of men who receive child support.

I provide you US Census data to show this. Pena supplies only claims with no data or links.

My goal is for you to be informed so you can balance your own desires against the risks, and to think about how to mitigate those risks.

We are going our way. Our way is to educate others and do what makes us happy....not society, women, or anyone else.

Is it impossible for you to look up the information yourself? Why should I have to supply all of it for you? 47% of women today are paying more alimony and child support since they make more money than the man.

How are you happy still complaining about society and marriage? You are upset and angry over issues that should not bother you. If you gone you own way away from marriage it should not concern you.

Your data does not provide ALL the information just numbers. Women are nurturers so they are granted custody more often . Some men do not want custody so they do not ask. Joint custody is NOT in your stats since women are still the primary custodian in joint custody being with the child more of the time. The father still has rights and has the child a good portion of the time. The child will have child support no matter who has the child. That is the law. Parents need to be responsible for their kids and paying money to them is NOT a risk. It is a RISK to the child when parents refuse to pay and care for their needs.

You are avoiding my questions again. Why do you care about marriage and child support when you are a MGTOW gone your own way never getting married or having kids? Why do you care so much? Why do you want fathers to neglect their children they created? Why do you want mothers not to be responsible for their kids? If you create kids you need to be there for them and you want fathers to be NOT to be responsible for their kids. Why do you want to punish the kids?

Masculinity said:
You didn't answer my question. Instead, you assumed a lot of things about where I stand on the issue.
Masculinity said:
Marriage is more of a tradition. Today it serves no true purpose. Someone who is really interested in being with you will stay with you regardless of whether a piece of paper says you should.
I assumed nothing and I was right how you stand. You like the other MGTOWS do not believe in marriage thinking it is a waste of time trying to make it less and not important. Marriage has been an important institution for our society from the start of time. It has been the foundation of all religion and is a pillar of our social construct. Having bastard children is not the normal way our society is. Children need to have guidance with a married mother and father present in the home teaching them. Boys grow up to be betas without a father teaching and girls are screwed up in the head as they get older.

Masculinity said:
You are arguing that hypotheticals should not be used. Then go ahead and tell us, what are the non-hypothetical pros and cons, in your opinion, of getting married.
Using hypotheticals for marriage is a waste of time since anything can happen. You can use bad hypotheticals and never get a divorce. You can use good hypotheticals and get a divorce. It is based on what happens with you. MGTOWS use bad hypotheticals to push their fictional narrative of marriage being bad to discourage others from getting married. None of the MGTOW guys have ever gotten married so they just talk about sh1t they have no experience with that or know what they are talking about.

Masculinity said:
By saying that marriage is "normal," you are saying that all those who don't marry are "abnormal." Everything that is attained in marriage, except the tax deduction, is possible without marriage, which is just a piece of paper uniting two individuals under the law.
So now you are trying to discredit marriage with your negative beliefs. It is not a piece of paper. It is a sacred bond between you and your wife. Everything is not attained in marriage that is without marriage. Sex can be obtained from anyone. You can live with anyone. That is NOT the same as a real marriage. Marriage is normal and all societies view it as that except for the fringe who is trying to turn our norms upside down to shove their views down our throats to what they want it to be.

Masculinity said:
Non-hypotheticals: up to 60-80% of divorce request are made by women; most people divorce within two years of getting married.

Marriage is more of a tradition. Today it serves no true purpose. Someone who is really interested in being with you will stay with you regardless of whether a piece of paper says you should.
More made up bad hypotheical stats to discredit marriage. Still you are pushing your fictional narrative of marriage being bad because you need to do that or it will destroy your narrative. Why don't you talk about all the successful marriages and all the good benefits? If you did that it would destroy youir fictional narrative of marriages being bad. All you guys post the same negative words on marriage. Say something new. It is old.
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Oct 20, 2006
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The good benefits happened circa 1000ad - 1970ad. After that, feminism corrupted women, women went to work (where 51% of cheaters meet their lover), and kids were all put on Ritalin. Marriage once benefitted Beta males. Now it only benefits females.


