Why isn't john gait banned yet?

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Hank Rearden

Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
Howard Roark said:
I didn't have a problem with him, he was telling people to live thier life and to stop using women as a form of validation for their ego; advise you could certainly use.
Thank you. It's like what Tito Ortiz said, "Don't chase women. Become a world champion and have women chase you."

lookyoung said:
Yeah I think hank rearden is him for sure. He has just joined and neg-repped me because of this thread. This john galt guy was one strange guy. Some people get banned for having extreme opinions, but this guy was sole purpose was to disrupt this forum.
I guess I found something else that drives you nuts. The key ingredient is Atlas Shrugged! Just a hint for the future.

Hyde said:
About frickin' time! I've never been so annoyed by a user. I've never been so annoyed by the mod's here, either. He should've been banned a long, long time ago.
Hyde said:
Why am I waisting my time on these forums
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