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why is it so hard to find single religious hotties?

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
Yes, most of the religious hotties are already taken. A lot of times these girls have been with the same guy for many years, since their teenage years. Even when their boyfriend has and is a major AFC. Then one day they realize that they are not happy, or have missed out. A lot of them will go out and experiment. But yes, it is hard to find hot ones that are available, that are not divorced.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2003
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Mr Delicious & MDGood, I also am a Christian and I know what you're saying about the scarcity of good-looking Christian women. They end up marrying the first obese nice guy that asks them out, hence my recent posting about a guy's looks not being the ticket.

It is interesting that some of the Reformed Christians of centuries ago, such as Samuel Rutherford (one of the Westminster Confession's authors) held the view that it was not a sin for a believer to seek out a wife who was not a Christian, as long as she was an adherent to the Reformed faith. A big problem with modern Fundamentalism is this myth that the Bible forbids marriage between believers and unbelievers - it simply does not. The "unequal yoke" so spoken of merely refers to the danger of religious alliances between Christians and Pagans, nothing else; otherwise a Christian married to an unbeliever would be guilty of the crime of having "concord with Belial" by abiding married to the unbelieving party. Of course, the ideal is to find someone who shares your beliefs. Sadly, I found all of this out after I had broken up with the girl I adored, to whom I had been engaged for 5 years, and all because I was deceived by the "unequal yoke" rule...

As for alcohol consumption, again, the temperance movement is the product of 19th century pseudo-revivalism and is nothing short of Phariseeism. Bluntly stated, the Bible does not forbid alcohol consumption. Yes, drunkenness is condemned, and put on a par with gluttony (a sin seldom condemned today), but mere alcohol consumption itself is perfectly legitimate. Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, the Puritans et al, all had no problem with alcohol consumption in moderation; indeed, Luther once wrote to his wife, a brewster, commenting on how much he missed her and also the wine he loved, and he signed the letter, "your lover, Martin Luther". Your lover???? What a worldy uncouth, disgrace to religion that man must have been, would be the cry of the pietists today. But true religion is nowhere near as restrictive as our present-day Pharisees make it out to be. There are many lawful pleasures they themselves decide are sinful, and they act as a kind of "fun police" to everyone. A rotten advertisement for religion is what they are.

Returning to the problem, I think you should try to get a Christian babe if possible, because it would make things so much easier for you later in a LTR, plus you would not have the worry of grieving over her lost condition if you went for an unbeliever, which is a terrible burden to have to bear. But remember, it is better to marry than to burn, and marriage is pre-eminently a sexual thing in Scripture, NOT a purely spiritual thing, as so many aver. Don't let any of the Pharisees con you into thinking you should marry the first fat, ugly girl with a good heart just because she makes a profession; I know a minister who made this error and he ended up running off with his organist, and why? Because he wanted a woman who turned him on, not a sexually bland or repulsive oaf, irrespective of her personality and other qualities. Like I said, marriage, as the Bible explicitly states, is pre-eminently about passion and sex, not spiritual empathy. The latter, not the former, consideration is the minor one. Therefore, make sure you go for a girl you could lust as well as love.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
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New Zealand
Go Ulsterman!
Awesome Post. Bible material! (Um, as in DJ , not King James).


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score

I am a total Christian, who goes 'by the book', yet Im also a true DJ. There is no contradiction between the two.
I also don't believe in sex before marriage, but there is nothing wrong with alcohol consumption as long as you dont get drunk.

Maybe one of your problems is not your beliefs, but how you go about telling others about them and how you interact with the Christian hb's.

I dont go preaching my beliefs (not saying you do either), I just go by em and bare wittness if asked. Most people totally dont see me as a Christian before they find out, (thanks to stupid stereo-types), but because of my care-free, live life and have fun (not conflicting with Christianity) attitude - I dont care what anyone thinks and then people come to ME. Dont always persue, just mingle in certain circles and youre bound to find a C HB.

LOL, Im still thinking of last weekend... I went to this Lounge/Bar/Club and a Breakdance circle formed. Everyone in the club gathered around and these guys started breaking (dancing).
I had my jumper on when I entered, then I took it off revealing my 'Jesus Saves' t-shirt with a cross on it. (Got it specifically for when I do crazy things to give mixed-messages).

The cheering slightly died as I walked out onto the floor in a deliberate AFC manner. I stopped, looked around, then I brought the heat and busted some carazy moves - everyone went wild. By the end of the night, I had to Christian HBs come over to me and tell me they want to get to know me better (no- not in that way...). Havent called them yet, but they both could be really good LTR material - and at least, good friends.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2003
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At my church, there are quite a few hot girls with morals. You just need to go to other churches. I'm sure your church probably have special functions where other congregations attend. There is probably some Christian internet dating too. Online dating isn't my style though. Also universities have religious organizations.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2002
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"I have to be at least somewhat attracted to a girl before I can date them. Some are hot but turn out to be very big hypocrites outside of church. i.e. they claim they are virgins around church people but when you get to know them it turns out they slept with 10 guys."


Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Corleon
Also, you say there are cute girls at your church or whatever that are religous, but are hypocrytes outside, not to place judgement, but it looks like you're outside drinkin and havin a little fun too.
I figured someone would mention this. As I said I did those things in the past and only a couple of times. I felt guilty about it. When I go to bars with friends I never order any alcohol. I could and it would be fine as long as I didnt get drunk but I hate the taste of it. With the girls i am talking about you ask them about their past they tell you what they did, they never feel guilty about it and say they will continue to do it. When they are in church they act all passionate like everyone else but you know they could care less about being there.