May 13, 2015
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Mauser96 said:
Danger, just put hollowpoints on ignore. I have and life has been sooooo much better.
Your "life" consists of going your own way online. That is after you completed AA due to spending your beta bucks to buy entitled females free drinks like poo king. Enjoy your "life" mauser the mgtow


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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I'm 36. I have made the conscious decision to not marry. I have made my decision clear to my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. Some of them(the women) have told me that I'm basically throwing away my life. That I'm foregoing life's greatest happiness, and that is "having a family". I chuckle to myself when the say this. Getting "married" today is like taking a spin at the Roulette wheel in Vegas. The house ALWAYS wins in the end. When men engage in marriage, they are entering a contract where they harbor ALL of the responsibility with NONE of the assets, whereas the woman harbors ALL of the assets with NONE of the responsibility.

If this were a Wall Street deal, would ANY broker recommend this to a client? Or would he see it as a TOXIC ASSET?


May 13, 2015
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YawataNoKami said:
I'm 36. I have made the conscious decision to not marry. I have made my decision clear to my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. All of which have told me that I'm basically throwing away my life. That I'm foregoing life's greatest happiness, and that is "having a family". I chuckle to myself when the say this. Getting "married" today is like taking a spin at the Roulette wheel in Vegas. The house ALWAYS wins in the end. When men engage in marriage, they are entering a contract where they harbor ALL of the responsibility with NONE of the assets, whereas the woman harbors ALL of the assets with NONE of the responsibility.

If this were a Wall Street deal, would ANY broker recommend this to a client? Or would he see it as a TOXIC ASSET?
Congratulations. Dont get married. The state will take your money instead. Might as well not trust anyone or even have friendships because theyre all spinning the roulette wheel. Go live in the woods and bury your money. Women will find someone else to marry and combine their incomes.

You mgtow seem to think women dont work or get paid higher than men a lot of times. Other men will increase their wealth with a good hardworking woman where mgtow can use their bucks to pay for internet usage to keep complaining about others happiness while pretending to be happy alone.

Go be happy.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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Hollowpoints said:
Congratulations. Dont get married. The state will take your money instead. Might as well not trust anyone or even have friendships because theyre all spinning the roulette wheel. Go live in the woods and bury your money. Women will find someone else to marry and combine their incomes.

You mgtow seem to think women dont work or get paid higher than men a lot of times. Other men will increase their wealth with a good hardworking woman where mgtow can use their bucks to pay for internet usage to keep complaining about others happiness while pretending to be happy alone.

Go be happy.

Society teaches / brain washes men into judging their self value and esteem on their levels of female attention or how much attention they get from the opposite gender. You have fallen into the common trap of viewing your self worth through an external means.

A man is not defined by females, he is defined by his internal values, what he accomplishes in life, what he sets out to do, what path he walks and how he treats others. You are placing too much emphasis on something without knowing why.

Note that people are still lonely even when they have a gf, are engaged, married or with a partner 24/7. That should tell you something.

My advice to all of you, find out who you are, who you want to be, what you will do when you are 30,40,50...... how you want to live your life.

Spend time learning about yourself and anything that interests you but most of all, be mindful of falling for the common programming that almost every single male does, seeing whether they have a girlfriend or not as their entire identity.

My last bit of advice to you, ask yourself whether you know the true nature of that which you desire.

I am done with this thread!!!!


May 13, 2015
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YawataNoKami said:

Society teaches / brain washes men into judging their self value and esteem on their levels of female attention or how much attention they get from the opposite gender. You have fallen into the common trap of viewing your self worth through an external means.

A man is not defined by females, he is defined by his internal values, what he accomplishes in life, what he sets out to do, what path he walks and how he treats others. You are placing too much emphasis on something without knowing why.

Note that people are still lonely even when they have a gf, are engaged, married or with a partner 24/7. That should tell you something.

My advice to all of you, find out who you are, who you want to be, what you will do when you are 30,40,50...... how you want to live your life.

