Why is my ex driving me nuts? My emotions are all over the place


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
I lost a lot of money this weekend on a business risk.

called my ex cuz I was freakin a little. Talked to her a little bit, didnt offer much support. Asked her to hang out, needed some cheering up. Now seems like shes ignoring me.

I been with about 5 woman since her and dont understand why I still feel the need for her comfort. Driving me nuts she wont talk to me, and got all my old emotions for her flowing. When she dumped my ass I went NC and she freaked, "I dont want to loose you as a friend, your one of the most important people in my life." Look how far that goes. I need one day of cheering up and im worthless, but she'll call the next time shes bored im sure. Fvck that.

Since what went down this weeknd my emotions are all over the place. Depressed one hour, optimistic the next. Right now I feel sick, about an hour ago I was like, "ya its an awesome day out, time to enjoy it". And at the same time, "my ex is whatever, I dont care, Im fine, I'll talk to her later on, maybe will get back together, maybe ill find someone better, who cares, lifes a peach" to "What a b*tch I cant believe she is gonna ignore me when I need someone to talk to, im deleting her number, sending her a mean email and deleting her from my life"

even if we ever got back together, half of me would love it and want to be happy, and half of me would want to do to her exactly what she did to me.

shes that one girl you know you all have had that is just straight heroine.

gimme some moral boosting here guys, any advice or similar situations. This rollercoaster is hurtin

oh look now im back to optimistic mode, moneys replaceable, so is she. should be bummin in another hour tho.


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
She's driving you nuts because you're letting her... I was feeling much like you about my ex, the only thing that helps is to cut all contact with her. Its clear you are still feelin it for her.

Spare yourself the continued beatings and cut her out completely...


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
the only times you should call an ex who dumped you, is when you are really bored and feel like you want to mess around with her for the sake of your own entertainment.

NOT BECAUSE YOU FEEL HOPELESS.... or you need her to pitty you... she already does trust me, because she dumped you.

talking to her when you feel sad is only going to drive her away even further.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
Thats actually so similiar man, i have this same issue with mood swings when something goes wrong.

I hit LTR problems and have been coming out of a slump but i get flashes of optimism and depression also. Although over the past week it has corrected itself gradually, its gone from a full depression rollercoaster to 70% good 30% bad mood changes.

Exercise, work and social activities fix my mood very easily but i tend to overthink when i have nothing better to do which doesnt do wonders for my mind. I've always had an issue with overthinking, thats probably my issue personally. Strange that you wrote this, iv also been feeling messed up too lately. It really hits your self confidence and performance badly.

Dont forget tho man, the problem is in the head, not the actual girl.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Finally... a breakthrough. FINALLY, Chromeo.
You're looking at this ALL wrong. You should be more optimistic than you are giving yourself credit for.

Chromeo said:
I lost a lot of money this weekend on a business risk.
This comes with risks. BUT... here's where you went wrong.

called my ex cuz I was freakin a little. Talked to her a little bit, didnt offer much support. Asked her to hang out, needed some cheering up. Now seems like shes ignoring me.
Of course she's ignoring you. She realized that you still are dependent on her validation to get through life. She was smiling the whole time because the first person you thought of talking to... was HER. Next time, call a family member, call a friend, anyone BUT AN EX. She didn't offer support... because she doesn't care. Your situation doesn't benefit her at all, so of course, she has no reason to care whatsoever.

I been with about 5 woman since her and dont understand why I still feel the need for her comfort. Driving me nuts she wont talk to me, and got all my old emotions for her flowing. When she dumped my ass I went NC and she freaked, "I dont want to loose you as a friend, your one of the most important people in my life." Look how far that goes. I need one day of cheering up and im worthless, but she'll call the next time shes bored im sure. Fvck that.
Print this last excerpt out and keep it for yourself.
She didn't want to lose you as a friend, but where was that friend NOW? When you needed a shoulder to lean on?


And this is maybe what you needed for the sense of closure. When you needed someone... she turned her BACK on you.

And how do we treat someone who spits in our face?
This is the woman you've been pining over. She turned her back on you, which in her mind might even be payback for her previous NC.