We all make mistakes and i am not saying i am better than those girls. I have dated some of them in the past. They are fun for a while but they tend to lie and cover up alot of things not just the stuff i mentioned but little things as well. I continue to sin all the time but the difference is I put some effort into not doing it and I feel bad about it

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
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Ulsterman- very good post. I think you hit the nail on the head. I know what you mean about the modern day pharisees. These people are so uptight and act as if life is chore and you should never enjoy anything at all.

Nameless- I dont go around preaching my beliefs either. But when i am asked by a girl why am I not drinking when i am at a bar or a party I have to say I dont drink. Thats usually followed by see ya later. Sounds like things are going good for you in your area.

I go to two churches because in the summer I live at home and in the fall I go to school thats in a college town. The church at home is very small and there are zero options as far as getting an hb. The church in my college town is probably one of the largest there. There are lots of hot girls but everytime i see one they are hand in hand with their boyfriend. I have yet to see one with just a group of girls or by themselves or family or whatever. Anyway, I will keep my head up and my eyes open :)


Don Juan
May 22, 2003
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Mr. Delicious, I commend your high moral standards and your beliefs, I'm Christian too, with the same morals.

I have been going to a youth/college and careers-only service and the place is crawling with single/available HB's.

In the last six months, I've sat and listened to our youth pastor(s) speak about how sad it is that (almost) nobody is dating amongst the group. The only competition I have is about 30 major AFC 's (and my own AFC tendencies).

It took me a bit of Church hopping to find one like the one I'm attending now but they are out there. Keep trying different Churches, see if any in your area have youth-only services/events, try Churches that are likely to attract the youth crowd (I'm going to a Pentecostal).


Jun 4, 2003
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World of enlightenment
Religion is flawed!!
Religion was created by people from FEAR!!
Down with religion!!!
Down with it I say!!!


Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2000
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I would think that religious girls wouldn't really take too much of an interest in dating. Of course, I'd say that about most types of women, at least in comparison to men. However, with religious girls, it seems as if family and friends, would come first, as well as doing good deeds, volunteering and being a well-rounded person. Many of these girls would definitely be LTR material, but they wouldn't place a lot of importance on their love lives. You'd probably be more likely to get LJBFed.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
East Middle North America, near the water.
Originally posted by crotchrocket
The only competition I have is about 30 major AFC 's (and my own AFC tendencies).
This is an older post, but when I saw this line I just had to make a point about this quote.

A lot of church going guys are total AFCs. The HBs like them because of their moral views, etc., but like all women they like to be DJ'ed. You don't have to try too hard to stand out in the crowd from these AFC guys.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
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New Zealand
I'm all over this cute (little bit of chocolate behind the ears maybe) lutheran (I assume) grl but we're still working on where we stand (I'm not religeous) unfortunately I suspect the whole religeon thing means we're incompatible (I have premarital sex , drink , swear like a trooper and kill people for a living) so will have to bag it. WHich is a pity cos she's a cool chick.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Learn to drink a few beers. Not to get drunk but it'll get rid of the uptight image you may be projecting to others.

If not just make sure people see you as an outgoing fun guy to be with.

Keep looking man there are many chicks who love a man with morals such as yours.
Sep 28, 2001
Reaction score
I am a Christian too. And it is near impossible to find anyone of real quality even with the "christian chicks."

Case in point. I've been going to a singles group. None of the women are attracted to me. Not one. Ok. So I still try to change that perspective.

There's this one guy. He is a "pretty boy." He's good looking, and really big because he's a personal trainer.

I try to talk to some of these girls, and once in a great while, I can have a decent conversation with them. That is, until this guy walks by. Then I don't exist at all.

All women, even the so called smart christian women can be looking for the most frivolous qualities.

I dated an apostolic who cheated on me, then decided she was into all kinds of stuff that goes against even secular morality. I've learned that these so called christian girls will be as likely to act as badly as the worst most evil women. It's a tough lesson, but somebody has to learn it.

I know a christian woman who has had more than 30 partners. She's very self destructive in many ways. Then she curses god, because she does things to ruin her life. But she does go to church once a month or so. And just because she'll listen to Michael W. Smith once in a while doesn't mean she won't make mistakes, and it doesn't mean she's incapable of lying or cheating.

There's the whole big issue with the catholic priests. People who are considered to be dedicating their lives to god, and yet a lot of them are molesting children, etc. A lot of bad can hide behind "good."

Don't get me wrong: you ARE more likely to find a woman of value in the religious circles. The chances DO go up, however slightly. We just have to keep working at finding them.

Either way, just be careful. Just because a girl claims to follow Jesus or buddha or whomever doesn't make it true. Just be prepared for anything.

Watch your back, and never get lazy. Pray Pray Pray. When you feel at peace is going to be the time where you're going to have the most tests.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
Depends on the church

Well, I dont go to a big church well all the people just go there for a social reunion. I go to a church where people really go to pray etc. This is in Mexico though, may not be the same thing in the US, but I doubt it..
Ive met this awesome girl for some time at church.. saw her today, but wont be able to see her until christmas... she was oneitis, and, is oneitis again as you can see (I am posting about her, she is now oneitis, and SamePendo just cant sleep! :( )