Why Looks AND Provisioning Matter

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Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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fuzzx said:
I quite enjoy playing playstation, living with termites and ****ing the ****e outta my rich mexicana (I`m evidence supporting John`s theory btw) :)
No, you're a white guy in a third world country. This in no way supports John's theory.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
fuzzx said:
I quite enjoy playing playstation, living with termites and ****ing the ****e outta my rich mexicana (I`m evidence supporting John`s theory btw) :)
Im also not a provider though, so I figure I must have the genes she wants.

A losers life for me!!!:)
No, you're following the herd. Don't mistake this for what it truly is.


On top of your game as always. This is in the top 5 posts I've ever read from anyone. :D

Goddamnit, next quail egg and spicy tuna roll is on me.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
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Said once, and I'll say it again - ROLLO IS DA MAN!

Thank you Rollo!


Jun 16, 2000
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Toms River,NJ United States
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Why? I don't see anything that hasn't been said in the 84 page looks-matter thread over in the Archives. That's why looks threads are banned.
Did you even read Rollo's post? Why don't you point out where in the "84 pages" that Rollo is repeating. What Rollo is saying is revolutionary. Everyone else can see it, why can't you?

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Great example btw, Rollo. Nothing like breaking your own rules to encourage members to stay in line.
Need a tissue?

Deus ex Pianoforte said:
P.S. For the record, without being too wordy about it...you're wrong. Looks don't matter. Now will a rule-abiding moderator please erase this piece of ѕhit thread?
Ahh, the magnificent sound of a defeated man. We finally broke him fellas, and we owe it to Rollo, who put up a post that Deus failed to effectively refute. Not even ONE point. Perfect.
Mar 18, 2006
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This sounds like your sexual gender theories are trying to fit into Darwin's evolutionary mumbo jumbo - that is not based on facts!! Since most here are Darwin fans, they'll agree with these false premises and conclusions!


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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swifTy said:
now as for the provisioing i dont think its necesssary at all!!! SURE money makes it easier and you must have some to get by in life but you dont need mass wealth. you can live very simply and still be very happy. Her liking you will trump the money issue everytime. every damm time.

When i think about the girls i like or heck even the guys i like i dont give a crap about any tangible they have, their clothes, their cars, their money, or any of that bullsh!t i care about them. the person that they are.
You are projecting your own needs and desires as a man. To you, and me, and most of the other guys on this board, if she's ATTRACTIVE, and you get along with her, and she's reasonably feminine (this is the main problem with women these days), that's all you need to be attracted to a woman, cause your investment can end with you dropping your load and moving on to the next sperm receptacle. Women are stuck with the consequences of you dropping that load, should you choose not to support your offspring.

Is it really that difficult to grasp? It's very simple....she has a lot of incentive to find a man who is capable of ensuring she is able to rear her child properly. Can people not understand this simple fact?


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
This is such false propaganda.

I am glad some of you can see through this.

However, very well written piece.

And Swifty, what you described "your face, your smile, your body, your walk, your smell, the words you use, your tone, the way you talk, the way you interact with people, your eyes, your expressions, your jokes, your humour."

Is NOT looks.

That is a sum of qualities, and you are completely correct, THAT is what matters. Not genes. LOL!

Life experience is what shapes a man and who he is, and who a man is, THAT is what matters to the ladies.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
This reminds me of when San Francisco started handing out gay marriage licenses even though it was illegal to do so. When you have the authority figures blatantly disregarding the rule of law, you have anarchy.
Legal/Illegal, these terms don't apply as laws change daily and with whomever is in office at any particular point in time so this argument really doesn't wash clean. I will not go into a political debate suffice it to say that not everything you see is reality. It's the interpretation of what you process which becomes your belief system.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Deus ex Pianoforte said:
You're giving him too much credit, in my opinion. Everything that is you is what matters, yes. But why didn't he write that then? Exactly. He singled out LOOKS. He thinks looks matter, and decided to write about it despite the fact that there are thousands of these threads out there and that they are banned.
This is not a flame, but for the life of me I can't figure out why some people are so fixated on ruling out certain things women look for in a mate, to the point where they don't even make an attempt to read the thread to see what it's all about.