Spend time learning about yourself and anything that interests you but most of all, be mindful of falling for the common programming that almost every single male does, seeing whether they have a girlfriend or not as their entire identity.

My last bit of advice to you, ask yourself whether you know the true nature of that which you desire.

I am done with this thread!!!!
Get real MGTOW. Stop complaining about what you don't desire. You tards seem to think everyone thinks like MGTOW's. Women complete them. Then MGTOW "wake up" and go on and on about what they "don't want" and try to convince everyone else with their black and white thinking that they make females their whole life while MGTOW complain about women and marriage their whole lives.

So called blue pillers arent possessing mgtow diseased minds. You cult of mgtow have a love hate relationship with your God = women.

Steady Eddie

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2015
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Hollowpoints said:
Congratulations. Dont get married. The state will take your money instead. Might as well not trust anyone or even have friendships because theyre all spinning the roulette wheel. Go live in the woods and bury your money. Women will find someone else to marry and combine their incomes.

You mgtow seem to think women dont work or get paid higher than men a lot of times. Other men will increase their wealth with a good hardworking woman where mgtow can use their bucks to pay for internet usage to keep complaining about others happiness while pretending to be happy alone.

Go be happy.

If this is the case why are you, Pena, Jurry et al still on this thread?
Surely if we're a bunch of losers no woman would want us anyway. No harm, no foul, right?

You would think so, but yet here you are still trying to convince us (without any data to back it up I might add) marriage and cohabitation is a good thing and nothing bad can ever come of it.

I believe you're defending marriage so vehemently because it's the centrepiece of your religious doctrine. To you, we're attacking your faith and not a redundant aspect of it.

But I would say if religion can't bear scrutiny, then it isn't a belief worth having.

Are you married with children Hollowpoint? How long have you been married? Have you ever been divorced?
If we on this side of the fence are dealing in hypotheticals (even though our hypotheticals are backed up with facts), I wonder if you are too? (without the facts, of course)


May 13, 2015
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Steady Eddie said:

If this is the case why are you, Pena, Jurry et al still on this thread?
Surely if we're a bunch of losers no woman would want us anyway. No harm, no foul, right?

You would think so, but yet here you are still trying to convince us (without any data to back it up I might add) marriage and cohabitation is a good thing and nothing bad can ever come of it.

I believe you're defending marriage so vehemently because it's the centrepiece of your religious doctrine. To you, we're attacking your faith and not a redundant aspect of it.

But I would say if religion can't bear scrutiny, then it isn't a belief worth having.

Are you married with children Hollowpoint? How long have you been married? Have you ever been divorced?
If we on this side of the fence are dealing in hypotheticals (even though our hypotheticals are backed up with facts), I wonder if you are too? (without the facts, of course)
sorry bro but your little group pretending to become a mass movement going its own way is nothing more than a cult of clowns.

people will still get married have successful marriages and move forth the species.

the weak and not wanted can weed their mgtow genes out of existence complaining about and making giant diagram charts on why no one else should get married.

Hide in your bunkers and weed yourselves and your genes out of existence. The world wont miss you.

Steady Eddie

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2015
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Hollowpoints said:
sorry bro but your little group pretending to become a mass movement going its own way is nothing more than a cult of clowns.

people will still get married have successful marriages and move forth the species.

the weak and not wanted can weed their mgtow genes out of existence complaining about and making giant diagram charts on why no one else should get married.

Hide in your bunkers and weed yourselves and your genes out of existence. The world wont miss you.
What is a successful marriage?

Can you define it?

For example how many years does Person A have to be married to Person B?
How many offspring must this happy union produce, for it to be deemed a success? Is happiness a criteria for a successful marriage? Do both Persons have to be happy and if so for how long?

You aren't doing a very good job of answering any of the questions put to you so far.

Maybe you'll do better this time around?


May 13, 2015
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Steady Eddie said:
What is a successful marriage?

Can you define it?

For example how many years does Person A have to be married to Person B?
How many offspring must this happy union produce, for it to be deemed a success? Is happiness a criteria for a successful marriage? Do both Persons have to be happy and if so for how long?