Since what went down this weeknd my emotions are all over the place. Depressed one hour, optimistic the next. Right now I feel sick, about an hour ago I was like, "ya its an awesome day out, time to enjoy it". And at the same time, "my ex is whatever, I dont care, Im fine, I'll talk to her later on, maybe will get back together, maybe ill find someone better, who cares, lifes a peach" to "What a b*tch I cant believe she is gonna ignore me when I need someone to talk to, im deleting her number, sending her a mean email and deleting her from my life"

It's like the dog that sees a treat, but the treat is hooked up to an electrified wire and everytime he tries to get the treat... he gets shocked. Well, right now you are that puppy... how many more times do you need to get shocked?


Do NOT give her the satisfaction.
You know what she'll do with that email? Show it to her friends and laugh about how she got to you even after months of not being together.

even if we ever got back together, half of me would love it and want to be happy, and half of me would want to do to her exactly what she did to me.
Don't be the dog in shock therapy.
She doesn't want to get back with you.

shes that one girl you know you all have had that is just straight heroine.

gimme some moral boosting here guys, any advice or similar situations. This rollercoaster is hurtin

oh look now im back to optimistic mode, moneys replaceable, so is she. should be bummin in another hour tho.
Stop worrying about bumming.
Live LIFE. Enjoy it. Did this risk completely kill your business? Worry more about that and MUCH MUCH less about your ex.

And yes... SHE IS REPLACEABLE... but don't say that to us... INTERNALIZE IT.
Make sure you are fully realizing this thought. You're on a rollercoaster, but you can choose when to step out of it and say: Hey, this ride's over.

But YOU Have to make that choice, it can't be made for you.
Now... stop MOPING around and get your sh!t into gear!


Don Juan
Mar 5, 2010
Reaction score
Las Vegas
Kailex is spot on. Print his post and hang it on the fridge and on the mirror in the bathroom when your shaving.

Good post brother.


Don Juan
Mar 5, 2010
Reaction score
Las Vegas
Chromeo...you have been given the gift of hindsight. Its always 20/20 right?

When these girls start getting to me I write music. Or go for long drives to new places. Or hit the gym twice as hard.

Live life well...its the best revenge.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks guys, I was honestly expecting a grilling for being so AFC, so really appreciate the support. Whats funny to me is I completely realize how AFC i get sometimes, but I cant help it. I'm pretty sure I was diagnosed with depression when I was in highschool, but I refuse to take any drugs for it, because I know at times I am perfectly happy so I should be able to stay that way. Like I said tho, I go up and down sometimes and I let little things effect me, but a lot of it goes back to that girl.

I was in real good shape about 3 months ago, I got completely fed up with this girl, after we had sex while she was dating her now BF (oh btw she eventually got back to me yesterday and asked what I was up to all day, we were gonna hang out last night...

her: what do you wanna do? I kinda wanna go downtown...
me: just hang, meet me down here, will chill for a while then go grab some beers from my place
her: you want to come over here but....
me: whatever Ill find something else to do then
her: I have the keys to my bfs place and I need to give them back to him when he gets off work, i think it would be a little conspicious if you were here when he came by to pick them up
me: alright
and proceded to delete her number and facebook)

but ya anyway when I got fed up with her a few months back, I said fvck this im meeting a better girl. Saw a cute girl on the train, got her number, hung out a few times, ended up banging her a couple times and going on a fun snowboard trip, was easiest hotest pickup i have ever had. Then proceded to revert to AFC and got LJBF. Layed off of that for a couple weeks, now I have her talking to me again but will see if I got the skill to resurect that. But still I guess its open season for me.

did that business loss kill my business? No. Money is replaceable. So Its all good. But I just have this mindset with women that pretty much everyone that I wanted something with ends before I want it too. And I feel like I just want one to work out. Wrong mindframe tho. The one you want to work out, is the one you want to marry. Everything else will end eventually. Ive had girls that were working out, but I nexted them cuz they just didnt do it for me. When I get nexted, I let it effect me way too much, especially by someone that tells you she loves you, and loves when you cvm inside her, tells you your pretty and likes just being with you, to "i like the idea of you" and not even being there for me when I need someone. Hard to have the "you are the prize mentality" while someone tells you how great you are but doesnt want you.