In the other thread it was people picking out a few key words (money, wealth, etc) and then trying to argue a point that nobody even brought up. In this thread you are saying that Rollo singled out looks, when the title AND the entire post say something completely different.

The fact that this is happening should tell us something about the nature of MEN. I'm too tired to even start to think about dissecting this, but there has to be an interesting explanation.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
Deus ex Pianoforte said:
Regardless Karma, the fact is that you have a MODERATOR ignoring the rules on his own forum. Do you not see the danger in this?
Rollo does a lot of things according to his own personal agenda, and not sosuave's guidelines. And yes, it is not a good thing at all.

A mod should be objective, and Rollo is not.

I hope Allen takes notice of some of the red flags I have noticed.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
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iqqi said:
This is such false propaganda.

I am glad some of you can see through this.

However, very well written piece.

And Swifty, what you described "your face, your smile, your body, your walk, your smell, the words you use, your tone, the way you talk, the way you interact with people, your eyes, your expressions, your jokes, your humour."

Is NOT looks.

That is a sum of qualities, and you are completely correct, THAT is what matters. Not genes. LOL!

Life experience is what shapes a man and who he is, and who a man is, THAT is what matters to the ladies.

Iqqi, you've argued that it's NOT looks, that it's NOT money, that it's NOT status, that it's NOT genes. The only thing I can recall you said it WAS, was a thread you started about why a guy "SHOULD" buy you a drink. I don't claim to be aware of all you've written, but this is what springs to mind.

So, as one of the resident chicks here, how bout you clue us in on what it IS: not looks, not money, not status, not genes. OK. That pretty much just leaves "personality," I guess. Not that "personality" is a one-dimensional thing --- confidence, C+F, the "cool" factor, humor, intelligence, etc.

So what IS it, IQQI? Or is it just generally the "whole package"?

If it's not money or looks or status, then personality, or the "whole package," or "he bought me a drink" are just about all that's left.

You keep telling us what is NOT necessary...... Well, then clue us in..... what IS?

Just gimme a brief, direct list of what does it for ya.

you're going to have to do better than the amorphous concept of "life experience," too. What does THAT mean, exactly?

Mar 18, 2006
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"Looks" are only a "part" of attraction - attraction is what women seek and it is based on many "masculine" traits! Hors merely go for physical looks, because they seek physical gratification!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Well, Iqqi, both you and Rollo both have valid poinhts.

Although I will add that I firmly belioeve Rollo is just putting some data out there, not trying to brain wash people or organize some sort of woman hating Rollo CUlt thing.
SO let's keep the withc hunt to a low simmer...

But yeah, Iqqi, the more I read your post about this, the more I admire your view in that regard.

I'll be honest, you just don't seem to have had the misfortune of ever having been a man and experience these things FIRST HAND, girlie!
I'm sorry, but yeah, you are talking about an IDEAL.
(and yes, I for one would love to meet more women who are attracted to men the ay you view things, Iq.)

BUt what we're talking about is what we've experienced.

Just about 99 percent of guys will always comment about what they have observed as money hungry women!
It is so common place.

Bascially, we have been raised to believe that money =women throwing themselves at you.

"Why is she with him""

"Oh, he's got the cash, man!"

"Yeah, you're right."

And asmen, when you see that so often, and you're put in th epostion where women start demanindg and dictating to you what you're supposed to be doing for them "ifyou were a man." then you would begin to see what kind of a mind fvck we have been through, Iqqi.

That;s why I try to make sure I preach being really appreciative meeting a Lady. A genuine LADY. as Opposed to a female.

A female is NOT a Lady.
But we seem to run into fa LOT emales, not ladies.
So what happens when that's("you should be donig this for me, or that for me? Why aren't you more like him?"Granted, a lot of times, it IS warranted. There are a LOT of 'males" whom are not "Men", even LES whom are "gentlemen". But no guy s likes nagging. As no woman truly loves to hen peck at her mate, unless she's a nutty b*tch. LOL! Often times, men confuse emales with Womne, and often times females confuse Males with "men". Hence the dilemma)) our continued experince with females?

When you meet a Lady, appreciate her.