You aren't doing a very good job of answering any of the questions put to you so far.

Maybe you'll do better this time around?
MGTOW's arent interested in getting married. They're only intetested in how many divorces there are. Only interested in pretending to not care and go their own way. Only interested in every negative they can find in regards to marriage or relationships. Only interested in trying to convince themselves of their claims for years no less.

Many people i know personally have happy marriages and x number of kids. Some i know are divorced. Some getting re-married. Never once met a MGTOW keyboard activist in real life telling everyone not to get married and trying to convince themselves not to.

You dudes are a cult who finds "strength" in running away going your own way and continuing to complain about what you dont want. No wonder you dudes are mocked.

Dont get married. Dont get into relationships. Its your choice. Youve already convinced yourselves. Or have you? Do you prefer to just dwell in an echo chamber of head nodding yes men who keep telling each other theyre going their own way?


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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Hollowpoints said:
MGTOW's arent interested in getting married. They're only intetested in how many divorces there are. Only interested in pretending to not care and go their own way. Only interested in every negative they can find in regards to marriage or relationships. Only interested in trying to convince themselves of their claims for years no less.

Many people i know personally have happy marriages and x number of kids. Some i know are divorced. Some getting re-married. Never once met a MGTOW keyboard activist in real life telling everyone not to get married and trying to convince themselves not to.

You dudes are a cult who finds "strength" in running away going your own way and continuing to complain about what you dont want. No wonder you dudes are mocked.

Dont get married. Dont get into relationships. Its your choice. Youve already convinced yourselves. Or have you? Do you prefer to just dwell in an echo chamber of head nodding yes men who keep telling each other theyre going their own way?

serious gonna try again ,you are tiresome, its like that crazy dude who keep saying the "end is close", you only come here to spewn your bile and fail to answers questions, gonna repeat what I think of you,

female, around 35, hating the fact you are getting old and no men in your life, your heard the MGTOW and think so that is the reason no men want me, for some string of luck (and bad luck for us) you find this forum, so you use this to vent your anger, hate, and whatever else is in your mind on us, hoping for us to say "you are right we was so wrong, please teach us the way master".

so I will try to get some questions here ready for you to try to answers if you are incapable of doing so please just stop.

are you married? if so how long? how happy you are? how happy is your husband? divorced? are you even dating? kids? why so much hate on MGTOW? (keep the emotional outburst to a minimum please) why you care so much of MGTOW? jealous of people who do what they want without caring for medias and social pressure like you care so much? are you religious?

you know the rest of the questions you don't answers yet, so try to answers question it will help you more then us


May 13, 2015
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Alvafe said:
serious gonna try again ,you are tiresome, its like that crazy dude who keep saying the "end is close", you only come here to spewn your bile and fail to answers questions, gonna repeat what I think of you,

female, around 35, hating the fact you are getting old and no men in your life, your heard the MGTOW and think so that is the reason no men want me, for some string of luck (and bad luck for us) you find this forum, so you use this to vent your anger, hate, and whatever else is in your mind on us, hoping for us to say "you are right we was so wrong, please teach us the way master".

so I will try to get some questions here ready for you to try to answers if you are incapable of doing so please just stop.

are you married? if so how long? how happy you are? how happy is your husband? divorced? are you even dating? kids? why so much hate on MGTOW? (keep the emotional outburst to a minimum please) why you care so much of MGTOW? jealous of people who do what they want without caring for medias and social pressure like you care so much? are you religious?

you know the rest of the questions you don't answers yet, so try to answers question it will help you more then us

MGTOW are full of it or retarded. No reason for men claiming to go their own way and not want marriage or relationships to go on seduction sites. / thread


May 13, 2015
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Danger said:
  1. MGTOW does not necessarily mean not having relationships.
  2. MGTOW can also be interested in only pump and dumps, hence seduction.
  3. You conveniently refused to answer alfave's (and other's) questions.
  4. Why is it so important to you to attack MGTOW?
MGTOW just wants to run rampant spreading their negative minded dogma without any challenges to it dismissing any flaws in their own fly with the wind thinking.