anyway, shes deleted, im sure she'll be calling to tell me how immature I am for doing that. Whatever. I have feelings for her i just cant supress. And if I cant express them, then im not gonna express any. She wants to be friends, pssh like you guys said, what friend? My life is about what I want. To be friends, is not fair to me, not fair to her and not fair to her new bf.

and so it goes


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
good stuff, i also let things get to me. just had a break up from my first LTR and its just terrible. tried to ask and stuff, did almost everything an AFC would do. but she still rejected me. honesty i do want her back, but my mind says its not gonna work, but the other side of my mind says it might. so i am going NC for my sake and hope for the best. the thing that sucks is that i have 3/5 classes with her at school. gonna see her tonight not sure if i can stand strong. this is like the 6th day after the breakup.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
lol, i thought you said you were in control of your emotions man... i told you to get off the dope.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
morepoonplease said:
lol, i thought you said you were in control of your emotions man... i told you to get off the dope.
lol I said that?


New Member
Apr 30, 2010
Reaction score
I am absolutely befuddled. How terribly rude to delete her contact information so. Men are not supposed to treat the fairer sex in such a way.

Luckily, you may still be able to remedy this. I suggest you call her and explain that it was wrong of you to treat her that way. Next, you may want to send her some lovely flowers arranged to her liking. Rmember my friend, a woman's friendship is a gift, something every man should cherish.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Chromeo said:
I lost a lot of money this weekend on a business risk.

called my ex cuz I was freakin a little. Talked to her a little bit, didnt offer much support. Asked her to hang out, needed some cheering up. Now seems like shes ignoring me.

I been with about 5 woman since her and dont understand why I still feel the need for her comfort. Driving me nuts she wont talk to me, and got all my old emotions for her flowing. When she dumped my ass I went NC and she freaked, "I dont want to loose you as a friend, your one of the most important people in my life." Look how far that goes. I need one day of cheering up and im worthless, but she'll call the next time shes bored im sure. Fvck that.

Since what went down this weeknd my emotions are all over the place. Depressed one hour, optimistic the next. Right now I feel sick, about an hour ago I was like, "ya its an awesome day out, time to enjoy it". And at the same time, "my ex is whatever, I dont care, Im fine, I'll talk to her later on, maybe will get back together, maybe ill find someone better, who cares, lifes a peach" to "What a b*tch I cant believe she is gonna ignore me when I need someone to talk to, im deleting her number, sending her a mean email and deleting her from my life"

even if we ever got back together, half of me would love it and want to be happy, and half of me would want to do to her exactly what she did to me.

shes that one girl you know you all have had that is just straight heroine.

gimme some moral boosting here guys, any advice or similar situations. This rollercoaster is hurtin

oh look now im back to optimistic mode, moneys replaceable, so is she. should be bummin in another hour tho.

I'll give you some rough advise you won't like.

Grow up. So what if you feel for your ex, seize contact, keep meeting other girls. You're a business guy, so you must be intelligent, so come on, it's out of your control. It's time to focus on what you can control, and by that, I don't mean compulsive wanking.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
AFCpro said:
I am absolutely befuddled. How terribly rude to delete her contact information so. Men are not supposed to treat the fairer sex in such a way.

Luckily, you may still be able to remedy this. I suggest you call her and explain that it was wrong of you to treat her that way. Next, you may want to send her some lovely flowers arranged to her liking. Rmember my friend, a woman's friendship is a gift, something every man should cherish.

Hahaha, funniest damn thing I heard today.

side note: long time cubs fan. saw my first sox game(@ the cell), completely different atmosphere, still a good time tho, nice stadium, even tho they got the sh*t **** kicked out of them.

love is a business, you keep losin money on something theres no point in continuing to invest in it. True some people dont do it for the money, but those people have found their passion, their true love.