Anyway, it;s late..
so the point I'm trying to make is that it's like we're baging our heads against the wall, Iqqi. It just seems like this model of female behavior is omnipresent, and repetetive in a way.It's not correct for anyone to simply discount it, and chalk it up to 'bitter' men who 'dont get it."
We all have to realuize that yes, being a sexual mature masculine man with tremendous emotional stregth who lives his life according to his own rules is going to be ATTRACTOVE to 99 percent of the female population.
But as far as INTERSST goes, a lot of women are thinkign of their biological clock..
and their future..
and her prosepctiver children..
and her lifestyle...
And she'll 'learn to love him."
Iqqi, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
Women can marry a man and act like she;s in love, but she's in love with the prospect of her future and her newly acquired Status.
She hopes that she'll eventually learn to love him, but she just grows some affection for the guy,she has kids, but eventualy gets bored and turns off...until she finds Mr. Sexy...and then dram begins....

God, how many marriages have I just described?????!

We're just commenting on it because we've all seen it to some degree.

Anyay, let's just make sure NONE of us are painting with the broad bruish strokes and making EVERYTHING Black and White.

Good night.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
iqqi said:
Rollo does a lot of things according to his own personal agenda, and not sosuave's guidelines. And yes, it is not a good thing at all.

A mod should be objective, and Rollo is not.

I hope Allen takes notice of some of the red flags I have noticed.
WHOA! You're as wrong as the day is long. I've never seen Rollo arbitrarily close a thread because of any personal agenda or launch an attack becuase of a disagreement. Quite the contrary, here is a man who will gladly listen to your argument and then discuss all of the different possibilities then make a rational decision based on that conversation and his own life experiences. You're jumping on the bandwagon while it's warm but it's a rapidly sinking ship dude.
Mar 18, 2006
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KarmaSutra said:
WHOA! You're as wrong as the day is long. I've never seen Rollo arbitrarily close a thread because of any personal agenda or launch an attack becuase of a disagreement. Quite the contrary, here is a man who will gladly listen to your argument and then discuss all of the different possibilities then make a rational decision based on that conversation and his own life experiences. You're jumping on the bandwagon while it's warm but it's a rapidly sinking ship dude.
Karma, you are bias, considering that you are friends with Rollo. He closed threads that he doesn't personally like - I've seen it! Giovanni Casanova did the same thing, in the past!

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
John-467 said:
So I guess you guys NEVER HEARD of dead beat dads? There's more piece of shyt dads out there then ANYTHING.
:rolleyes: Another drone who swallowed the lie.

Did you even read the guys post before you pissed over it with that random caps locked crap?

Oh and read this 10 times or until it sinks in dipsh!t.
Rollo Tomassi said:
This is why women always have the "prerogative to change her mind" so the most fickle of behaviors become socially excusable, while men's behavior is constrained to a higher standard to "do the right thing" by providing women with satisfaction of their security need. She is excused for her methodology while he is shamed for his own. This is why guys who are 'Players', and fathers who abandon mothers and children to pursue their innate reproduction method are infamous villains, and fathers who selflessly sacrifice themselves financially, emotionally and life decision-wise, are considered heroes for complying with women's genetic imperatives
Good post as usual Rollo, keep it up. Dont mind this wanker either, I think he was just after one of the high caliber posts to grandstand.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
Last Man Standing said:
Karma, you are bias, considering that you are friends with Rollo. He closed threads that he doesn't personally like - I've seen it! Giovanni Casanova did the same thing, in the past!
Yes, this is the truth.

Or haven't you noticed?

I'm not pulling it out of my a$$, and I've reported him way before this bandwagon took off. I think that he is very intelligent, but he has his own personal agenda, and he makes a lot of SUBJECTIVE decisions.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Last Man Standing said:
Karma, you are bias, considering that you are friends with Rollo. He closed threads that he doesn't personally like - I've seen it! Giovanni Casanova did the same thing, in the past!
Uh....I consider Rollo a friend as well. Met up with him on more than one occasion. He closed my thread earlier today. It had deteriorated due to some posters taking issue with something that wasn't there, so I knew it was coming and I don't blame him.
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