MGTOW must be challenged because they are simply a cult of men following in the foot steps of the feminist whether they like it or not. MGTOWs solution is to run and hide. Yet go nowhere but online trying to recruit more men to do the same as "strength". A group of "men" always pretending to go their own way and attacking everyone who doesnt agree with them while retreating yet following the feminist path. A clusterfcvk of hypocritical clowns trying to "punish" females who dont want them.

that cult also recruits hom0s and the top mgtows are always slipping in homo messages. Thats that phaggy time.

MGTOW is a disorganized mess of intellectually dishonest nitwits.


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
Normally when someone makes a claim, it is up to them to provide the data and evidence.

So, where is your supporting data?

I have provided mine sourced from the US Census data here, with the following conclusions.

  • Women get custody almost 90% of the time.
  • When women get custody, they are more likely to get child support paid to them than men are.
  • Women who do get paid child support receive more money than the tiny minority of men who receive child support.

I am not making any claims. The numbers are there on the net for all to see if you want to look. 47% of women are paying more money in alimony and child support since they make more money and men are asking for them to. Your stats do not show that. Your stats do not show that lots of men pay nothing to support their kids. Your stats do not show that more men are getting money from their ex wives. It is based on INCOME. If the man makes more he will pay. If the woman makes more she will pay. Is that too hard to figure out?

Danger said:
Your "claims" are still subordinate to the aggregate data from the Census Bureau since your data is included in their numbers.
Wrong. The last Census was taken in 2010. The numbers have changed since then and are not shown in current data and divorce stats today that lawyers have that say more women are paying.

Danger said:
Your questions are all irrelevant to the statements I make.

This is not about me, this is about the data from the US Census Bureau. You are attempting to employ liberal tactics 1 and 2 by changing the subject or personally attacking me. I will not let you migrate the discussion away from the key points.
You are making it about yourself hating on the foundation of marriage. You are lying because there are no personal attacks. Show me. I am asking you questions that is relevant to your thinking. You say men are at risk and are walking wallets. If you can not answer for your comments then do not make comments or post at all. You did this in the other guy's thread who went to jail then you declared early misandry and answered nothing except to attack me playing a victim.

You make false claims and when you get called on it you cry you are being attacked an refuse to answer questions. You say this stuff so you should answer for it. If you do not answer for it I will assume you say yes.

Why do you care about marriage and child support when you are a MGTOW gone your own way never getting married or having kids? Why do you care so much? Why do you want fathers to neglect their children they created? Why do you want mothers not to be responsible for their kids? If you create kids you need to be there for them and you want fathers to be NOT to be responsible for their kids. Why do you want to punish the kids? Are you going to answer this or not?

Danger said:
The official numbers show that child custody delivers grossly unfair distribution of money mainly from the man to the woman with no proof necessary that the money is spent on the children.
It is based on INCOME and the father's responsibility is to support his child even with divorce. The mother is equally responsible to provide for the children and if the money is not provided to the kids she can lose custody of the kids and be placed with the father. You know nothing about this only your biased opinions and you will not answer to your claims.

Danger said:
liberal tactics
You are the liberal because liberals like feminists hate marriage and are trying to end it in our society like you with MGTOW. Liberals are going away from marriage and you embrace fringe society to uproot the norms we had for centuries.

Danger said:
It is our duty to protect the younger males of the tribe from the feminist and liberal dogma, lest they suffer for it later in their lives.

You do not know what you say. Feminists ARE liberals. MGTOWS are the same as Feminists hating on marriage thinking people are holding you down making you hold fringe Liberal ideas like a feminist. Conservatism is for having family values and protecting the institution of marriage. You are for Liberalism abandoning your role as a man going your own way. You will suffer for it later in life with no family or wife when the State takes all your wordly possessions. Feminists believe everything you believe. They believe it is men who are the problem. You believe women and society is the problem. You are a liberal MGTOW thinking like a liberal feminist. That is no attack it is the truth. You people have no clue what you believe in or what ideas you stand for. People are so crazy.


May 13, 2015
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Danger said:
I still see lots and lots of Pena claims, but not a single link of data to support them.

Meanwhile the US Census data fully shows the following....

  • Women get custody almost 90% of the time.
  • When women get custody, they are more likely to get child support paid to them than men are.
  • Women who do get paid child support receive more money than the tiny minority of men who receive child support.

Show us the data Pena. You keep making the same claims and desperately trying to change the subject and toss insults......but all we want is for you to show us the data. This is what, 10 requests for the data now? If your claims are so accurate and you intend to have a meaningful discussion, why not just provide your sources?

MGTOW has US Census data backing their claims. All you and pena have are insults, and not a piece of data. Tragic really.
With all that data backing up MGTOW claims I still know countless people in successful marriages and relationships. Whole family included.

MGTOW are for the children now? MGTOW all want custody to be single dads? MGTOW attack single mothers yet are they trying to be single dads? MGTOW dont even want to take care of their own responsibilities to their kids yet blame women fir custody. :crackup:

MGTOWs are just a cult of frustrated entitled men who want everything their way with everyone all the time and if not run away complaining trying to punish everyone for not seeing things their way only.

MGTOWs look at negatives at everything and live like that and pretend they are happy while still venting about the things they arent going to do.

People will still get married and have successful relationships. Thats life. Not everyone can be a winner. For the rest their is the defeated MGTOW club to follow in the footsteps of the feminist.

Funny how those hamster brains are ten steps ahead of you mgtows in going their own way while you just catch on and parrot the feminist agenda as men and refuse to see it. :crackup:


Jan 8, 2015
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Danger said:
You conveniently refused to answer alfave's (and other's) questions.

Why is it so important to you to attack MGTOW?

This is too funny. Here you accuse other posters of not answering questions when you refuse to answer mine I give to you. You are a hypocrite.

Why is it so important to you to attack the foundation of marriage since you are a MGTOw dropped out of what society does with marriage? Why are you not happy gone your own way?

Danger said:
I have the balls to link and supply my data. You only have your angry screeching claims.....
The data is there. Go look it up but you refuse to do that.

You are the one who is angry hating on marriage. You are a MGTOW going your own way. Remember? Marriage should be of no importance to you. But you make it your whole life hating on it getting others to follow you. Keep screeching like a feminist of how the world holds you down when you have no intentions of being married. That is crazy.

Danger said:
I still see lots and lots of Pena claims, but not a single link of data to support them.

Meanwhile the US Census data fully shows the following....

  • Women get custody almost 90% of the time.
  • When women get custody, they are more likely to get child support paid to them than men are.
  • Women who do get paid child support receive more money than the tiny minority of men who receive child support.

Show us the data Pena. You keep making the same claims and desperately trying to change the subject and toss insults......but all we want is for you to show us the data. This is what, 10 requests for the data now? If your claims are so accurate and you intend to have a meaningful discussion, why not just provide your sources?
Still showing your old data eh? Can't you search on the net to see where 47% of women are paying more in alimony and child support since it is based on INCOME? Really it is not that hard. If you searched for your MGTOW data you can search to see where 47% of women are paying men.

Your data is just numbers. It does NOT show what is behind the numbers. It does not show that a good percentage of men do NOT want custody of the kids. It does NOt show that more women are paying men in alimony. It does NOT show that more men are getting money from their ex wives.

Fathers need to be responsible for their children. Danger wants divorced fathers to neglect their kids not paying a cent to them so they can starve with no support.

Why are you so worried about divorces and marriage Danger when you went away from it being a MGTOW? Why are you so invested in marriage going your own way? Why still hate on something you left? You did NOT go your own way. You are still complaining about women, marriage and, divorce after you say left it. That is crazy. You are a liberal holding feminist ideas and there are no insults on you. That is the truth. Still you do not answer my questions because you are scared to.
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